3 Ways to Redefine Beautiful
If you are joining me here today from my Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion, welcome! I’d love to connect with you more on my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest at Lynn Cowell.
Every where we turn…
walking down the grocery check out
watching the football game
stepping into a fitness class
we’re confronted with the definition of beautiful. Beautiful as in a certain size, shape and style. Beautiful that is unattainable; at least in this society.
My girl came home from school, freshly wounded from sharp words. We’ve talked, we’ve studied, we’ve meditated on what God’s word has to say about being truly beautiful. As she shared the brutal words, I was reminded of the power of words. I once again I helped her to redefine beautiful.
Beautiful is not a size of an outward body,
but the size of her inner heart.
Love, unconditional and unbounded by fear, radiates from the eyes of a girl, a woman, redefined by God. 1 John 4:18 says,
“There is no fear in love.
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”
The one who is filled each and every day will God’s perfect allows the fear of rejection of others to fall away, even as the arrows are being aimed at her heart.
Beautiful is not the shape in the mirror,
but the shape of a kind spirit.
A kind spirit is hard to find; which is one reason it is so beautiful. The rare, kind heart steps beyond herself, overcomes her selfishness, in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight.”
Jeremiah 9:23 -24 (NIV)
Beautiful is not a certain style, but self-control so Jesus can truly shine.
Today’s beauty is all about me. My hair style, my outfit…me. Keeping up on the latest “in” we’re “out” if we don’t. Drawing attention to ourselves is encouraged. But that isn’t the beauty Jesus is attracted to.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
All these things? Yes, all these things. Love, kindness, self-control. When we seek God’s definition of beautiful, we will grow all of these captivating characteristics – the fruit of the Spirit – and more!
Would you like to learn to redefine beautiful God’s way? Grab a special girl or a group of girls and study Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants.
I’m in! I want God to cultivate true grace in me.
Yes, the world’s definition of beautiful is so vastly different from God’s. I would love to become more gentle in spirit and learn to enjoy each moment instead of hurrying on to the next event.
Thank you for your ministry to teen girls and their mommas. So desperately needed in our North American culture.
Again I feel like you are speaking directly to me. My daughter and I have had many go around about self esteem and self image. She has had depression issues dealing with self confidence and other issues. I want my daughter to realize how God made her BEAUTIFUL. And that inside and outside she is THE BEST Thanks again for speaking directly to us.
Love your definitions of beauty…..reminds me of how my mom used to simply say…..”it’s what is on the inside that counts”
Wonderful article. I will certainly be sharing this. A Characteristic is something that identifies me and therefore I want to make sure it’s right in line with God. Graceful – that is how I want to be identified. Grace is something lacking greatly. You can never have too much of it.
I would love to worry more about having an unselfish spirit (inner beauty) than my weight (outer appearance)
Self control
I would love to develop these characteristics early in my sweet girls… before society convinces them otherwise. Of course, I’d like to work on it all in myself as well.
I really want to develop a gentle spirit and to be able to teach these values to my daughter
I’m in!
Thank you for your words today!
I would like to work on truly following God each day!
I work full time and then my girls have activities.
Sometime I feel like I just do our schedule vs. doing what God would have me do each day!
However, maybe it is that He wants to use me in these activities that we do and my work!
I want to help my girls find rest & fulfillment in Him each moment of each day!
My biggest thing I’m working on now is my 17-year old daughter. She has been so discouraged and feeling ugly and unworthy for the last few months and I never realized how negative her self-image was. She knows God loves her, but she is so focused on what the other students say at school that she keeps losing sight of that truth.
Keep pouring in the truth, Sue! She may not tell you it is making a difference, but it will!
Wow – your blog post hit home – thank you! Our girls so desperately want to fit in and their self-confidence is influenced on what others think on them. My daughters have beautiful spirits yet this often not measured as important with the popular crowd. I would like to work on being a role model in finding peace and gratitude in our everyday lives in order to place importance on what really matters.
My goal for 2015 is to cultivate magnetic joy, so I can spread it to my family & community!
im seeking to develop patience. My husband and I are in the midst of transition from one place of ministry to another and my desire is to wait on God. Not rush ahead with my plans out of impatience or fear.
I want to train my brain to think about beauty in ‘nontraditional’ ways, so I can become more like Jesus.
For 2015 and forever…I’d like to captivate God’s definition of beauty. His meaning far outweighs what society says it does. And to be able to raise my children in His meaning too. We are far more beautiful in His eyes.
