All Poured Out

Why was I exhausted; down even? Shouldn’t I be elated; excited? Tuesday I sent in the final draft for my book to my publisher; a month early in fact. Yet, the “happy” feelings escaped me.

Taking a walk with Oreo, the family beagle, I began to ask myself. “What’s wrong? You have so much to be thankful for! So very much to rejoice over.” As I started to thank Jesus for each of the things that came to mind, I got it. I felt empty; poured out. For months I had sat at my computer, asking Jesus for words and now they were all gone. It was good; but I was tired.

Ever been there? Served at church all day Sunday, prayed for your small group about personal issues, or stayed up late listening to your broken hearted teen? When we pour out, our benefactor is not the only one effected. Being human, serving empties us.

How good it was to read Jesus’ words this morning;. They filled me right back up again…”If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit…” John 7:38 – 39 NIV.

Like me, do you need fresh water this morning? I know I need to be completely filled up again.

As Oreo and I head out again this morning, I’ll be basking in the sunshine. With a heart of praise, I’ll be basking in His Sonshine as well! I hope you too spend some time this weekend filling up friend!




  1. Yes, yes, yes! I have been there! Sitting on the banks of it as I write.
    I was praying verses of Psalm 23 this morning … "help me follow you through green pastures, help me to rest beside still waters, restore my soul … "
    Enjoy a time of rest!

  2. Cheri,
    We all have! Even after my walk listening to praise and my short time reading the Bible before carpool, I still felt tired out. By passing the temptation to "get it done", I sat down with the Lord again. NOW I feel full. He is good!

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