Doubt & Insecurity Don’t Have to Win
If you are joining me here today from my devotion at Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today, welcome!
Maybe you experience the same fears I do. Fears that my children will not truly know what God’s word says; that there will be a creak in the door for confusion to come in.
I’ve seen it before in my family. Something they have heard from a friend, words from a professor that “just makes sense” or a book they read in class triggers thoughts of doubt. I’ve been the parent who stares with a blank face as my child says, “I just don’t believe what you believe”.
But as my friend, Erin Bishop of The Whatever Girls says, “we need to teach God’s word to our children with intention and not hesitation”. We don’t have to be afraid to share God’s word with our kids, but just have to be faithful. Empowered by the Holy Spirit in us, we can pour into our kid’s lives the truth that is available to us through the Bible.
Doubt and insecurity don’t have to win.
One of the great things about being a mom is when I share things God is teaching me with my kids, it builds my faith too! Just hearing a verse come out of my mouth makes me feel stronger and reinforces God’s work in my life! The Bible says this is true…”Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
I want to encourage you. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar, just a mom who loves Jesus, to begin teaching your children what God says about them. There are so many tools to help you. Here is a free one!
You can sign up to receive free the 7 Day Faith Builder. Each day you will receive a devotion that you can read to your girl that will help to build her faith and empower her to live it out each day. These devotions are excerpts from my soon-to-be released book, “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year; 365 Days of Jesus’ Radical Love for You.” I want to share them with you before anyone else!
I’m also giving away a “Faith Builder” gift pack! In this bag you’ll find:
* A copy of my new book “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year”
* A copy of it’s companion “His Revolutionary Love; Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You”
* a “sweatshirt” journal
* a “Jesus” t-shirt
To enter to win this “Faith Builder” gift pack for a young woman in your life, just click on comments below (or go to and share one word of encouragement you can share with your girl or just say “I’m in!”
PS The winner of last week’s “Revolutionary Love” combo pack is Angie Hite who posted
August 23, 2012 at 10:16 pm. Shoot me an email at [email protected], Angie, and I’ll get those out to you!
I love your blog. I have 4 girls and your words are so encouraging.
Thank you JoAnne! I appreciate the encouragement to keep going!
I am raising 4 girls, a 15 year old and triplets that are 12. I am raising them to believe in themseves and the masterpiece that God has created them to be. They know the stuggle that I have had with my confidence and we are all helping each other to see ourslves through Gods eyes. This devotional will help all of us to know who we are in him. My oldest daughter recently went through somthing with a boy who she felt rejected by. Ibelieve this will help her, this is amazing timing for us. Thank You
That guy rejection is so tough Vicki! We need to teach our girls to first have their hearts filled by The Guy!
Thanks for your words of encouragement today. We do have devotions every morning but I am not good at encouraging my daughters to memorize scripture because it is hard for me. This is a goal to keep working at. We are in need of a new devotional book and your new book looks like just the one!
I need help encouraging my daughter to make Godly decissions for her life. I would like to give her some insight that I did not have and your devotionals touch my heart and I’m hopeing they will touch hers also. Thank You
My daughter started middle school last week and I want to impress God’s word on her heart so she uses His standards as the filter to determine her thoughts and choices on relationships and beauty.
My daughter will be starting middle school next week too, and my heart is to equip her with the Truth…I love what you said about “filtering” what she hears from other kids through God’s word. Praying for the wisdom to equip the next generation! I have two younger daughters as well, so learning to do this God’s way is SO important right now!
It is tough enough being a 40 something in this world today. . . I can’t imagine being a teenager or early 20s girl. I pray for my daughter differently than I do for my son because I know she has special, gender specific needs. The best thing to tell your daughter is this. . . “You are beautiful!”. Although she probably won’t believe it at first, she wants to hear it!!
My two beautiful daughters are my greatest gifts and I want to pour into them as much of God’s love and His promimes that I can! Thanks for reminding me that a devotion or scripture – even a few minutes every day will make a difference!
I am a single 47 yr old mother of 10 BEAUTIFUL BLESSINGS (my children) & 7 AWESOME ANGELS (grandchildren), I want to say that it is so important today that we let our daughters know that they are chosen royalties of God, every morning I wake my girls up it is w/good morning pretty girl, and for my son I wake him w/good morning handsome. Our children are trying to figure out life w/o having the one tool that will help them and that is their maker GOD, we as mothers have to impart into them the AWESOME news of how God loved them so much that their is no one else in the world like them even if they have a twin they are still unique in the special way that God made them. I agree that we MUST make time in our busy lives to teach them God’s word so that when they are out there and encounter that friend who says what I am doing isn’t hurting anyone, they are able to respond w/the appropriate words of encouraging for that friend, to be able to plant that seed so that God can send the water and the increase.
I’m in 🙂
I’m a mother to two daughters ages 16 and 9 years old as well as a mentor to girls at the Boys and Girls Club in my communtiy ranging from ages 8 to 17 years old, And the nugget that I always share not only to my daugters but all young girls now a days is the scriptures over in the book of Psalm 139. Because a lot of girls don’t undertand how imprtant they are to Jesus and often times I run into young girls who tell me they don’t get this kind of treatment at home or it is hard for them to embrace this kind of love. It is our duty as mothers, caregivers or just a woman of God period to shre thes things to our young women in the world, if you don’t believe me go to the book of Titus chapter 2. Thank for this opportunity 2 showcase a sight for women to be helpers to one another. Amen.
Thank you Phyllis for being an investor in the next generation! We need so many!
I have three children and this post was right on time. The Lord has been telling me to start making it a priority to share his word with them. We used to do a structured bible study and they would look at me like they were so bored. Thanks for the devotion today!
Can’t wait to read the new devotional book and share with my Freshman girls Hope Life Group.
Thanks for sharing, Mindy! I appreciate you!
Just remember be who you are in Christ. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are not worth it. You are a child of the living God and are made perfect in his sight. Being a young girl in today’s world in so hard, but you have to stand on the foundation of the Lord.
I’m in!!
I’m in
I agree with Lori Ann’s post! Lynn’s devotion this morning rings so true. My girls are hearing things that sound good, but do not add up with scripture and are not always understanding the problem. Praying wisdom and discernment for them.
One word of encouragement is that no matter what others may think of you and who is your friend today, Jesus will always be your friend, He will always be there, never let you down, always hold you up, and love you no matter what, you can’t earn it, you can’t loose it, He loves you with an unconditional love that srpasses all understanding.
My daughter is going into the sixth grade this year and I’m praying the God will walk with her throughout days and she will feel his loving, peacefull presence.
What a fitting day to have this devo to read. My middle daughter makes 11 today I have wanted to do this study with my 3 girls for about a year now. Praying that I win. I agree with Lori Ann: our girls definitely need to hear they are beautiful! But they also need individual quality time!
I am a single 46 year old mother of an 8 year old and a new christian within the last 3 years. I totally want to put the truth into my daughter especially since I did not have it and I realize how important it is. In my younger days it would have been extremely helpful, but in today’s world I feel that it is Mandatory for our children. Thanks so much for this information.!
A word of encouragement for young girls is to tell them that If they believe in their heart and confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead they shall be saved! (Romans 10:9)Their salvation is not based on good works, good morals or religion. Emphasize that god loves them and he see’s them as righteous Romans 8:10. We need to teach our children that salvation cannot be earned. It is by God’s AMAZING GRACE and by the blood of Jesus that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9) Embrace his love because he is GOOD. Thank God we don’t have to be perfect to be accepted as his child….He loved us first! Tell your children that the word says “they are god’s masterpiece” Ephesians 2:10.
Remind our daughters that they are loved!
Thanks, I need more tools to speak truth into my life and my daughters! I’m in!
This is so important and yet so hard. I heartily agree with the need to be intentional EVERY day. The pressures of the world certainly don’t take a day off from pursuing our children. I sure wish there was more out there for teen boys (3 boys, 1 girl here). I’m looking forward to your new book. May God bless your family this day!
He loves us with an everlasting love!
Raising my 13 year old daughter has been heart breaking the last few years and especially the last few months. I have cried and prayed and struggled – so scared she’s going to progress into mistakes that will have lifelong effects. She is so precious and I just don’t know what to pray anymore. I definitely need to be reading Deuteronomy though – 2nd time it has come up in 24 hours! Thank you so much for your wisdom and words of encouragement!
thank you for your encouraging words. I,m in!
As my four children were growing I was becoming a Christian. Now that they’ve grown I see that they have a mosiac belief. I now have 7 grandchildren between the ages of 3 months to 7 years, and I am more conscious about talking about God and Jesus when we walk, when we talk and anytime I am with them. My husband watches two of our granddaughters and when I come home for lunch we pray for Mommy and Daddy. I keep praying that my grandchildren bring their parents back to God just as their parents as young children brought me to my knees.
Sharing my faith in Jesus with my children has become my first priority as a mother.
My 7 daughters need a bit of help with daily devotions and fighting mixed “truths” of this world. Daily time in the word with them is something I desire and would love to hear your ideas on how to do that effectively. Looking forward to the new school year and learning with my girls. I want to encourage my girls to seek God on their own but know we all need help with daily consumption of the bible.
Thanks for your devotions!
I agree with Lori Ann, I can’t imagine being a teenage girl in this world today. I make sure to tell my daughter everyday how beautiful she is and that I love her. I am a work in progress in allowing God in my life and hope that I can help my daughter grow with the lord as I do.
What a good reminder to be intentional about teaching our kids the word. Mine are in early elementary and we start every homeschool day with a devotion and bible reading. Tying it in throughout the day is my next goal! Thanks for this giveaway….I am win!
It is difficult to continually build our teens up when they are at the age they want “nothing” to do with their parents . . . that is when one hits their knees in prayer. Times are so different from when I grew up . . . it is important to remember that they still listen, and more importantly “watch” what we do and say, So as parents, it is important that our own actions are “faithful.”
have a 9 year old granddaughter who needs me to help her gain confidence and acceptance in this world……I need all the help I can get!!
We have 2 21 year olds, a 5 year old and are now adopting a 12 year old young girl from the foster care system. I have been looking for a devo to share with her.
my favorite encouraging words are : we are not perfect and God is working on us.