“Beautiful is not the shape in the mirror,but the shape of a kind spirit.”
When I look in the mirror, I am not usually dissatisfied with what I see. When I think back to the way I have treated some people, it grieves my heart. I have resolved to spend more time in God’s Word cultivating my “inner beauty” so that the Lord will shine through me. Already He is showing me ways to show kindness to those I used to ignore and care about the unloved in my community.
In 2015 and onward I’d like to develop the characteristic of joy. Just being happy inside about where I am on the outside.
I want to cultivate peace & satisfied spirit in knowing that Christ is all I’ll ever need, realizing this world will never be able to offer me those things no matter where I search or how hard I strive to be accepted.
One of my goals this year is to spend more time with my daughters studying God’s word. This sounds like a great place to start with my 13 year old daughter that is concerned with hair and nails and boots.
Kathy – this is exactly why I have written my books – to give a mom the tools she needs to help her girl study God’s word and learn the truth of what HE says about her…she is absolutely gorgeous!
I’m in! I have a teenage daughter struggling… and want to share all this with her!
My goal is to recognize the opportunities to be His hands and feet this year. Even small ones in our own community. And teach my children to do the same!
I pray that I can capture and radiate a spirit of joy again. That it would reach out and captivate those around me as well.
My girls are almost grown but they (and I) still need reminding that God’s definition of beautiful is the only one that matters! We are constantly bombarded with our society’s definition of beauty and it wears even us Jesus girls down to where we feel “less than”.
It absolutely does, Stacey! In some ways, I think teen girls have it even harder, as social media keeps image constantly in front of them.
i would like for my self value to be less on my physical appearance, & based on the beauty of my love for my Christ in my heart. I’m 45 years old, & deep down know that, but I allow society to feed my insecurities. When I go out in public, & I don’t have my make up on, or my hair done, I actually avoid interaction with other people. I won’t look them in the eye, avoid a lengthy conversation, & feel the need to apologize for my appearance. To add to the self inflicted harshness, I carry it into my marriage. I’m struggling with my weight, my proportions are constantly changing, & it affects my relationship with my husband. I do pray that I live a healthier lifestyle, because I want to be the most fit to serve God physically & mentally. I want to set an example to my children that beauty radiates from the inside out!! And I want to experience self acceptance!!
He can do it in you, Annette! He brings healing to every area of our life!
I need to cultivate self control. I need to not focus so much on a size or number and see how God loves me. Yes, I need to be healthy & take care of His Temple, but not obsess over it. I’d love these books to do with my friends teen girls & my daughter (age 8) when she is a bit older. Thank you!
Thank you for this blog and for the reminder that we need to focus on the Lord, seeking him with all our heart soul and mind. This is truly what we need to be living before our daughters as an example of true beauty. I’m reminded of proverbs 31:30, Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Great verse, Kristin! Thanks for sharing it!
I am a youth leader at church, and I would love to share this with the girls in my youth group. Many of them recently made decisions to be more consistent in the Word, and I think this would be a huge encouragement to them! Very excited to share this with them.
Thank you so much for being an investor in young women, Stacey! I pray for women like you to rise up and pour truth into the next generation!
I would like to be full of joy and peace…to radiate that to those around me so that they see Christ and want more of him in their life.
My one word this year is love. i would love to overflow with Christ’s love to everyone around me.
I would love to capture the idea of unconditional acceptance and love this year, for me and my 16 year old daughter. Seeing this post was a blessing today, and I thank you so much for the focus on this topic, which in today’s airbrushed world, is so necessary for our girls (and us).
Thank you for your transparent writing! It is refreshing and encouraging. As a mother of four daughters I am always looking for resources to help me along this journey. The countless hours you have invested on your blog and in the book are not in vain. Your are pointing others to the one true answer-Jesus Christ! Today I am encouraged and refreshed and ready to keep on keeping on! Thank you!
With the hope, desire and wllingness to begin this 2015 year anew in Jesus Christ, one day, moment, or heartbeat at a time, I long to know God,s definition of beauty for myself so I may be a mirror to my two daughters and all others, reflecting His Beauty and love.
I believe this also applies to obsessing over out house and how it looks. We all wish we were Joanna Gaines sometimes. I wanna learn to be grateful for who I am inside and out.
Thank you for this postin reminding me (and my daughters) what true beauty really is!!
