Happy Monday! Thank you to all of you who gave me the priviledge of praying for your children this weekend. Isn’t it good to be doing this raising kids thing together? Our big day on Friday went so well; thank you for ALL the prayers. The house is quieter (and might I add a bit cleaner!) with one less teen in the house.

The fatherless…this is one topic that just won’t leave my heart alone. When God starts pressing a new topic on my heart, it seems to be every where I turn. The part of our hearts that long to be defended and protected by our fathers has so much to do with our sense of completion. When we are little, we look to Dad to provide security and stability. We want them to think that we are beautiful. We look to them to assure us that we have what it takes to make it in this world. For some, their fathers are all that…and more. For others, the space reserved for father-love remains empty; if not broken.

Then God. He makes His presence known. He steps in. Proverbs 23:10-11 says “Do not…encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Defender is strong; he will take up their case against you.” NIV

Defender. Oh how I love that word. I have always been attracted to big, strong men. My father was a big, strong man. My husband is a big, strong man. Now God…that is one big, strong man. He is the definition of defender.

The word that defender is translated from in Hebrew is ga’al. It is a verb which means to redeem, ransom, release, to fulfill the duties of relationship. The main idea is that of buying back something or someone consecrated to God.

The words take up in this verse come from a word which means to grapple, wrangle, strive, contend, quarrel, debate or defend. It denotes physical, verbal or legal combat. (Exactly what I think of when I think of strong!)(From the Hebrew-Greek Study Bible).

So here is how I would translate Proverbs 23:10 into my language:

“Do not mess with one who is fatherless on this earth, for God, the father of the fatherless, is stronger. Period. He steps in when an earthly father steps out; to be the father that I need and more. He will fight for me no matter what you need.”

My father fought to stay on this earth as long as he possibly could, for which I am so grateful, but it still was not long enough. To hear these words from my heavenly Father reminds me this morning that I am not fatherless; I am not without wisdom, advice or defense that comes from a father. My God is more than a father; He is everything I need.

Have you experience a loss either from a father who was gone phyiscally or emotionally? Have you experienced Father God stepping in to meet that need? Do you need Him to? He can’t wait to fill the space He created for Himself from the day you were born.


One Comment

  1. Lynn

    Thank you so much for this post. I lost my second dad unexpectedly at the end of June and have been struggling ever since. I've felt so lost, alone and without purpose. We spoke daily and the void that has left in my life has caused me to gravitate towards things rather than God. I know that he is where I need to be seeking peace, comfort and solace but I find myself trapped, paralyzed and unable to reach for him. I am a little angry and bitter about losing not one dad but two. Both of whom were my best friends, who kept me safe and who loved me unconditionally. Life has not always been easy for me through my choices or the blow-back effect of other's but my earthly dads sustained me physically and emotionally when I was at my lowest points and when they were not there my heavenly Father stepped in but twice now he has taken away the one steady, consistent and vital thing in my life besides him. I don't know how to overcome that. I don't know how to move from this spot and trust that he can fill that void that is so tangible that it feels like I need someone physically here to do that? I have not grieved my dad. I don't know where to begin. I'm floundering. Your post is pointing me in the direction I need to go I just pray that I can and will heed that prompting.

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