Have a great day! 🙂
Tracy and family
I’m in! What age is appropriate for your materials? My 7 year old daughter struggles with feeling alone at school too. Thanks!
JESUS!!!!!!! Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so little ones to him belong they are weak but He is strong YES Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves, Yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so:)
I am feeling so guilty that I have not been sharing enough of God’s word with my daughter. But I am also felling so blessed and encouraged to have found your website and resources. Thank you!
Thanks for reminding me how important it is to be intentional with teaching my children scripture. I’m in!
One of the most effective ways I’ve learned to encourage my daughter (and son!) is to make specific positive, or even prophetic comments whenever possible. Things like: “You are such a good friend. I love how you can always bring people together that wouldn’t normally hang-out.” or “You have a great mind for putting things together, why don’t you put together that new nightstand we just bought” or “I bet you are going to end up in charge of some business some day, you have a lot of wisdom when it comes to leading others.” Sometimes it can be awkward to make statements like these, but they are very effective. (You should’ve seen how fast my son put together that nightstand:) Also, when I remember, I simply ask God for a Word for my children, something they need to hear to be encouraged- sometimes it surprises me what I get back, things I would not have thought of myself, and areas of their lives that they are struggling with that I didn’t even know about…
I could really use these tools… a few months ago we just learned our 4 year old girl has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Needless to say, this has taken a toll on my relationship with God but I am clinging to Hope and to His promises. I have only been a Christian since she was born (about 4 years), but she already has a heart for Jesus and proclaims Him as her Savior! Anyway, with these tools I would hope to become stronger in my faith and be ready to pass His word on to both of my children. Thank you for such a great web site. God bless! 🙂
I’m in!!! :).
I’m in
My daughter often feels alone – alone in how she chooses to dress, alone in how she acts. I often tell her that God is in her heart and she needs to follow her heart and if she does, she will be proud and confident in herself at the end of the day.
My girls do too, Diana! Being His and living it out is beyond hard! Keep encouraging her!
I would love to replace the bickering and negativity in the morning with encouragement from God’s word for my kids! It does seem impossible, but God will make it happen.
I’ve been having difficulty with my 9 y/o with her attitude especially. She internalizes so much. I’ With prayer and faith I know God will direct me. I look forward to this book because it will give me even more f an opportunity to share Gods love for her. My goal is to teach her faith and trust. I hope by her seeing me love God and others, she can find that same love in her own heart.
What a gift this morning!! I was searching for a guide – not too overwhelming- just a nugget of truth and wisdom i could share with my 3 to add to our normal morning routine. They are 3,6 and 9 so finding the message that can reach them all and quickly can be a challenge!! I try and arm them with scripture to face the day- to call on when trials arise and today was just perfect!! Thank you for your gift of sharing God’s word and making sharing Him easier for this busy mama!!!
I am a 40+ mom of three beautiful girls who range in age from 16 to 8. I know that as a mother I am to be instilling the word of God and the Truth into my impressionable girls but it wasnt until I read “Did she just say that” that it made my heart sink. It made me question whether i myself was doing enough. The answer hit me hard, and it was no, i can do so much better. I need to do better because my three girls deserve it. A great BIG thank you to you for sharing the words I needed to hear.
I have a 16 year old daughter who would benefit so much from this book! She struggles with relationships with the other girls in her class!
Thanks for the encouragement. I plan to share with my daughter as well as my nieces! I just lost my father, and spent yesterday morning just thinking of how I could find time to be ‘in the Word’ more, and share it as well. I think this is definitely one opportunity!
I’ve walked that path of grieving over my father, Terri. It is not an easy one. Jesus, help her as she walks this path with you!
I told my daughters that I was praying for them and their future spouses as they left for school this morning. One of them replied, “I know, Mom, I always hear you!” I was glad that they’ve overheard me praying and know that it’s not just something I do with them.
As we head back to the busy school and activity days, I thank you for providing resources that will help us busy Moms and kids to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Jesus.
I love that they hear you, Geri! How awesome!
I’m in.
I’m in too!
I am in!!!
I’m in 🙂
I really like when my husband and I take time to spend with our children encouraging them and teaching them about Jesus and the lessons that we need to learn from the Bible. It fills my heart with joy when we go back to a specific scripture several weeks later and my children have retained that scripture and can resite it. I hope that means it is also retained in their hearts and their lives. Thanks for having such great daily devotions.
Great devotion today. I homeschool my two girls, and this year we are going to be having devotions at lunch. We use the Family Reading Bible.
I am a mother of three girls and two boys. As school has just begun we have all gotten back into the routine of spending more quality time in Gods Word! And although my husband and I desire our kids to pursue their faith without being forced, we are realizing they need a gentle shove in the right direction! Thank you for the faith builder reminder! This was exactly what I needed! With having three girls, I will use all the help I can get!
Proverbs 31 Ministry has been such a blessing to me these last couple months as I have been receiving the daily emails so I thank you!!
Jessie, I too remind my kids to have time with Jesus on their own, and they tell me they do late at night in their rooms. But until that discipline fully kicks in, I’m pouring in!
This looks like a great tool to teach truth!
Before I read this devotional this morning, I was just praying for my children to grow up knowing the Lord! However, certain anxieties(I’m not doing enough, there isn’t enough time, I haven’t taken full advantage of my time etc) were kicking in…. I love when God speaks and then reinforces. This is exactly what my family needed. For today, and our tomorrow’s!!!!;)
The very first thing I do each morning is read my devotionals….pray…then start my day. I used to read the paper first, but found that was a negative way….. I don’t read the paper until much later… My own children are grown now, but I send them little words of encouragement during the day….yes! I learned how to text! With my grandchildren I send them little notes in the mail and always put a word from God in them…just a little nugget that I hope blesses them. I delight in praying for my family….
I’ve been recognizing the need to bring God into our mornings before school more specifically and this looks like a great tool for my 13 and 10 year old.
A daily reminder of how God sees them (and me…)!
My oldest daughter is 9 years old and on the verge of such a critical age of development…it scares me silly!!! Anyway, I’m doing my best to find ways to affirm her as an individual and at the same time ingraining in her the fact that God made her beautiful exactly how she is (no brand name clothes, fancy hair-dos or make-up necessary). As much as possible, I want to teach her that true beauty comes from the inside and that the best way to become truly beautiful inside is to follow Jesus hard every day of her life. Only the Lord will get us through the teenage years!!!
I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls (7 and 3). I love to tell my daughters of God’s promises and how He sees themso that they are engrained with that instead of what the world tries to tell them. I tell her my oldest daughter that no matter what this world brings her way she can know and stand firm in God’s promises and that she is a treasure to Him. Our girls are adopted and we also share with them that we (her parents) were also adopted into God’s family when we accepted Jesus as our Savior. Our oldest accepted Christ this past Christmas and was baptised. I can really see her growing and now she prays for her younger sister to be saved. Please send us the 7-Day Faither Builder and the Gift Pack. I’d love to share it with our girls.
Hey Jeanie! Make sure you go to the link to sign up for the Faith Builder and you’re in for the Gift pack drawing!
The days are long, the years fly by–choosing to invest in pouring in God’s word is a wise investment–too often the busyness of life pushes it out of the way–thanks for the opportunity!
Speaking truth into our children through God’s Word is sooo important! Satan often tries to make us feel we don’t know enough or we aren’t a good enough person. Those are lies to keep us down. I’m not perfect, and I definately don’t know all I can or should. But I’m trying to be intentional about having a daily devotion with my children. So they can be grounded in God’s truth and peace. Thank you for this new resource to help us moms!
I hear that. I have 4 daughters and 1 son. The oldest 3 daughters still have one foot in the world, and the youngest has made her decision for Christ.
The difference was homeschooling and AWANAs. The last daughter and the son have been putting God’s word in with all their subjects and with once a week activities with friends of like mind.
Also they learned that God’s word is true from the very first verse…that means no compromises with Genesis 1-11. There are many religions…one of them is evolution. It is one of the most effective tools Satan has used to teach that there is no God and it is a part of the public school system. I know because I work in it every day. If we look at the world it shouts the glory of God. We need to listen to what God has put in front of us. and not compromise. Then the whole world makes sense, our children will know who they are and why they are here. It gives purpose and understanding to their lives.
And then they will look to walk with God just as He did with Adam and Eve. You are right…we must be intentional. We even play the game of who can find the lie first. Whenever a movie or book says something that is not from God… we call it out. And put God’s truth in. Fun and exciting. Blessings for you and your daughters.
I was so glad to see your devotion today. I have an 8 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. Both who have been saved in the last two years. I didn’t have the bible put into me the way my children need it given to them – especially my daughter. I’m seeing behaviors in her that I didn’t see in myself until years later. I want to fill them now while they are so hungry for the word. I must say I struggle and to have the opportunity to have access to things like this is nothing short of the largest blessing I could ask for.
Thanks for your devotion and the reminder of how important it is to teach them all the time. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day busies.
Thanks again and have a blessed day
I’m in!
I had the same epiphany this year with my own 4 daughters!! Through a book by Dr. Voddie Bacham, I found out about Truth and Grace books (also known as TAG books). I use these everyday to make sure my kids know what we believe about important things like salvation, sin, the Holy Spirit, where the Bible came from, etc and where we find these truths in the Scripture. I am so glad to find your devotional. I can’t wait to add it into our precious time together! Thank you for your words of wisdom!
Thanks for sharing these additional resources, Tera!
My 12 year old step daughter is heading down the wrong path…..seems like it happened so fast. I try to encourage her with texts of bible verses (since we rarely get to see or talk to her anymore) and encouragement and of course lots of prayer. Looking forward to this book to share with her.
Don’t give up, Michelle! Pray and believe that Jesus will give her a soft heart and open the doors at just the right time.
Jesus, you gave this sweet girl Michelle in her life. Prepare a way for Michelle to share You with her girl. Press on her heart to pray for her and trust that you will draw her to Yourself. You are faithful, Jesus. We trust you! Amen
I’m in. The more encouragment I can give my daughter the better she is. I want her to fully rely on God and remember that He is always there for her. She is in her senior year of high school and will be preparing for the next season of her life I pray that she keeps God first in her life.
I’m in
Just yesterday my 12 yr old daughter came to me all teary eyed.