I would like to be less fearful and more trusting my Savior.
I want to grow in LOVE. The kind of live that God first showed in me. The kind of love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Love that is patient, is kind, isn’t envious/jealous, doesn’t boast, isn’t proud, is humble, isn’t rude, isn’t self-serving, is selfless, isn’t easily angered or resentful, isn’t glad about injustice, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and never ends. There’s a lot to this type of love. I can’t do it on my own in human strength. That kind of love can only come from the power of God working in and through me! Making me beautiful from the inside out as I become more and more like His beautiful image! I’m in Lord!
This year I am praying for and studying more about God’s love for me. I am praying for a complete revelation in my heart (not just the head knowledge) of God’s love for me and how He views me. And then listening to and believing that more than my thoughts, feelings, and what other people think and say. I am trusting God and taking some risks that I have been too afraid to take in the past. Also, having a realistic and humble view of what I am capable of and what is realistic for me, accepting the portion that God has given me and living that out with peace and joy without comparing myself to other people. I would love these resources for myself and my daughters!
Kindness to yourself and others cultivates more beauty than the eye can see. I want to cultivate kindness in both of my daughters. They are both students at a small Catholic school, where they are consistently being measured for outer beauty. Lord help me to show them what true beauty looks like.
I would love to have more of a heart of patience and joy, and to share that with others. My daughter also often says that she’s “ugly” and this breaks. Y heart. She’s only 10! I want to show her that she is beautiful inside and out, as well as help her to see what true beauty is.
I have an 11 year old daughter who is experiencing the pressure of what society calls beautiful. She knows Gods view of beauty however just like anyone having the head knowledge, it is not the same as having it in her heart. My prayer for her as many other girls is that there will be a heart change. One that will reflect the characteristics of God and will overflow with the fruits of the spirit. I want that in my own life as well. I believe that as her mother unless I show a true demonstration of Christ in myself, my daughter will not be able to conquer this battle within. I want to represent to my daughter what Jesus Christ is and what real beauty is. I want to surrender that whole heartedly to Christ.
I would like to grow a more patient, peaceful spirit. My tween and teen daughters make it challenging.
” I’m in!” I have a daughter that I would like to share this with.
I want to grow in acceptance…of how God sees me and those around me and He Loves us anyway!!! I want tonlook through His eyes at others and I want to help my three teen and tween daughters to do the same. Thanks for your timely post.
I’m in! Going to be working with girls 3rd grade-5th grade and would like to use these as resources.
Thank you for sharing this today. There are so many things I want to improve and allow God to make more beautiful in my life. But as I read this today, I’m struck by one thing and it is my interaction with others, specifically one young teenage girl. For the past 4 years I have mentored a girl. This year she is in 8th grade and we have drifted apart some. I think she is beginning to feel peer pressure and just isn’t connecting with me as well as before. So my prayer is that I won’t give up on her and keep on pursuing her just like Jesus pursues us. Also that God would help me (and her) find common ground. That I would be creative in our conversations and activities to keep her engaged and yet showing God’s love and compassion for her all along the way. Thank the Lord she knows Jesus! As you know being 13/14 in today’s ungodly world is tough!
Thank you again, Lynn for your encouragement!!!
I’m in!! Thanks.
I will be reading this devotion to my daughter who is 11. She is tall for her age and is larger than me in the upper area- so she definitely has sat her bedroom and cried many times comparing her body to this if her friends. Keeping an image is so important to a middle schooler. It makes me want to shake these girls and tell them how wrong they are. Baily Bow boots, Vans, highlighted hair, cell phones- it’s ridiculous and I refuse to follow suit. I want her to see herself on the inside as God sees her. .thank you for sending the right information at the right time. This book series would be a great addition to our library.
I am really struggling with true beauty right now. With so many “church friends” posting their before and after body pix it’s making my self image fall straight down. I need to restart my thinking about what God thinks is beautiful and then share that with my 13 year daughter. I can’t help her until I learn it myself. If I got this book, it would truly help the both of us! Thank you!
I’m in!!
Hey y’all. I love your post this morning. I battle with what’s beautiful everyday. I never fit in growing up. I was the reason my mom was seethimng in the green jealousy monstor. I was skinny she wasn’t not my fault not her fault. Skinny was what mean were attracted to according to my dad. Money the new thing etc was the popular thing in school both of which I could have had but my dad was too busy stowing away for retirement. I became anorexic. I left home because I didn’t belong there and I have spent years trying to figure out who I am and where I belong. Lost two marriages in the chaos. Id honestly love to see the beauty as God sees me.
