Round and Round They Go

“They left Rimmon-perez and camped at Libnah. They left Libnah and camped at Rissah. They left Rissah and camped at Kehelathah.” and on and on it goes. Verse after verse In Numbers 33 describing all the places where the Israelites camped and moved. Deuteronomy 1:2 says that normally this journey takes eleven days; it took them forty years.

What are the things that God wants to do in my life and your’s? How long will it take – eleven days? Forty years? What does it take in me to make sure it is eleven days and not forty years? Obedience? Sacrifice? Unselfishness?

Reading these verses made me want to ask myself alot of these questions as well as, “Am I moving round and round in life, but never really getting any where? Like the Israelites, am I often missing the Voice of God for that day and thereby missing the purposes He has for me each and every day?” The simple account of a nation of people has caused me to ask the Lord, “Don’t let me wander! I don’t want to waste a single mintue, going any where that you don’t want me to go. Make my life count; not just at the end, but each and every hour.”

Make today count. Be kind to someone. Give love to the unlovely. Be patient with the annoying. Shower kindess in the face of a insult. Let’s be His people today.



  1. I know what it’s like to take a journey that was meant to be short, but because of my laziness and/or disobedience, it took several tries and a lot of time to complete God’s will in that area.

    With homeschooling my children, I get MANY chances to correct myself; my behavior and my attitude.
    I must be mindful of my intentions for the day with my children and my husband. They are the first ones that I influence. That’s what they take out into the world.

    Thank you for the reminder to treat everyone with God’s love and to live in such a way that I am continually being a reflection of Him.

  2. Desiring to make every moment count.

    For His glory,

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