She had just found out a friend of hers has pnemonia. She was scared that she might die.
It’s so powerful to encourage with His words…”God has not given us a spirit of fear, but love, peace and sound mind.” We talked up the difference between fear, worry and faith, trust and resting in His love and his purpose for her friend. We prayed and believed for healing…and I thanked God for the compassion of my daughters heart.
With 4 kids in school so battles are on the home front. As the school year is getting underway I am trying to really focus in on starting our day with God’s Word. Make each day a day of truth, love and God; your day will go well.Would love your gift pack. Blessings
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I will be sharing the seven day Faith builder with my daughter. Do you know of any good devotionals for teenage boys? I have two teenage sons~ Michael is suffering with self doubt it’s breaking my heart to see him suffer, please pray for him. My other son is in the process of choosing a college. Thank you
I am a 50 year old single mother of a beautiful 8 year old girl. She is my miracle baby! I am so grateful for your “Encouragement for Today” ministry….it has made such a difference in my life. I am constantly battling the influence of the world upon my daughter and will make a greater commitment to daily sharing scripture with her….this new devotion sounds awesome!! Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing your time and talents with others.
I’m in! My 2 daughters are age 3 and 10 months, but I’d love to start getting prepared for when they go to school! 🙂
I have prayed and looked for devotional book to read with my 13 year old daughter, Faith. Thank you for this new book! I can’t wait to get my copy!
Faith and I keep spiral index cards with scriptures on them and review and memorize each day on the way to school. I pray the selected scripture over her also. I love those few minutes!
Blessings ,
Stacy Fortenberry
LOVE the spiral notebook idea. It doesn’t get any better than memorizing God’s word!
Today’s Proverbs 31 devotional made me realize how fast our kids grow up and that I haven’t been as diligent about reading the Bible daily with them.
It’s not too late to start, Melanie! You can be diligent today and God’s word will do the work!
My daughter, Catie age 6, just invited Jesus into her heart last weekend. I’m looking for ways to encourage her and teach her about what that means. I didn’t grow up in a Christ-centered home so this is all new to me. I want to make it relevant for her age, but filled with God’s truth to give her a firm foundation to grow on. Thanks for the resources!
I have a soon to be nine year old daughter and a Girl Scout Brownie troop. I am encouraged to be able to speak truth into their lives other than at church. We meet at a public school. It gives me the opportunity to take God out of the “Sunday Box” we tend to try to put Him in. I too, am looking for a resource for my ten year old son as he learns more about who he is in Christ.
Lynn…I love that you are investing outside the church. That’s what I do too! I meet with 5 sophomore girls on Mondays after school, who don’t go to the same school or the same church, but are learning to love the same Jesus!
Check with Focus on the Family on resources for your son.
This is awesome~ My daughter is only 4, but I am feeling the burden every day to fill her up consistently with the promises of God and helping her to know WHOSE she is! Can’t wait to get my hands on these resources!
Struggling with an eating disorder, I don’t want to pass my thoughts or feelings to my daugher. I want her to know that she is beautiful the way God made her and that nothing else matters. I want her to have the knowledge of acceptance for being a child of God. I want her to not suffer with self esteem like I do.
This really hit home for me and reconfirmed what God was laying on my heart to do with my two children (now 5th & 2nd grade). We have always prayed every morning before I took them to school, but now, I really want to dive into God’s Word with them. This was exactly what I needed to read this morning to confirm that it’s not only what I WANT to do, but what I NEED to do, for me and my children! Thank you for your constant service to our Lord and the ministry that we all need! Thank you!
So glad to have found you! I’m excited to see the 7 days and read them to my daughter. I’ve been trying to find to a devotional for before school, but nothing has seemed right. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Yes, I am in!!!!
Hi! Thanks for this opportunity! I am excited a out getting to receive your book! I would tell my daughter that she doesn’t have to earn Gods love. If she were the only Person on the planet, Jesus would have still come down and died on the cross for her. I am a long time Christian but I am still learning things all the time about Gods love for me!
As a mother of 2 precious daughters I want more for them. My prayer is that the sins of their mother and mother’s mother do not pass to them, but are broken. Both my mother & myself have looked for love in the wrong places, yet God has taken us back, forgiven us. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband who loves the Lord and wants to raise our daughters in Him. I signed up for the 7-day devotional to begin with my oldest with plans of doing the whole year as soon as possible.
Thanks for your vulnerable, Jeni! God is faithful!
I never had a daughter, but I have a granddaughter and I so want her to know truth and the one who is truth. I’m in please.
I have been looking for a way to make an impact in my children before they leave for school. The one thing that I want my children to be filled with is hope. That is the word that brought me to Christ.
Thank you for sharing what God has put on your heart.
Peer pressure is so great among teens. The greatest thing I can give my children is security at home, knowing they are loved and wanted. So many teens are looking for love anyway they can find it. Thank you for the faith builder to help instill Christian values into families.
Leasa, security at home, especially a safe place where they can truly be themselves and be heard makes a huge difference. I didn’t get that with my first, but am asking the Lord to make me a better mom with my other children.
With school starting this week my daughter was a little scared and nervous. I told her to say a prayer for God to give her comfort and after she did she felt so much better. I pray for her and my son daily.
That’s great Tina! Be sure to pray out loud for them! It empowers them to hear you pray and helps them to know just how much you love them too!
Oh my goodness I am so in!! I am raising 3 kids, by myself with 2 of them being girls. I so want them to know the truth about God and the love he has for us. I try to set a good example, but some days I even have my blah moments. This would be a great tool to help me and them. Thank you!!
this is something that my pastor has been telling us parents to do with our kids, and after reading this devotional I know that God is talking to me because it is very important to teach our kids the Word of God especially in these days that we are living today, because the Word of God is the only one that can make a difference in our lives.
Lynn, thank you for this opportunity. I have no children, however God has shown me that the children in my life watch me, including my nieces, nephews, neighbors and friends children. Its important that we all take on this responsibility of encouraging and edifying these impressionable youth in God’s truth so that they do not get swayed by the wiles of this world. Thank you and God bless!
So true Dawn! My daughter has two singles who are pouring into her life and I am SO grateful for them! They are a total answer to my prayers! They are living out before her what it means to honor Jesus in every season and in every stage. She loves them and they love her! Go invest friend!
I try to remind the girls in my life that in the end, its God they will stand before and not people. I hope to instill in them to not give into peer pressure though I know it’s a struggle for them.
This is true, Kim, but so hard for them to grasp when it is the people at school, work and sports that they do see every day. Lovingly and gently we can keep pouring in this truth so it is in the fore front of their minds!
I’m definitely in! Just the encouragement I needed to start a daily bible devotional with my 16 year old daughter. Thank you for daily spreading God’s word.
Psalm 139
<3 Dorothy
wow! It,s funny how God is teaching me something everyday. Early in the morning I had a weird dream about my daughter going with a guy who we don’t even know, in my dream I tried to go after her but couldn’t find her I wanted to shout her name when I heard beep beep, my alarm clock, thank God is just a dream. After my devotional time and reading your post today I realized that God wants me to share the gospel with her, as you said I don’t have to be afraid or Bible schoolar but be a mom who loves Jesus Amen. God is teching me that if I don’t share the gospel with both of my girls they will go after a guy who don’ love God. Thanks for your post.
I am in (participate for the give away)
My encouragement for my girl today is God loves you more than I do.
Yes Rosalba! Fill your girl’s heart with the love she craves and desires…Jesus!
I have allows believed in God but just in the last few years I begin the process of learning the bible so as a mom of a teenaged daughter it can be a challenge to teach what I mysefl am learning, I am very excited to find this web site. Love the way God works!
Don’t be afraid, Tina! My girls and I are learning God’s word together! This morning over breakfast I was reading to them and the words were perfect for all of us! The important thing is to get started. The Holy Spirit can take over from there!
I look forward to getting a copy of this devotional for my daughter. Thanks!
This morning my daughter (special needs) woke up not wanting to go school, due to some challenges she facing with walking on different surfaces. I have been praying with her and encourage her speaking the God’s Word over her life, telling her that “she can do all things through Christ who strengthen you today”. The Lord laid it upon my heart to pray and fast for her. Then I opened the Encouragement for Today, I start reading your devotion, Lynn that spoke right to my heart. I thought only You, God. You know what every Mom need to help their childrens, and You birth out of Lynn to give to us. I have sign up for the “7-day Faith Builder” so I can continue to help build my daughter faith and confience in God’s Word. Lynn, thank you for being obedient to God and sharing His wisdom to you.
God bless you and your family.
Sharon, I wish every child had a mom like you. Be bold and speak those words so your precious words from Jesus over your girl each and every day!
Hi Lynn,
I don’t have any children at this point, but I pray for my future children that God may reign in their lives! My niece and nephew are also told how much God loves them!
Thank you for your encouragement and wisdom!
PS. I’m in!
Lisa K
One more year left with my daughter before she goes off to college to pursue the plans God has for her. Although I want to see her fullfill her dreams- the knowledge that only ture contentment comes form knowing her Heavenly Father and understanding what she believes and why she believes it has really become so important. I pray that as a mom I have and still am taking the moments to spend time sharing God’s Word and His love for her. Do not grow weary – That is the most important treasure you can give your children before they leave home.
Love it Elisa!
I am the mother of 2 daughters ( and 2 sons). I am the grandmother to 12, 4 of them are girls.
My oldest granddaughter is 12 and I am amazed by the fierceness of the pull of the world today. There is a fight for the very souls of our children!
She is assaulted daily by images and messages that she is not thin enough, cool enough, smart enough, pretty enough, have the coolest friends,clothes, or hair to only name a few. I am blessed to be able to be a part of my grand children’s lives, disciple them in the word and encourage them daily. I remind them they are valuable not because of any of the worldly standards, but because God created them to be uniquely and wonderfully lovely and full of giftings and a beautiful plan for an awesome life, if they will seek and follow God with all her heart.
Wow Lynn! I want to be a grandma like you (but not too soon 🙂 Way to invest! You are making a difference!
I know the window is closing on the time and openness to get truth into my 11-year-old daughter, but I’m trying as fast as I can! I’m in!