I struggle with the way I look. I catch myself wanting to “look like” her. I want what they have. I know in my head, that this isn’t what I should do, but still I do it. I am also starting to see my 11 year old daughter do the same thing. Thank you Lynn and Proverbs 31 ministries for introducing me to a way to break this habit for myself and to help my daughter, also.
I would like to cultivate patience and self-control in my own life. Sometimes, I do not handle the changes that life throws with grace, patience or a lot of self-control.
Kindness and unconditional Love….
I’m in!
I’m in. I have a daughter I want to share this with. She is so beautiful inside and out but struggles daily with believing it.
Grace, seems to be the word… My daughter is only six, and she has already shown her want to be accepted by friends. I want the Lord to instill in me more grace and unconditional love.
I’m all in! I’m a grown woman with a growing daughter and I work with children in a public school setting, so I see the painful struggle to fit in on a regular basis. I desire to live my daily life in a way that will point others to seek acceptance in Christ rather than being driven by culture’s ideal of beauty and acceptance. We’ve all been there, nice to realize there is a better way. Thank you for this powerful message about living loved, accepted, and yes, even beautiful in God’s eyes!
I want to be that example of Gods beauty and grace. Also have a god daughter who is quickly drifting in that worldly beauty and need some guidance through God to turn her around. Thanks and pray.
Thank you for your beautiful words and definitions of true beauty this morning. As a mother of 2 girls (20 and 17), I have always hoped that I could help them see their true beauty as God sees it, but I have failed them miserably!! You see, I myself have struggled with my own insecurities and have desperately tried to live up to society’s standard of beauty. Although I sometimes allow Satan to whisper his lies into my ears and try to convince me yet once again that I am not beautiful or worthy of God’s or anyone else’s love, I am truly working on seeing myself through God’s eyes and finding my value and worth from the inside! I would love to be able to use your book to help me through this journey and to be able to pass it on to my own daughters to help them with theirs.
An unwavering inner joy that shows/shines through me.
From a young age I have been very self-conscious, feeling as if I don’t fit in, I’m not good enough, or not pretty enough. This is something I have tried to work on for years, and sometimes I feel better, but often I don’t. I would love to be able to really read, study, and understand what God has in store for my life. To gain the understanding and confidence that He thinks I am beautiful and fit in just the way I am would be a weight lifted off of my shoulders. This is a topic that is so important and crucial in so many people’s lives. I would love to gain this confidence and understanding, then pass it along to my friends, students, etc.
I’m In!! 🙂
I am in! I am a mother of a young girl who struggles with body image. Would love to learn more so I can be a good example to her and teach her more about what the Bible says about true beauty.
I’m in! Me and my three girls!
Oh. Oh, oh, oh. My precious, beautiful, 12 yr old daughter weighs heavy on my heart. There’s always something she is focused on that will fix everything. Jacket, boots, hair, pet, instrument, even water bottle. I understand wanting to blend in and not be identified as other. But we are supposed to be seen as different. I am emailing all the moms of her friends and asking if they will join me in your online study!
Thank you so much, Regina! It would be so great to go through Magnetic together! I appreciate you sharing with others!
A heart of kindness and patience.
I need to work on self-control because I see how my issue with this has filtered down to my three daughters. It is so hard to see the things you know aren’t of God in yourself manifest themselves in your girls. So, I am praying that God will help all of us to work on these things together.
I’m in. I want to grow authentic availability… being present.
I’m in! I really want to develop a greater love and appreciation for myself, the love that God intended, so that my daughter will see it and develop the same thing!
Raising two young women of God, (12&15),
I can really relate to the gate of Beautiful that you shared about. Young girls are especially sucked into this false web of societies acceptance and trying to help them understand that Christ is all we need is sometimes hard.
I’m in!!
I’m in. As the assistant to our youth pastor, I see so many girls that are hurting because they are looking in the wrong places for acceptance. We try to instill in the them that their worth comes from our Heavenly Father, not from anyone or anything else here on this earth. It’s so hard to be a teenager, let alone a teenage girl, in the world we live in today with social media, internet, etc.
Thank you for helping to invest in teen girls, Teresa! I hope you will share my free resources with your youth pastor, especially my video on dating with the free discussion guide. You can find them under the tab freebies here on my website.
