Finding Freedom

I loved being busy! Being overwhelmed made me feel important. I loved nothing more than creating a to-do list, simply for the happiness of checking it off. Telling a friend about my busy life made it sound so important!

Busyness quieted the voices of insignificance that screamed inside my head. But constantly running wore me down. I sensed God asking me to let some stuff go, but I didn’t want to. When I didn’t, he started removing them . . . one by one. That’s when I began to experience freedom and peace from simply being me. I found my completion in being his girl.

Freedom is a word I want to fully understand. I define freedom as: unconfined by my human limitations; free to be an expression of my amazing God and his revolutionary love.

David must have been a bit like me; a man who had to preach to himself on occasion. He told himself, “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts” (Psalm 119:45).

David was saying that he could have freedom because he was seeking God’s commands. Most non-Christians don’t think of Christians as being free—especially Christians who try to live under God’s law. But lawless living leads to all kinds of spiritual, physical, and emotional imprisonment.

Since God is not a God of chaos or confinement, when I follow his ways he brings freedom. He causes the things he has not called me to do, or to be a part of, to fade into the background.

Maybe like me, are you addicted to frenzy and you don’t want to exchange crazy for calm? Ask the Lord to give you a desire to experience his peace.


Father, I need to live without being driven by compulsion or emotions. Help me find your freedom. Amen.


What would life in your community look like without laws? What would your life look like without God’s law?

(This post is an excerpt from Devotions for a Revolutionary Year)


One Comment

  1. I would share this with my sister in law who, like me, lack confidence. I pray that this will anchor both of us to Christ and to rest in the fact that our confidence comes from Him. Thanks for the opportunity and for the post!

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