Stephanie, you are so right! I have women ask how to have a daughter that lives for Jesus. Start young! Begin pouring in the truth that Jesus is the only gap filler asap. Girls start looking to guys SO EARLY…we have to start younger and not be afraid! Jesus, give us boldness and courage to speak truth to our girls!
I just read the proverbs 31 devotional and quite excited to take the 7 day faith builder. My daughter is 8 years old and strong willed. I really want to encourage that strong will to be for Christ and help her keep her faith strong and not be battered by outside media. With so many pressures in today’s world, I really want to help her to be able to have a connection to God and to be able to hear his voice. Thank you!
Hi Lynn,
I have 3 girls…12, 10 and 7. Our days are so full and this would be perfect for us. My encouragement to my girls right now is confidence in Christ and confidence in themselves. This is hard to come by with all the teasing and stuff that little girls do. Thanks for this opportunity!
Stephanie Hanks
My daughter is only 3 but I tell her every day that she is special! Thank you for the encouragement 🙂
I’m in!
I would be interested in devotionals to share with my son. He is a senior in high school and in the choosing a college process. He is looking at a possible minor in youth ministry and I would like to encourage him in this process. Thanks!
Brenda…there are some out there. Check out materials written by the Harris brothers; I think their names are Alex and ?. Good stuff!
I am in, I have a very close relationship with my daughter and I will be glad to have what will keep it going, thank God for moms like you, you are gift to our generation.
What a dear thing to say, Victoria! Jesus…make me a servant!
What a great message, Lynn… thank you for opening my eyes today and reminding me of my responsibilities as a parent! I’m in!
– Kathy B
Hi Lynn,
I am a mom of three teenage girls and was just asked to teach a teen Sunday School class. Whew… how fun and daunting these teen years can be. So many insecurities, so many pressures but how blessed they are to have parents that love God. We look at them and want them to become godly women and men but what a big responsibility we have! I have been thinking the last few weeks that my life needs to reflect first and foremost what I teach, so what a blessing to see your post about reading the Bible at breakfast time. I think we all want to do something but the actual doing is where we get stuck.
Thank you for the reminder and for writing resources to help us grow in out adult faith as much as our teenagers. I plan to order and use your resources at home and at church!
God Bless you!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for investing in the next generation Simona! God’s word WILL NOT RETURN VOID!
I’m in!! Thank you for the encouragment and wisdom that you share. Great stuff!!!
Thank you for all that you share. I have sons, not daughters, but know that all children need encouragement. I like to remind them of Phillipians 4:13 – that with God’s strength, we can do all things! I’m in! 🙂
Having 3 girls, ages 12, 15, and 17, I struggle with knowing what to say or saying it at the right time. I KNOW they aren’t getting as much of God’s Word in as they should due to our busy schedule. We don’t always start our mornings off on a positive note…Reading God’s at breakfast will probably be the key that sends my girls into the world fully “armored” and ready to face the day in love! I’M IN!!!
My comment in still awaiting moderation?
I’m working on them Lisa as I am working the kinks out of my 7 Day Faith Builder 🙂
Oh no problem! I just thought it was a glitch with internet on on my end! I was confused!
I want to remind my daughter she is a princess of The King! Thank you for the encouragement. I’m In!
Thanks so much for this. I am really encourage to be able to share this with my girls. I am really encourage buy your devotion today. I always thought you would have spend lots of time getting the Word into their hearts but a little at a time is better. That way it has time to sink in and what a wonderful way to spend time with your girls. Thanks again. Kim
I have a three year old daughter and a one year old son, and many friends with older girls. I would love to be able to share this with them and then use it for my daughter. We are already making it a habit to read and learn for God everyday. Thanks! Eve Farris
I am in!
I have two beautiful daughters (11 & 13) as well as two sons (9 & 14). Life is never dull…most times it keeps going faster than I can keep up! I try and always point them to Jesus in every situation I can..especially with the world that they are growing up in. They are getting assaulted every day by what the world wants and “needs” them to believe…my prayers are that in every situation they encounter, that they would remember what they have read in the bible, what they have been taught at home and at church, and the example they have seem from my husband and I. Satan can only lie and cause fear and doubt…when my children KNOW the truth of God’s Word, then Satan won’t win!
Thank you Lynn for these wonderful books…a great reference tool for us and our children!
I’m in!
As a mother of two in college and a 7 year old, I see the importance of hiding scripture in their hearts. You can’t just hope it happens either.
What I find hard is finding a good book for young boys. There seems to be a lot for teens and girls but not for boys. And oh, we need our boys to be raised as MEN OF GOD!
I so agree, JennyBC! I was just telling my husband we really need some men to step up and mentor young men!!!
I so needed this today! I’m in! I try to send my daughter out the door on a positive note. What better way then sharing God’s word with her:-) Thanks for blessing us with this important wisdom!
What a great way to reach the young women in our lives. They have so many negative influences, I’m glad to see an alternative!
Great post Lynn. I have been looking for a good devotional for my 9 year old daughter for years. I would really like one we can do together to help build that openness between us. Your book sounds like it will be just the thing. I try to encourage my daughter a lot and God gives me the words to say to her at times. I really want her to develop her own relationship with God and experience Him for herself so her faith will be strong. I have a lot of friends with daughters and I’ll definitely be telling them about your book. Thanks.
Thanks for helping me to investing in young women, Bethany! Word of mouth is the best way 🙂
I have 4 children, three of which are teenagers, and a husband in graduate school studying to be a Old Testament professor. Needless to say, our lives are busy! You would think with my husband studying the Bible, we would have a handle on the teaching our kids more deliberately, but, alas, no! So encouraged when I read this blog from you! I need to be more intentional about teaching my kids, especially my only daughter! Thank you for this terrific resource. I will save up to get both books!! Thank you !
I’m in. I so need to find a way to fit this in. I talk often with my kids, but have not been consistent with being in the Word with them. Thanks for this reminder!
I’m in!!!!!
I’m in!!
What an encouraging devotion!! I have been trying to take the time in the mornings before school to do a devotion with my kids too. It can be hard, but I keep telling myself it is well worth the effort!! Blessings to you Lynn!!!
I have a new daughter-in-law that is very young and a brand new believer. I would love for her to have access to something that is geared for her. Thank you for all you do.
I am in. My three girls each get a devotion time with me each night. It is wonderful to hear my almost six year old talk about how much Jesus loves her.
I’m in!!
You have been a great encouragement for me this morning. My daughter is only 5, but I can already see what lies ahead for both of us and I’m not sure I’m ready for it!
I just stumbled upon your blog from Proverbs 31, so glad I did!
Thank you!
I hope you’ll be back, Stacey, as we come together to raise wiser daughters!
Lynn, recv’d your first devotional this morn. after having recv’ng your website from a friend just yesterday. Today’s encouragement was exactly what I was talking about with a young friend with 3 young children. She has just started going to church in the last 2 years and it has been a privlege/joy/wonderment to watch her grow so quickly!
She wanted to know “How do I get God’s truth into my kids?” and before I could reply to her . . .. BOOM! here comes your devotional this morning!!!!!!! I have emailed it to her and also part of your blog re your offer of 7-day free devotionals for Moms and girls. It’s a God-thing!
Want you to know – I have sent the Proverbs 31 website to every woman I know!
Thank you so very much my friend! “Until the whole world knows!”
I send a bible verse in my daughter’s lunch box with them.
Cool Missy!
I love it when God works. I have been feeling the need to get more of God’s word into my children and even last week was searching for some family devotionals. I haven’t started yet, but after reading today’s devotion, I know it’s God wanting this too and not just me. I love it!!!! Thank you for the 7 Day Faith Builder. God supplies our needs! 🙂
I know my children are going to complain about getting up earlier, so it was comforting (to me) to know my kids are just like other kids. Thank you again for your devotion this morning and your “Faith Builder” gift offer. Have a blessed day!
Thank you for your devotional today! I’ve been wanting to do this with my daughter before she heads out the door for school. :0)
I’m in! Thank you for the encouragement, it really came at the right time! God is good!
I look forward to my morning devotions in my inbox every morning. I arrive early at work so that I can read them in the quiet. Thank you for sharing that you were the parent who’s child said “I just don’t believe what you believe” I am there right now with my oldest daughter who is taking 6 months off & working fulltime before going to college. My youngest daughter is beginning high school next week and she is on the border line of following Jesus or following the crowd. Your books are just the resource I think will help her find her way and will give me the encouragement to continue to pray for my oldest daughter to find her way back.
Father, you see Jody’s girl and oh how you love her! You are counting the days until she returns to you. You are pursuing her and drawing her. Thank you for your faithfulness. Even on the days when we grow weary or forget to pray for our children, you continue to work on their hearts. Thank you for your faithfulness and we thank you in advance that one day all of our sons and daughters will bow their knees and say “You are Lord!” Amen
I just found your site today and love the encouragement and tips on sharing with our.girls. I also signed up for the 7day faith builder. I look forward to incorporate more sharing of the word in our daily lives.. Thank you!
I’m in!
I was just talking about this with a friend on our morning walk. Your message confirms that I need to act on this without delay. Thank you!
I’m in and I like this verse that says,”I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Ps. 139:14 all of us girls and ladies need to remember this as it gives value to our lives! Praise God!!
I need all the help I can get with raising my daughter in such a “worldly” world!
I’m IN!
I’m in
2 adult children out of the house & one 14yr daughter left, we have just made a 1300 mile move away from everyone & our church. God’s working as my husband for the first time in 30yrs wants to have family devotions. This would be a great book for all of us to do together at night. Thanks for answering your calling from God.
I always tell me daughter that God made her PERFECT just exactly as she is…and that GOD does not make mistakes, he does everything with and for a purpose. Thank you for providing such wonderful insights and ideas for helping all of us to raise our girls with a love of GOD!
We adopted our beautiful daughter Ellie at birth last June- My heart is passionate for Ellie to know how much her Heavenly Father loves her- Even at 1 years old, we talk to our sweet Ellie about Jesus……How He has an amazing plan for her life- I love that it is said above that we need to ‘speak God’s word to our children with intention NOT hesitation and that we need to pour into our kids God’s Truth that is taught to us by the Bible’- AMEN!!