I’m in!
Thank you for your post and all you do for Moms and teenage girls! Personally, I would like to cultivate more kindness, both in myself and in my three daughters.
The Lord has put it on my heart to start a Bible study with young girls so would really appreciate your prayers on getting it going and to be able to reach out to those who most need it! This is definitely a good place to start! Thank you!!
Lord – thank you so much for this desire You have put on Debbie’s heart. Bring to her mind the girls You want her to invest in. Bless it and may they develop Your beauty! Amen
Debbie – be sure to check out all of my free resources to help you at http://www.LynnCowell.com and click on “freebies”. There is a free leadership guide there for “His Revolutionary Love”. The leadership guide for Magnetic is found in the back of the book.
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in. I want to understand my daughter’s need to fit in and penetrate the mask she wears for others—I want to teach her through God’s word just how beautiful she really is.
I’m in! I so want to help my 14 year old daughter with these issues.
Thanks so much.
I want a pure and loving heart. I want to love others so well that they feel the love of Jesus flowing through me to them. I don’t want to go through life self-seeking. I want to go through life giving to others and serving God.
I’m in!
This spoke to me. How many times have I gone to the “beautiful gate” to be healed? Accepted byour others…that is been my heart cry most of my life. I want to feel the acceptance of God, just as I am.
And He does Deena! We have to soak our hearts in His truth!
I’m in. Not for myself but for girls at church. We have a lending library of great teen books.
If you’ve ever read Calvary road – I’ve been learning about humility and want to grow in a way that no matter what sharp words or harsh action comes against me I respond as the worm referred to in the book which is a reflection of true humility. My hope is that while growing in humility my heart and spirit becomes willing to obediently and quietly let God produce all the other fruits that reflect the spirit and so as God is producing humility I want to learn more about the rest.
I’m in!
True deep refined mercy
I’m in! As a Sunday School teacher for our teen girls, this will be a great blog to share and discuss with the girls. We also have recently started “Magnetic”, doing a chapter a week and the girls have loved it. The number one comment I always hear them say is they love how it goes into depth about each Fruit of the Spirit and it’s on their level.
I am so glad Stephanie! Please head to my freebies tab and find the new video and discuss questions I have posted on dating!
I am in!
Joy. Lord, cultivate Your constant, complete joy in me!
At the age of 40, I am comfortable in my own skin and who I am. I can finally say that I don’t care what society says. I want my daughter to have what I have. It took me years of trying to measure up to finally realize that what God says is all that truly matters. I have a husband and a God who love me and that is enough.
I’m in! My daughter could so use these! She is a freshman in college, and is having a hard time “fitting in” and making new friends. Thanks!!
I pray for that kind spirit.
Those quotes you say “Beautiful is not a size of an outward body, but the size of her inner heart.” and “Beautiful is not the shape in the mirror, but the shape of a kind spirit.” are lovely, inspiring quotes…But I just wish I could believe them more. It’s like I know in my heart that’s true, but then I look around; not just around the world, but around the Christian community, and it seems my physical beauty doesn’t measure up. I’ve been struggling here a lot lately…
I am in. Looking for cultivation for me and my two daughters who are 15 and 22.
Im in!
I’m in! I want God to cultivate true beauty rather than skin deep in me!
I’m in!
I’m in. Would love
I’m in. Even at 37 I still struggle with depression, body image issues, emotional problems, and low self-worth. I pray every day that God will give me the strength to overcome my flaws so that he can use me as is His will.
I’m IN! Would love to share this with my niece.
I would love to win this bundle for my 18 year old niece. She has such a heart for Jesus, but she is terribly insecure. I’d love to see her become the confident woman God wants her to be!
Would love this book so much!!!
I’m in! I need God to teach me to see myself through His eyes, so I can raise my precious little girl to know what Jesus calls beautiful.
I’m in!
Thank you for your post, Lynn. Praying to cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit, particularly self-control. And to live more fully in this, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
I’m in. My daughter is suffering from an eating disorder and has believed the lies of this world. We need to redefine beautiful.
I’m in.
I’m in!
I want to grow in the area of confidence in God’s purpose for me. Tired of feeling disappointed when my fleshly efforts fail.
I’m in
I’m all in!!!! My girls need to understand what it really means to be beautiful.
