Spiritual Wimps…Oh No!

Why battles, Lord? They make me tired. They make me sad. They wear me out. I recently found a clue:

Judges 3:1 -2 “These are the nations that the Lord left in the land to test those Israelites who had not experienced the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle.”

We need to learn to wage war against our enemy, Satan. Without tests and battles in our walk, we would be spiritual wimps. God wants us to be strong, disciplined and ready to take back what the enemy has stolen from God – the hearts and lives of men and women.

Lord, show us where you want us to do warfare, especially for the next generation. May the battle begin where it should, with our own lives first. Give us the tools we need and the plan of action from the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen



  1. This was powerful! I am not crazy about the tests and battles that we have to endure, but I do not want to be a spiritaul wimp!! Thank you, Lynn!!

    Love ya,

  2. Thanks for this post. What a great reminder when we face battles. Thanks for the encouragement!

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