I’m In 🙂
I’m in, and soooo excited about the devotions. I am new to this site today:)
Welcome Stacie! If you found today’s devotion helpful, please sign up for my Wednesday Wisdom Tips! We’d love to have you as a regular part of women growing wiser in order to raise wiser children!
I’m in!!!!
I had to sleep in the living room for health reason, but now I see it was more for my daughter than me. She is having a difficult time and she will come out and talk to me in the living room after everything is quiet in the house. We talk when everyone is up, but the hurts really come out after Dad goes to bed and all the lights are off. I don’t encourage mom’s to sleep on the couch, but finding a time when she doesn’t have to look at you, and God opens her hurt and heart to pray and talk about what is important is something every girl needs.
There is a saying, “Whoever said being a mom was easy wasn’t a mom” is even truer when they hit the teen years. I love the “Mosaic” description of these kids. I was from the T.V. generation of the 60/70s and we had family values at least on the T.V. That is not true today.
And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.”
(Mark 9:29 ESV)
So very very Deena! My best talks with my girls is in the dark…not so intimidating for them.
I’m in!
I have two daughters and I teach teenage girls at my church twice a week. I am reading Revolutionary Love right now and it is a phenomenal message that I hope I can pass on to those I disciple. I would love to win this gift package to pass on to one of the girls in my “care”. Thanks for all you do!
Lesley…if you need to order books for each of the girls, I would be happy to get you a group discount and sign each one. Girls seem to like that 🙂
Thank you for writing such a powerful book for girls! I just completed a study of His Revolutionary Love with a group of 6-7th grade girls. Although a bit young, they still were able to grasp the truths about God’s love written on the pages. I truly believe it’s important to fill girls’ hearts with the truth of God’s love before their hearts are scarred. I can’t wait to recommend Devotions for a Revolutionary Year to these girls and others God places in my path!
Thank you so much, Pam! This devotional will be a great book to soak the truths from “His Revolutionary Love” in their hearts all year long so they really get it!
Thank you Lynn for the reminder of what the most important thing is that we can do for our children…study God’s Word! My youngest daughter just started middle school this year and boy oh boy does her self esteem take a beating when she doesn’t feel… thin enough, pretty enough, popular enough, smart enough, etc… I am always telling her that she is beautiful and to not ever let satan convince her otherwise! Our mornings are always so hectic trying to get out the door on time, but I really need to work devotion time into our schedule. It’s so easy to just remind her “don’t forget to say your prayers” and let it go at that. I need to SHOW her how to study and learn God’s word for herself. I am praying for God to lead my daughter and help her to find at least ONE good friend this year, preferably someone that shares our faith and beliefs, or maybe someone that needs Christ in her life. She has several “friends”, but not really any “close” friends…you know, a friend that doesn’t drop you when a better invitation comes along. Thank you for your commitment to our Lord and helping us to find ways to instill God’s Word into our daughters.
“I’m in!”
Thank you so much for writing this. I needed the encouragement. I really get overwhelmed thinking I’m not going to teach my kids enough of God’s word or I’m going to do it wrong. But then I realize it’s only up to me to expose & try to teach them God’s word & the Holy Spirit will grow it within their hearts. Thank you again.
I’m in
This is so Awesome. I just spoke in my bible study class last night about wanting to find the right way to raise my precious girl. I was not raised by Christian parents. I suffered in trying to find love in lots of relationships. I’m in my 40’s I am suffering in my marriage. But thru my jumping in with both feet am i finding God is all the true LOVE i have ever looked for to feel love. I am so excited about your new books. My daughter and i will be having our own copies. Thank you for sharing this today. I heard God clear. This is going to mature my knowledge in what i have been seeking after all these years. Thank you for being obedient to your call from God. Proverbs31 Rocks.. Sincerely devoted to hearing your ministry.
Thank you for all your encouraging words, Sherrie! It so helps to know we are making a difference!
I’m in! I would love to receive these resources to share with my daughters!
I’m in! I am a 44 yr old mom of three, two of them are girls…16 and 11. I could definitely use this for my girls. I do really well when I am singing. But to actually teach or speak, I have a hard time. I can sing in front of people and sing in front of my church family. Please pray for me as I strive to be confident in my words. I pray daily that God gives me the words to say to all of my children, even my son. I want them to be equipped to live in the world. It is only by faith in God and putting Him first can we succeed. Thanks again for your ministry to women. I am blessed by it everyday.
“I’m proud of you because…” Is something we always end our day with. It’s part of our pillow talk and it makes my girls close their eyes for sleep with big smiles on their faces knowing their mommy is proud of them. In the mornings when I send them off to school we start the day with “I love you because…” and again, they climb on the bus with smiles on their faces knowing mommy loves them and having a fresh though of why she loves them. =) Since it puts a smile on my face just thinking about it, I’d say it works great.
I am a parent to three girls. Ages 17, 10, and 7. If there was only thing for me to tell them it would be this, “It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, God loves you. Nothing is so bad that you can’t come to Him.”
These are words that I have used with my oldest, that two years ago at the age of 15 decided to longer live at home. She ran away from home and turned her back on God. She is still not home. She pops into church services here and there, but has no real commitment. I wish I would have spent more time investing time in Gods word, maybe things could have turned out different. Now with my other two I pour all that I can into them. When I give Bible Studies they come with me, I no longer look for a sitter. I try to also spend individual time with them. My youngest likes to sit and read the Word with me, while my middle prefers to discuss scripture and asks questions.
Gina, I know it hurts when one of our own doesn’t embrace the love that is being offered to them…free! Keep investing in your little ones and praying for your oldest. God’s word does NOT return void. He IS faithful!
What an awesome book. I am looking forward to getting it! My favorite verse in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” I’m in!
I am so in!
Though I do not have children yet…I would think my word of encouragement would be that even if you are scared you should jump in head first and God will help you be less scared! That is what I have had to do to get out of my comfort zone…I was getting way too comfortable in mine. Now I am healing and doing! I must always keep God first in my life to make it through this life! He is my comforter and will always be there!
I have had my 10 yr old grandaughter with me this summer. She made a decision to follow Jesus and was baptised! But now she goes back home, her Mom is never there, her stepfather and Mom don’t go to church or talk about the Lord. She doesn’t want to leave. But sometimes she is allowed on the computer and I can chat or send her encouragements, and this would be great to share with her. Thank you so very much, Lynne for all you have put out there in obedience to Christ. I also have a 17 and 19 yr old grandaughter.
Beth…what an amazing grandma you are! Keep pouring in Jesus’ truth…you are making a difference!
I’m excited to see your study, as I’ve been looking for something just like this to do with my daughter!
Great Debbie! The study is called “His Revolutionary Love”‘; the free leadership guide is under my “freebies” tab. My new book is a companion to it and offers 365 devotions to soak in these truths more!
I would love to share this with my 17 year old daughter who is a senior in HS this year! She has faced many challenges and would love to give her some faith ammunition to guide her through the next years of life! Thank you for your ministry to us all!
I’m in! Thank you for your ministry for young women. Your book is written for the very impressionable ages of 13-17 in which many of us “girls” form self image/esteem/efficacy issues that last throughout our entire lives. Putting God’s love in the center of these years can only ensure we are raising a generation of young girls that know how much they are loved by their Heavenly Father – ensuring that they do not dwell in the world’s idea of how women should look, behave, and “perform”.
Thank you Lynn & Be Blessed!
I have a 15-year old stepson (no girls!! :->), but I am planning on leading a middle school girls small group at church. I am also beginning His Perfect Image Ministries, tailored to girls and women battling eating disorders and body image issues. To encourage girls, I would claim Genesis 1:27 for them:
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” That verse brought me back from the brink, and I know the Lord can encourage these gals and women with His healing and hopeful Words.
Yeah Lara!!! Thank you for making a difference in the next generation! Please stop by my website at and click on “freebies”. You’ll find a free leadership guide that you might find helpful as you start to lead your middle school girls group. Thank you again!
I’m in!! I am trying to encourage my 10 year old daughter AND my 16 year old son to take God out of the box that so many Christians have put Him in, and watch what He can do (so much more than we can possibly think or imagine). Only by doing so can they truly see what an awesome God we serve. Thank you for some great resources!! God Bless You.
My 6 and 3 year olds are obsessed with princesses! Anything princess! I remind them that they are God’s princesses and, in age appropriate ways, remind them that God is their King and he has a prince picked out for them already!
Thank you so much for your encouraging message. As a mother of a 9 year old girl and 15 year old boy there are those many moments of silence…riding in the car, waiting in lines and many more opportunitites that I will take advantage of to speak about God’s grace and love. I’m in!!!
I’m in!
Our daughters definitely need to know they are worthy because of Jesus in the Father’s eyes. One of my favorite verses that tells me this truth is Psalms 139:14 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” I also love the verses from Romans 8:37-39 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Those verses reassure me of God’s love and my worth.
My daughters are grown now, 24 and 20 years old. One is in church, has a personal relationship with God, and seems to have her life together (respects herself as God’s creation). The other is out of church and FAR from God spiritually; she definitely struggles with self respect and her worth. She trusts in men and material things for her “happiness” which truly breaks my heart. I see her struggle so much with guilt and depression. I talk to her about Christ and her relationship with God but she shuts God and I out. She blames God for allowing bad things to happen in her life, but the Word assures me that her having been raised up in the ways of the Lord she will come back to Him. It would just be much easier if she was fighting against Him.
I pray other ladies will use these devotions to be intentional with their daughters as you are doing. I never thought to really sit down with my family as a whole and do devotions with them when they were younger. I did take them to church and tried to teach them about the Lord but something like this could have helped me a lot. It is wonderful you have a llowed God to work through you in this way. God bless all that you do!
Toni…I love what you said ” the Word assures me that her having been raised up in the ways of the Lord she will come back to Him. It would just be much easier if she was fighting against Him.” I am not saying in my devotions today that if we do these simple things our children will always walk with Christ. They all have a free will. I do believe that we can partner with God to bury truth in their hearts and that as the storms of life hit as they always will, this truth will come to the surface and they will surrender to the God who loves them so!
Thank you for this well timed devotional! It is so important to teach our young people to “put on the armor of God” and it’s a great reminder for us also!! It amazes me how much better my day goes when I stop and spend time with God. By setting the example our young people can see life doesn’t always go the way we want it too, but God will help us through all difficulties…..and what a reward when we realize that we didn’t get the answer we wanted because God had a much better plan for us! And then we share in the rejoicing!! Thank you Lynn for your inspiration!
