Day 4, Tips to Teach Your Girl About Money: Give Away What isn't Yours {#youandyourgirl}

Day 4 of 10 | Give Away What Isn’t Yours | 1 Chronicles 29:14 | 10 Tips to Teach Your Girl about Money | #youandyourgirl series {April 2015} by Lynn CowellHe demonstrated it from the time we started dating.

Having lived on a minuscule income while in school, my wardrobe couldn’t even be called small. That would have been too big of a word. So, without drawing any attention to my lack, one day early in our dating, Greg planned an out-of-town adventure ending with a trip to the mall. I still remember my mother’s comment when we came home and I showed her Greg’s generosity, “He’s going to spoil you!”

That day clued me in to who this man of mine was. Ever since that day, he has been teaching me to be generous. Most of all, he has taught our kids and me the fun in giving to others.

Through his actions, Greg is teaching our kids to give extravagantly, never looking for recognition, but simply giving for the sheer joy of giving. Because here is what he knows…

“…For everything is from you, and we only give you what we have received from you.” 1 Chronicles 29:14

When we give to others, we are simply transporting God’s goodness from Himself to others. God gives us the amazing opportunity to participate in His generosity.

Practice generosity; to those in need and to those who need to know someone cares. Whether you have a little or a lot, give what you have and be a blessing to others. Discover the joy, then teach the joy, in giving away!


*** The winner of the combo from yesterday’s post is Michelle who posted on 4/15/15 at 7:31 a.m. Congratulations! Please email me at [email protected] and I’ll get the books shipped right out to you! ***

You can read all the April You and Your Girl series here.



  1. : “Practice generosity; to those in need and to those who need to know someone cares.”

    This is YOUR family

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Thanks Linda! God’s word gives us the plan, we just need to follow it 🙂

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