Cleaning With the Spirit

The Spirit. It seems to most of us He is the forgotten part of the Trinity family. As I was reading John 3, this occurred to me: What if every day I got up and talked to, loved on and interacted with my two daughters and ignored my son? How would he feel? What would I miss by not engaging him every day? How is the Holy Spirit any different?

This week my father-in-law shared with me that the Trinity is the picture perfect family; what a great analogy. Jesus is talking about the person of the Holy Spirit here in chapter 3 verse 5: “Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.”

I don’t want to live by the flesh. As they say here in the South, “It ain’t purdy”. Today, I have to clean. When you combine cleaning with working with my children, it can sometimes get ugly. I have an agenda; they have a certain speed (less than a turtle at times). Next thing you know, Mama is yelling. So this morning, as my husband was leaving for work, I asked him to pray for me. He took my face in his hands (trying not to laugh) and prayed that today, as I clean my house, I would not yell at my kids, but clean with the help and power of the Holy Spirit. I believe today that I will not give into the flesh. (I’ll let you know tomorrow how the new partnership went)!

What is your area where you struggle to walk with the Spirit? I’d love to pray for you!



  1. Lynn, I’m in the middle of memorizing John Chapter 3 right now. Praying that as I hide His Word in my heart that His Spirit will be evident in all I do and say.


  2. Lynn,

    This is my first visit to your blog and as I write my comment I see my good friend Joy from “up North” commented here too:)

    I loved how you talked about the trinity and said could you ever love 2 of your kids and not the other? Of course not. So true that so often the Spirit is left out of our thoughts.

    Too often I naturally live in my flesh. The Spirit comes 2nd nature and I so wish it would come 1st.

    I hope you got your house all spic and span! I look forward to checking in to your blog.

    We will talk soon:)

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