I’m in! I am praying for my 15 year old daughter. We made the toughest decision of our lives in January, when we decided to take her to Heartlight Ministries in east Texas, a Christian boarding school for struggling teens. She has had losses in her life – has struggled with depression, body image issues, cutting and loss of hope. The best thing we can do for our daughters is to arm them with the truth of God’s word. I pray that God will imprint his love for her onto her heart – so that she can see herself the way He sees her. As an Original Masterpiece. The greatest of these is love….let Gods love for us overflow onto our children. We can pray this for them: “…Help me love my children as You have loved me – when they are little and when they are adults, when they are soaring and when they appear to be sinking. At all times, in all circumstances, may Your love for me overflow onto them, and may my love for them point them back to You. Amen.” ~ From Prayers for My Teen by Mark Gregston
You are the bravest of parents, Tara! Thank you for sharing that beautiful prayer!
I’m in!! 🙂 thanks!!
I believe I may have finally found the resource and help I need to strengthen the communication lines with my daughters about their Faith! Thank you!
i am in. love the idea and this email is total confirmation.
I’m in!
I’m in! I have a 7-year-old daughter who just started charter school after being homeschooled, and I want to make sure I am speaking God’s Word into her life.
I’m in! I am working at in incorporating God into more than just prayers…at meals and bedtime.
I’m in! I have a niece and two nephews, and I’d love ideas on how to help share God’s Word with them.
I love working with teenage girls and have a group in our church and would love to share this book with them . Girls face a lot of hurdles in life and we need sometimes to just remember how we felt when we were their age to really understand what they are going through . Will def use your other resources and encourage them more . Thanks
Thanks Esther! If you need to order books for all the girls in your group, just contact me at [email protected]. I’d be happy to write a message to each one and get them to you for a discounted price.
I love this. I have a 25 year old daughter and a 16 year old daughter as well as a 14 year old son. Thank you for your tools and if there is something specific for sons, would you please share as well? Thank you!
Shelly…I bet Focus on the Family would have some great tools for guys!
A simple hug can offer encouragement.
Thank you for your encouragement to us moms, as we encourage and shepherd our daughters! So many voices out there, we need to help them hear the voice of truth – God’s voice!
I am in. . . .looking for ways to encourage my daughters. 🙂
I am in!
My daughters who are 19 and 21 inspire me daily with their strong faith. I want to share this book with them. I’m in!
My two daughters who are 19 and 21 inspire me daily with their strong faith. I would like to share this book with them. I’m in!!
I’m in!! I’m in!! I’m in!! I’m in!!
Thanks for this encouragement. My daughter is starting kindergarten this year, so I’d like to try a devotional at breakfast each morning. Lynn, I really liked what you said about teaching Scripture to your kids building your own faith and making you feel stronger. I need that, so that really motivates me to do it with my kids 🙂 Thanks agian.
I’m in! As a mom, I want to be more intentional about sharing my faith with my child. I’m 30 this year so I am one of those people who falls into the Mosaic generation. I am so thankful that I was brought up with godly influences in my life and I don’t have a made up religion.
I’m in!
I’m in!! I have 2 daughters one in highschool and one in elementary. I have been praying for a better way to get the word into them. I feel sometimes our mornings are rushed and I just signed up for the 7 day devo’s. I can’t wait to get those. Thank you for this opportunity!
God Bless!
I remind my precious daughters (16 & 11) that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. God doesn’t make mistakes or junk. He knew and formed each of them before their dad and I had any clue that such awesome blessings would be entrusted to us.
I’m in!! I have been looking for ways to share with my daughter about Jesus. She is 11 going on 16 and she is so busy with school, sports and her friends that it is hard to find time to sit down with her. I really do want to make this a priority in our lives. I am looking forward to this!
My daughter is almost two, so I’m going to print off coloring pictures of different bible characters and teach her their roles according to God’s word. I’m in!!
I pray to God everyday to strengthen my faith in the midst of everything and someday I can share the wonders of God’s mighty works with other girls or women to become. Thus, I’m so in!
I am looking forward to this! My husband was just telling me to do this with our girls, despite how old the are. We need to share the word together as a family more often! I can’t wait for your new book to come out.
My daughter is 7 and I want to instill a love and desire for a deep relationship with the Lord. I did not have that growing up. We are constantly battling our world and the values it presses upon us. Thank u for materials and your blog that help us raise our daughters according to God’s word and plan!
I’m in! What a great package for encouragement! Girls need all the help we can give them to stand firm these days! Love, hugs, and a listening ear, show I am here for you!
Im in! My daughter is only 22 months old, but I’d like to start early my parents were not intentional about sharing gods word, and set me up for learning the hard way! I don’t want to make the same mistake with my daughter…
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am glad a very good friend of mine sent me your link. Our family is going through an extremely rough and trying time right now and this is just what my 13 year old daughter and I needed. I reinforce my love for her daily and I know she doesn’t always believe she is a beautiful human being. I can’t wait to share this with her.
Thank you for the thoughful words and encouragement to do better.
I would love to receive the gift pack as a bonus! = )
Each day my girls and I have a devotion together before they head off for their day. It is amazing to me to see how they are growing in Christ and are more aware of God’s presence in their lives than I was at their age.
Im in! I’m a new Christian , and a mother to five, ages 8 months to 12 years old. I’m still learning to follow Jesus myself and have no idea how to Teach my children. Any help would be amazing!
It is constantly on my mind how I should prepare my kids for the secular world and its world view. As they get older, now 7 and 5, I want to fill them with as much Biblical truth and equip them as much as I can. I look forward to your new book, it will be a great tool for me to take a few minutes every day to impress on them.
I’M IN!!!!!
So thankful for your encouragement as I raise a 13 year old girl 🙂 I’m in.
I’m in, and my words of encouragement are when I pray over my three teenage girls, I pray that they grow in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and with man (WORD). also when they walk out of my the house, get out of that car, leave any where i tell them that i love them and aslo remiind them to make good choices today.
I’m in!
The new saying running around in my head that I’m sharing with the kids is Embrace the Grace.
I’m in.
Looking forward to sharing the 7 Day Faith Builder with my wonderful 14 year old daughter, Robin!
I’m in! I share my mistakes and embarrassing moments with my daughter — we’ve all had them. My hope is that she will see how God has been faithful in my life as a source of encouragement through her teen years.
I’m in!
I encourage my 15 year old daughter every day by reminding her that as much as I love her, God loves her even more!
Lynn, God has given you such wisdom and insight. Thanks for being attentive to God’s call on your life and sharing it with us. We all benefit! While I don’t have a daughter, I do have a son and I’m not satisfied that I’m doing enough to build his faith. So I pray God will help me with that by preparing his heart and mind and encouraging me to make the time to share God’s truth with him. He is a high school senior and time is ticking by so fast…I have much to do before I send him out into the world. But I have confidence that God will prepare me too, to be the mom he needs, and the faithful one who helps lead him to Christ’s call of salvation. Thanks from the bottom of my heart
Thank you, Karen, because I am counting on you to raise godly sons for my girls one day :O)
I’m in! I have a beautiful teenage daughter (and teenage son). I love your guidance on being intentional with teaching them about Jesus.
Considering I just sent my youngest daughter off to the local public high school after having homeschooled her for 7 years…COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!
I’m in. My daughter is 20 months old. I just don’t think you can ever start too early.
I’m in too!
I try to find opportunities to talk to my daughter about God. Instead, I think I need to MAKE the opportunities happen instead of waiting for them to randomly present themselves. This has definitely inspired me to stop waiting around.
I’m in!
I’m in!!!!
Im in! 🙂
Our daughters are 14 and 12. I leave for work before they are awake each morning (their Dad gets them up and takes them to school). I pray out loud over them and ask God to provide them with the strength and encouragement that they need to let His light shine through them in their every word, deed or action. Last night our oldest was overwhelmed with school, volleyball, band, homework and said she just wasn’t getting it like others. I reminded her that it was just the second day of being a freshman at high school and she would “get it”. It was just a matter of settling back into the school routine and doing her best. She said that her best wasn’t enough. I took her by the hand and said to her “your best is always enough at our house”. Our daughters need to fill their cup with God’s word first thing in the morning and know without a doubt that their best is always enough at the end of the day.
Something I share with my daughters often, since I’m not great at quoting Bible verses….
When they have concerns, friend issues, especially jealousy I tell them to always remember to “LOOK UP”! It helps remind them who is in control and who we need to talk to about everything. If you are looking up, it’s hard to be jealous of someone’s outfit when you are reminded that you will be spending eternal life with Jesus!! It’s a quick phrase said often in our house 🙂
I am in! I want my daughter to realize that she is beautiful and loved by her King!
Oh my goodness! This devo is SO spot on! I try to recite verses to my girls, and when I do, that particular verse often hits ME over the head even more! Funny how God works that way! SO can’t wait for the book! Pick me!! Pick me!! Having 3 girls, I need ALL the help I can get!! Thank you! 🙂
My son (10) and I read a devotional on our way to school, but my daughter (13) walks to school with friends so we don’t have that time together. I’d love to find a way to include something like this with her. Thanks for the chance to win!
My mother just emailed me a link to your Prov 31 post and I’m so glad she did! I too am contemplating how to feed my girls and my boys in the morning. We read together last year in the morning and prayed walking to the bus stop. Great way to start the day!
I’m in!
Love spending quiet time each night with my girls reading their devotion book!!
I’m in! Thanks for the giveaway.
God revealed to me today of three P’s. If I am not going to Preach (aka teach) God’s truth with Passion, my daughter will not Pick up on it. I need to let her know how excited I am about my relationship with my Lord in front of her. So thankful for the Holy Spirit and how He works through willing people like you. 🙂
I have 3 teenage neices–I would love to give this set to them/one of them!
Thanks for having a give-a-way!
I’m In!!! Can’t always make time to be with my daughter but would love for her to own this devotoional.
Thank You. She is a wonderful young lady (OMG did i just say that).