I want this post very helpful. As the father of a teenage daughter and a pilates instructor and personal trainer. I am immersed in the world of “beautiful” I work very hard to pour the concepts of God’s eternal love and internal worth into my clients and daughter. It’s is remarkable the power a magazine cover or tv program has to complete delude my clients’ idea of what true, real and lasting beauty is. Thank you for your ministry, it is a welcome and powerful resource I can use to improve my coaching and parenting.
Thank you so much for these encouraging and truthful words. Being a mom of a 12 year old daughter – I strive each minute to tell her and demonstrate what beauty really is (and at times – it is also hard for me to understand) So…we together enjoyed this!
I’m totally in!
thanks 🙂
Patience. Patience to have true compassion. I have two teenage daughters, life is trying for them and me as I try to navigate through these years. I have an adult daughter who went through the same thing, but two at once some days feels like more than I can handle.
Patience…my girls would love these books. We already have the Devotions which we would give to one of their friends. Thank you, Lynn, for a wonderful devotional that I will share with them.
Im in, thank you for this beautiful message as it makes me feel most beautiful person. I ask God to give me inner understanding of people who says one thing and do opposite and why do people bad mouth others. I ask for strength to guide those whom are hurt by such people! Have a beautiful day!
I’m in! What an amazing article. I am so glad I found your blog! As a mother of a 14 year old daughter who doesn’t realize that beauty is on the inside, I read this and immediately thought this is perfect for both her and I as we strive for a better relationship with The Lord:) would love this library!
So glad to read this Mary! I hope you will join our community!
I do plan on doing that! Very excited to see what The Lord has instore for us !!!!
I was thrilled to see this pop up in my Proverbs 31 email. It is something I read and shared with my 12 year old daughter. She is entering the chapter of her life where she is recognizing how different she is and unfortunately she is beginning to compare her weaknesses to others strengths. It’s sad because she feels inferior to the girls at school and I can see an attitude of complacency in her that worries me. I’m trying to teach her that her differences are what make her unique and lovely, not just to her family but to her real friends as well. I’d love to win this library for her. This is something that we (including her friends and their moms) could do together.
I’m in.
I would like to cultivate joy
I’m in. I would like to focus on loving myself and my body, building my self-esteem and confidence.
Being more patient and try to understand what my 12 and 14 year old daughters are going through.
I’m in!
I’m in! I would like to cultivate patience. So often I just want for everything to be perfect yesterday. This year I’m working to have patience in the journey I’m on
The captivating spirit I wish to have would be self-control. I gossip more than I should and share too much information about personal matters. Sometimes I turn to alcohol instead of prayer for comfort. I’ve also let my anxiety get the best of me and acted irrationally. Having more self-control would be a worth while goal!
I need to cultivate self-control…with my words, thoughts, and actions! I often find myself regretting what I have said or done. I need to slow down and think ahead of myself.
I need to have more self-control in my life. Over my words, actions, thoughts, eating etc. I am almost 33 and my weight has yo-yoed the last 11 years because I am now bipolar and so many of those meds cause weight gain. I am too wrapped up in my body. I let 20 pounds make me want to get rid of the mirros because I can’t stand looking at myself. My daughter is only 3, but I feel and see the pressure still to be a certain size. I don’t want to pass my issues on to her. She tells me I am beautiful and so does my husband. So why can’t I believe that and stop beating myself up?
Laura – thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I think before we can believe others, we have to believe God. Believe that we are in fact, beautifully and wonderfully made as He says in the Psalms. We are confronted with so much all day long on what the world says is beautiful. We must combat it with God’s word and truth about how He sees us and who we are.
I’m in! I want to demonstrate these values to my preteen daughter every day
I am thankful for your encouragement, Lynn, as well as the inspiration from reading many of the posts before mine. One of the most challenging, amazing, and beautiful things God has blessed us with is Sharing our lives with our daughters. We don’t always know the “The Best Yes” when it comes to raising and guiding them, but I think we are all in the right place seeking God’s hand in this. I applaud all of us moms, and dads, in seeking how to best serve our daughters in this area of helping them understand and live God’s definition of beauty, and putting the world’s view into perspective.
I’m in! I want to cultivate self control and we know this covers so much in our lives. I am truly a mess these days and need to really find my way. I know i can only really do that by following my Lord and Savior!
I would like to develop and grow in patience. There are times where I am quick and rushed and forget that my response, verbal and/or nonverbal, and be perceived differently than my intent. I those time I am dishonoring God and devaluing the person.
I’m in
I would like to growing in prudence
I’m in!
