Victory in an Unlikely Way!

I just love the story of Gideon! How like God is it to cause someone to strip himself of himself in order that God and God alone receives the praise when victory comes!

The whole story is in Judges 6 & 7; it’s totally worth your time to read. A key verse is Judges 7:2 “The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength.” So, God carves down Gideon’s army from 22,000 to 300 men to go out and fight 120,000. Sounds crazy…sounds like my God.

Is there something going on in your life where you feel like you are one of 300 against 120,000? I know several friends who are unemployed right now and must feel this very way. As many of you know, I have been working on getting a book published for about four years. With every decline and especially in this economy, I can feel like I’m in an army of only 300!

Yet, I believe that that is exactly the way the Lord wants it, because when He brings the victory, it will be so apparent that it was Him and Him alone. That is what He wants! He wants our lives and all we do to mirror Himself; for others to look at us and see Him and He will do or allow whatever it takes for that to happen.

Remember this story. Remember that God did bring the victory; He just did it HIS way!

Lord, not that you need it, but we give you permission – we release in our lives today, Your way; Your will. Holy Spirit, help us to partner with You so that the Father receives all the glory. We want to mirror Him so that others will be drawn to Him and find that life in Him that we have! You are good, all the time! Amen



  1. Lynn, this is what I keep reminding myself about with respect to my Dad’s condition in the hospital. My family feels we are fighting an army too strong, yet we know that should God choose to intervene, it will be apparent that victory has come from God alone.

    Trusting completely in Him and giving Him all the glory,

  2. Lynn, life itself seems like a war zone daily. Your right though, I would be scared to death if I made something that belongs to God happen when in fact, His timing is always best. Your time is coming!

    Much love,

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