Lynn, Thanks for this!! I am so glad I opened my Proverbs 31 email just now! I needed this. My daughter is only 2 but I also have a 8yr son. Gods word is NEVER for one gender or the other. I also coordinate our MOPS group here in Alaska and know several ladies with many girls. I look forward to more of what God allows you to share with us! Thanks again. Amanda
I’m in for the giveaway!
I would love to get your book when it comes out too, anything to get me ready on how to raise my daughter- she has a strong will and so do I. I don’t want to break her spirit that God gave her but also dont want her to be so in control that she doesn’t give in to God. I agree with your blog, I don’t want her to be influenced by her friends and media and not influence her friends an media on God!
I’m in.
As I was reading a Bible story to my kids tonight I was thinking this same thing. I need to make more of an effort and it a priority to speak scripture into their lives. It needs to be in their hearts and minds so when troubled times come they will have it to fall back on. Thank you!
Count me in! I’d definitely keep this in mind for my kids in the future! 🙂 Amazing read, Lynn! 🙂
You are a child of God , wonderfully made!!
This is a great reminder! I can’t wait to get the emails!
I’m in! I try to find something of substance to compliment my daughter about every day.
I am in ! Mother of 4 daughters: 25, 23, 17 and 16 years of age and a 5 yr old grand-daughter…. I can remind them they are unique, special and loved by God as well as lots of family.
I’m in!
I just want to say (again) how thankful I am for you, your ministry, and “His Revolutionary Love”! God is truly using you to help equip women (youth leaders) like me who want to impact the lives of young girls! I am so excited to start His Revolutionary Love with my girls that I can hardly contain myself! And we are working on coming to see you in WV in October as well! I am sooo in!
Yahoooooo! I hope it works out! See you then!
I’m in !!!
Thank you Lynn for helping in guifing our girls along the right path of life, with and through Jesus Christ! Ths book is going to be awesome for my 11 year old granddaughter that started middle school. She has self esteem problems and don’t want her to become involved with the wrong things!
Thank you for your insight, your words are encouraging! What I tell my children, is not to be in such a rush. They are only children for such a short amount of time. That the Lord has mapped out a path for them even before they were born our jobs as parents is to assist them as they discover God’s plan. For all we know they’r future mates could be on the other side of the world.That to read and draw close to Lord asking for steadfast hearts, courage for the times they don’t understand why sometimes everything feels out of sorts and faith. FAITH that the Lord loves us and knows us better than we know ourselves and he’s timing is PERFECT!!!
I’m in!
Because I love my Grandaughters ~ ~’,
2 Timothy 1:7 – For God did not give you a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline!!
I’m in! 🙂
Hi! I’m in! 🙂
I’m in!
I’m in!
Just what I am looking for to share with my 13 year old! I’m in!
I’m in.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning through your blog. I used to be so good about having daily devotions with my kids. We still talk about God’s word a lot, but I need to be more diligent. Who else is going to put God’s word in my children’s heads!! We spend so much time on school work and sports and get busy that God’s word gets put on the back burner. Going to change that immediately! Thanks for reminder and encouragement.
Im in! Awesome stuff. Thanks!
I’m in. I have 3 daughters (and 3 sons) and I think every day of how my words and my own feelings and the way i think of myself affects them. I wish I had grown up feeling beautiful and worthy and want nothing more than for my daughters to have that!
I’m a newer Christian but have been challenged to’get off the milk.’ I have been scared that I would choose books to share with my daughters that won’t be biblical. As soon as I think I have total faith, its grows again. I know God would never put anything in my path to hurt me. I am really excited to get my hands on your book to help me share the Word with my girls so they can have that understanding, and more.
I want my daughters to know, they are beautiful just the way they are!
This is just what I have been looking for. My daughter was just recently saved and I want to make sure I am following all God wants me to do as a christian mom.
One word: Bravo!
I have two daughters ages 8 & 10 and would love to go through this devotion with them
I’m in! I would love to win this for my daughter!
I’m in!!
I’m in…I struggle with lots of questions that my preteen and teen daughter have……I see the wheels of doubt turning and I worry. I just have to learn that they are His and give them up to Him….I just keep my faith strong and talk to them as honestly as I can…..This kit would be great for us!!!!
Simply awesome and much needed with my 11 and 7 yr old girls. Anything that helps to keep them focused on the right path is appreciated.
I’m in! I have been looking for a way to share the gospel with my girls…Thank you
My daughters are 14 & 12. I am trying to notice whatever they do that is loving or kind and compliment their heart — not their performance, but the heart that is behind whatever they do. Whether they succeed or fail. And I’d love to go through this book and devotional with them!
My daughter is a senior in high school this year, so thank you and I’m in!
I have two daughters one is a single mom and the other has just started college and I have a new granddaughter. I’m IN!!!!!
I’m in
Oh how your “Did she just say that?” message of the day hit me just right – THANK YOU! I’m in! I need to show my 21 year old daughter TRUTH and I believe your message will do just that!!! 🙂
I’m seeking to lead more girls to the truth of God’s Word as we begin a bible/book study next month, utilizing “His Revolutionary Love”.
“I’m in!” My only daughter, my girl baby, just started high school. She’s exposed to so many more things now. Wow. Would love to win this for her.
I am so thankful that Proverbs 31 posted this to their facebook. My daughter has been so fearful lately. I have been continually repeating scriptures to her-I think a devotional is an awesome idea to do together. Thanks for writing for our daughters! And by the way, I am in!
Having the pleasure of being a mom to an almost 20 year old; I have given her the same advice almost daily….
Go have a GREAT day; be YOURSELF; make your heart proud and make choices that bring a smile to your heart and soul. I love you, I believe in you and I respect the person you are. God made you AMAZING; so go enjoy being you.
I have 2 daughters.. one in 8th grade and the second in 5th. I would love to do these devotions with them!
I would love to win this! I have two young daughters and often feel like I’m totally “messing” them up!!
I’m in! This was a much needed today!!
My daughter just turned 11 this week and started 6th grade earlier this month. I know how much peer pressure she’s going to be under and I try daily to encourage her about God’s Grace. I’d love to have the help of this devotional to encourage her walk with God. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
One of my favorite verses: in all things give thanks.
With every new day we are given another chance to make a difference. I have been looking for a devotion app for me to read to my daughter as I take her to school each day and this may be just what I was looking for…Praise you Father and thank you Lynn for being so faithful!
Thanks for the enouragement. I have 4 daughters and am always wondering if I am doing it all right!
We started getting up extra early before school so my daughter, son and I could pray before they get on the bus. Sending my kids off with a blessing changes morning madness into morning miracles that transform their day! Thanks for your encouraging blog!
I’m thinking I could use this for me, lol, even though I’m “grown”.
I’m in!! I don’t know where to start with my 10 year old daughter! Thanks for offering this.
I’m in! I’m a single mother of 2 beautiful girls ages 6 & 8 and am excited about this book! I can’t wait to share it with them and look forward to the blessings God has for their lives. Thank you! 🙂
I have 3 wonderful girls…ages 12, 10. and 8 and would LOVE to be able to share this kit with them. What a wonderful blessing to them and to me!
This topic has been on my heart for a couple weeks now. My kids are getting older (9,7,2,1) and with me coming to the lord as recently as a couple of years ago and my husband not exactly believing in God, it is a strugle to share the word and I worry that Im not doing enough. Thanks for this topic!
Praise!!!!! 🙂
My girls are 9 and 7 and I see so much of myself in them when I was there age. I try and speak God’s truth to them every day, because I don’t want them to have that fear and doubt on who they are in God’s eyes like I did when I was young. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I am definitely in!
I’m in. My daughter is grown but she still needs encouragement. Just found you but loving your ministry.
Thanks Joni!
I have an 8 yr old and a 2 yr old, so I am in!!! Thank you!!
I recently became a single mom of three. The situation you described in your blog just happened to me! I can use all the help I can get!
I tell my son and my two nieces, “God has special plans for you” and “God isn’t finished with you yet”. I’m in!
Thanks! I love the reminder that I don’t have to be a Bible Scholar to teach my kids the Bible.
My girls are 10 and 7 and I see this as PrimeTime for building our relationship and making sure their foundation is solid prior to the teen years.
Our kiddos LONG for the truth of GOD! And once we start to speak it…it gets easier.
Look at this activity on here!! PTL!!
Father, may this book change the lives of girls(women), of every age as they seek to find your radical love for them. And in turn, as they grasp it wholeheartedly, may they share it with others! Oh, how this message is one that needs to be spread. God, may Your Spirit give it feet to move! In Jeaus Name!
Thank you Danielle!
I’m so in! Thanks for your words of encouragement!
I’m in!
I am in thanks for doing this give-a-way sounds great I have two girls ages 18 and 7 I pray daily for their lives to be radically changed by Christ Jesus and any resource that encourages that is amazing!!!
I have three daughters and two sons. Daughters are 11, 8 and 1.5. It’s my goal every day to be a model for them in trusting God’s Word in my life. I also teach a teen class at church and this would be such a benefit for me to have specific devotions for girls.
Blessings to you!
Pick me! Pick me! **waving furiously**
Im in!! 🙂
I have three daughter and the oldest is 12. I would really love to win this so we could read it together and then with my other girls when they get older! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂
I am a mom to 3 girls, Lillie 5, Ellie 1 yr and Gracelyn Hope who is in the presence of the Lord. I really havent had to deal with any of that yet, but I would certainly like to be prepared when it does happen.
I’m in!!!! I find so much encouragement from your blog!!
I’m in! Thank you for this encouraging post, I needed it more than you can imagine today!
My precious girl is almost 6 & just started Kindergarten this year. Would love to be able to share this with her.
I would love to win this Faith pack for the girl next door Jessica. She is a young teenager and pregnant. She is due any day now. She has a cute little girl already about a few years old.
I am always looking for opportunities to talk to her. I asked her what the babys name will be and she said Isaiah, it’s a Bible name, you know… I said, yes I know. 🙂
I haven’t bought the baby a gift yet do you have any suggestions? Also I’d like to give her daughter a gift too so she doesn’t feel left out. I was thinking maybe a little kids Biblical Bible.
You know when she stopped by my front door she said, I really like this neighborhood because everyone talks to eachother.
Would love a husband and children some day soon! (did I just say that?) lol
Have a great day everyone!