I would like to grow in self confidence.
I want to be a prayer warrior, to feel confident to pray sincerely for others needs. To feel like I am helping others to grow in Christ, to have the right words to say.
I would like this year to know and accept the accptance of Christ. I think that letting that soak in my soul would be the medicine for this worlds rejection.
I want to express His captivating spirit of Mercy and Forgiveness.
SELF control is a need in my life. Finances, food, words of my mouth.
I hope I’m not too late to enter. But anyway, I would love to have these resources for me and my daughters who are 10 & 14. I struggle with getting through to them about being so selfish. My views about “material things” have change in the last 2 years and I now look how wasteful it is to spend money on things that wont make a difference in this world or bring glory to God’s name. I try to teach my daughters to be more caring and thoughtful to others and sometimes I think to myself, “what am I doing wrong that they aren’t getting this?” I see them being caring and loving sometimes to others, but not all the time, or even between themselves.
I also have a difficult time with my 10 yr old and her self esteem (partly because of her selfishness) she thinks no one likes her when things dont go her way.
so I would love ANY help with ANYTHING that would help my daughters to see the love of Christ and to see that they need to share it with others.
Thank you Lynn Cowell for what God has given you to share with us. May God bless you truely.
Sorry I just saw you already chose a winner, but anyway, thank you Lynn Cowell for what you do!
Thank you so much, Friend! Keep coming back! I’ll be giving away more of my books 🙂
I’ve notice god is talking to me at time
That i’m not expecting him to talk to me
Like doing sending an email at work etc,
And maybe that’s common for you, but not
For me and i like it, i want the characteristic
Of divine perception to hear his voice and feel
His presence even in those moments
You’re not expecting it, and i want to enjoy it
And obey his instructions. Thank you for the gift
Im sure they’ll be a blessing!
I’m reading through Proverbs and writing down each verse that talks about our words – praying God prompts me to speak softly rather than in a harsh tone/sarcastic, etc. I’m in!
This is something I’ve struggled with my entire life. Thank you for biblical references that show me how beautiful I am to my Lord. I continually work on my self esteem, and this is a trait I always long to improve. Thanks for such beautiful words of wisdom. I’m in!
I want to grow the kind of beautiful confidence that comes from knowing my inherent worth and value in Christ.
Hi Lynn,
What a great article! I read it to my 11 year old daughter and my 9 year old son (I figured it couldn’t hurt for him to hear it) but I haven’t had the chance to share it with my 13 year old daughter as she was away for the long 3 day weekend at a Winter Camp with her friend’s church. I loved the article. My 11 year old is such a free spirit when I asked her how she felt about fitting in or what she thought about societies idea of beauty she said,”Mom, I don’t worry about those things. I am who I am.” I hope she continues to feel that way. My girls understand that beauty is on the inside, but my prayer and desire for myself and them is to continue to grow more in love, grace, and peace. I want them to realize that the world will constantly try to make them feel like they need to measure up… but with Christ it is so radically different. There is nothing we can do or can’t do that would make Him love us or accept is more. Praise God!! Like many of the other mom’s, I am really interested in doing this study with my girls and be apart of a group with other beauty young ladies and their moms. I think I might mention this at our small group at church. I purchased the Magnetic book this past fall and the devotion. I gave the devotional to our friend’s daughter and she loves it. So now I am going to purchase the Revolutionary Love and devotion for Revolutionary Year. Are you still offering the bracelet to be purchased? I couldn’t find it on the Proverbs 31 Ministries website. I would love to give my girls the bracelet at the end of the study. Thank you so much for all you do to encourage teen girls. Our family has been so blessed by your ministry.
Heather, your post just made me smile and smile! Thank you so very, very much!
I loved that you read the article out loud to your kids! What a great investor you are!
Doing a group with moms and girls is such a great way to grow friendships, closer to each and closer to God too! The free leadership guide for His Revolutionary Love is found on my freebies tab on my website http://www.LynnCowell.com. The leadership guide for Magnetic is found in the back of the book, right next to my letter to moms 🙂
Proverbs 31 Ministries didn’t carry the magnetic bracelet. The ministry that the bracelets support does carry them. It is Fashion and Compassion. Here is the link to the bracelet. Let me know if you have any trouble finding it as I have some here in my home office. http://www.fashionandcompassion.com/products/magnetic-wrap-bracelet
Again – thank you so much for your encouragement!