P.S. Isaiah name meaning
I love your heart for this sweet girl! Maybe she would like to go through “His Revolutionary Love” with you?
I will consider a Bible study after I have read the book first.
I’m in and cannot wait to begin reading through the devotions with my 16 and 11 year old daughters, who are also my sisters in Christ. 🙂 What a privilege it is to grow in our faith together!!
I have 2 daughters and a son and we are adopting a son from the Congo. I want my children to not just know that Jesus saved them from their sins but that He saved them for a purpose! I am always telling them that they have greatness inside of them b/c of Jesus!! I want my children to grow up knowing the truth about how God sees them….Beautiful!!
I’m in! I’ve got two daughters and would love to have this!
I’m in! Your blog is such an encouragement.
Thank you for useing your God given talent to inspire so many of ou moms out here you are a blessing
I am homeschooling my 3 daughters, and everyday our morning starts with a devotion and prayer to God inviting him to join us in our day. I would love to share your words with my daughters! I am a brand new believer – just a few weeks old!! I was raised in the Jewish faith and was raising my girls that way, so there is a lot of confusion now. They keep asking why are we Christian now and it’s hard to be confident about my choice since I’m so new at it. Thanks!
Welcome Mara! I am so happy to come alongside you as you raise your girls to fall in love with Jesus! Please be sure to sign up to receive my posts (click on the little white envelope) and we’ll do this together!
Your words are not only encouraging but helpful. I was not raised by godly parents and desire to break that curse. I am excited to learn how to teach my girls the word of God. Because its so practical I am able to teach my daughter with a learning disability these truths and she gets it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My daughter is entering 10th grade this year, and I can see how much the high school culture eats away at the truths of the Bible. So, I’m in! We need to help our girls stand for God’s Word with confidence and conviction!
Thank you for your encouragement to be faithful and consistent in teaching our children the truth of God’s Word. I needed to hear this today! :).
Thank you for your encouragement to be faithful and consistent in teaching our children the truth of God’s Word. I needed to hear this today!
The more we submerge ourselves in the word the more we can eliminate doubt and fear. While I am in the word daily, I lack at making sure my kids do because I have a hard time making it kid-friendly, they zone out or they just don’t get it, it can be discouraging. Thanks for rekindling the desire in my heart to get my children to know God by knowing His word!
Im in!
I am in!!! I would LOVE to share these gifts with my girls. I want them to learn to love and respect God aas I do. Thank you for offerning such a wonderful gift to a blessed mom 🙂
I have been blessed with two little boys. I know now is the time to instill in them the Truth and hope I can use this to teach them and my nieces who are in their tween years! Thank you for the opportunity:)
I’m in. I’m trying to get myself back on track with a morning quiet time of substance and then get my girls (twin 13 yr olds) into their own. This would be a great start for all of us! Thank you for your ministry As a word of encouragement: I told my girls just today that the best part of my day was having dinner with my family and asking about their day.
I agree 100%! I have a 12 year old daughter and my heart is for her to know God, accept Jesus as her savior and have a personal relationship with God. I look for times to bring up important issues for her life but have stopped myself at times because I don’t feel I know enough scripture. Thank you for your encouragement; I don’t have to quote lots of scripture if I can explain the concepts in a way she will understand. I can back it up later with the supporting scripture after the door is open. Thank you!
I’m in! Each week we have a different memory verse. My daughter started middle school this year and I know changes are on the way. I want to make sure I’ve given her a solid foundation so she can stand strong when peer pressure kicks in. I want her to trust the Lord will give her the strength she needs to make the right choices!
I want my daughter to know she’s beautiful just as she is, as God made her, and really believe it! I pray that God allows me to see her through His eyes so I can cheer her on.
I’m in!!
I was just saying a praying yesterday that for the Lord the show me how I can teach my children about Jesus and all faithfullness, goodness and love. I was thining how can I teach them.
This morning I’m on FB and see the Proverbs 31 post with the statement “I want to encourage you. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar, just a mom who loves Jesus, to begin teaching your children what God says about them. There are so many tools to help you. ”
Omg the Lord never ceases to amaze me!!
I’m in
I’m in!
I’m in 🙂
God is GREAT!
My 17-year-old daughter & I read your book. We loved it so much, I ordered a copy for a friend’s 14-year old. Thank you for encouraging our girls to love God by first understanding His great love for us!
God knew us and loved us before we were even born!!!! amazing! I’m in
This sounds like a great plan for me and my daughter who just started high school. Thank you.
Something I do to encourage both of my girls is to say to each one they are my favorite 9 and 5 year old in the whole world. I tell them that God has a special plan just for them and right now He put me here to teach them about Him so they can carry out that special plan. Thank you so much for this encouragement, this helps a lot since their dad and I are spiritually unequal.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I tend to be short-tempered with my girls so this sounds like a great way to help me be more encouraging! Thanks! and I’m in for the giveaway ~ could really use it! =)
I’m in.
I am SOOOOOO in!!!! 🙂
I’m in!
Thank you for this post! My daughter just started middle school so encouraging words and God’s truth every morning is what we both need!
I’m ALL in!!!
You are so refreshing Lynn! I am all in! I love sharing Gods truths with my three girls. Thank you for your positive reinforcements! Oh, and I ordered three of your books!!!!!
Thanks Kim! I know this book will help reinforce all the truths that your girls have gotten through “His Revolutionary Love” and the conference. Keep pouring in friend!
I’m in!
You continue to amaze me Lynn. Thank you for what you do!! Looking forward to your new book!!
Right, Alisha? Who would have guessed God would have chosen to use a high school graduate like me? Just goes to show you, God doesn’t call the qualified, but qualifies the called. Lack of education makes me all the more dependent on my Love! 🙂 Thanks for your encouragement! Keep investing 🙂
I’m not a mom, but I’m a proud auntie, and I do try to share the Lord with my nieces through books and videos and things like that. I also try and encourage them.
Lynn – I am so excited for your new book! My daughter just started middle school and I have prayed for God to help me provide encouragement to her as she travels through these years that have such big changes, and bring such uncertainty to our girls. Thank you for creating this. I’m most definitely IN! In quiet moments with my daughter, I will simply look at her and remind her “Jesus loves you so much”.
Can’t wait for the new book!
I have 3 daughters – 11, 8, & 3 and I appreciate your willingness to share! We can NEVER have enough sisters in Christ to pray with us for our children. May God bless you!! Oh yes……
I’M IN!!!!!!!!
I’m in! Really need this for my 12 year old daughter. She’s at that awkward age, in the 7th grade, experiencing the transition from elementary to middle school. It’s hard! Please pray for this Mama! This book would be a great help. Thanks for your encouraging words.
Lynn, my husband and I have often said those first years of middle school are the hardest. Hang close to her; she needs you!
As a grandmother to 3 girls I treasure any devotions or books to share with them.
I’m in:)
I’m in.
What a breath of fresh air to have a resource dedicated to being a Godly parent! Thank you!!!
I have an 11 year old girl in 7th grade and I stuggle with how to raise her to have a healthy attitude about herself. Your articles are a great help!! Her dad and I are going through a divorce right now and we are struggling with making the best decisions for ourselves while not negatively affecting the kids. Any prayers are appreciated! Blessings, Becky
I’m in…. and I absolutely love the Jesus shirt! So cute! 🙂
I’m a mom of 2 & really need something like this to help me teach my kids about God. If I don’t win it, I’ll buy it – I’m In!
I would LOVE to win this for my daughter and myself to read together! I’m In!!!
As a single mother of two… I/We can use all the encouragement we can get…
I have 9 year old twins (boy/girl), I am a Girl Scout leader to 9-10 yr old girls and I teach the school age Sunday night class at my church. Your devotional rang so true in my ears. I am definitely in. 😉
I’m in….I have 4 girls (2 14 year olds, 11 & 7) raising girls is so challenging and it takes a village! I am so glad to have you in my village!
I’m in…… I need all the help I can to encourage my daughter.
What an inspired idea. I am the proud kiwi (NZ) mum of a very spirited and loving 9 year old girl Hannah. I have been searching for a devotional for us to share together. This book of yours is an answer to prayer. Thank you and God Bless you and your ministry x
My husband & I set aside time to do a family devotion with our son & daughter. I have been thinking about doing something with my daughter to connect with her more. She is just starting high school & this will be a great way to encourage her. I am in!
I’m in!! Thank you so much for offering this great resource! My girls are not preteen yet but I want to start now helping them understand how much He loves them and to live radically for Him!
I’m IN!
I appreciate the wisdom and insights that are shared. Together we can plant and water the seeds for this new generation of women.
I’m in! My daughter is only 4 but I want God’s word planted in her heart now!
We have two teenage boys, and try to have devotions daily as a family.. which is great, but walking your faith with God on a daily basis is even more important as they are watching our lives and how we model after Jesus, our choices and motivations in the real world.. which isn’t always easy. By God’s grace we can be the parents He wants us to be, broken and yet speaking life into their lives and those around us.
It’s amazing how God works!!! Thank you Lord!!!! My prayers has been answered!!!!
I’m a single mother of three loving daughters, age 19, 15 and 11. It’s been some trying years for all of us; As a single mother raising three daughters with three different personalities in one household is challenging and it take a lot of patience and prayers. Experiencing each one transitions from child to adolescence to young adult has taught me a lot on how myself at their age have experience many of the same personality traits and how to relate to their feelings and response to them with constructive positive attitude. I share God’s word with my girls and praying god’s words will never depart from them.
Living in this world of temptation, Satan is very busy trying to take our children and direct them on the wrong path for their lives, it’s up to us as parents (spiritual parents) to continue to instill in our children God’s word and encourage them that they are children of God and his word says, “he will never leave you nor forsaken you” Trust and Believe in his Word.
“Ready For God’s Anointing Power to Flow through this website ministry”
I’m in! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’m in!! Thanks so much!
I let her know I love her daily, and that she is awesome and super cool! She is so unique, I love her. <3
God made you special just the way you are.
New to find this blog/website, it’s great! Thanks!
I’m in!
I’m in! I have two daughters, we are all starting new changes this school year. Thanks!
I’m in!
I’m in. The direction for our family this school year is to be strengthened by the renewing of our minds.
I’m in!