A Royal Wedding
Congratulations Jo! You are the winner today of the Revolutionary Love Bundle. Jo posted at April 27, 2011 9:19 PM. Please email me at [email protected] with your address and t-shirt size. I can’t wait to get these prizes to you!
While preparing breakfast for my family this morning, I decided to turn on the tv for a peak at the royal wedding. The music was glorious! Listening to the praises to the King echoing in Westminister Abbey was such a beautiful way to start the day!
Emerging from the cathedral, Princess Kate shined. A beautiful humility surrounded her that I have never seen in a bride. To me, her countanence spoke to the fact that she was very confident in who she was and in the new position she held following the holy ceremony of a wedding.
Every girl should experience confidence.
Not the type of “girl power” confidence we see advertised in commercials or promoted in our sit-coms.
Every girl should know the confidence of who she is.
Every girl should experience the transformation that comes following the holy ceremony of the wedding…the wedding of our hearts to Jesus.
When a girl, no matter what her age, gets this truth, confidence is the outcome:
This confidence empowers a girl to make right choices. When presented with the choice to give herself to a boy she barely knows or save herself for one that Jesus will handpick, she waits for God’s man.
When faced with the opportunity to experience that high everyone is talking about or trusting the quiet Spirit in her, she listens to the One who loves her most.
When confronted with a decision to have a good time now or continue down the pathway to God’s blessings, the confident girl will call on the truth of the calling of God in her life and choose to stay the course she has already chosen.
I know this can happen because I was that girl. Discovering that Jesus was wild about me as a teen empowered me to choose a life of purity; a life of honoring Him. We want our girls to radiate Jesus.
“Those who look to Him ar radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5 NIV
Radiant is what I want my children to be, but it doesn’t just happen. It’s not due to luck or fate as in a fairy tale story.
Jesus, thank you for making us your’s, whether that was years ago as a young girl or just yesterday. Today, I am your princess; your bride. Lord, give us courage and hearts to take this truth to our daughters, nieces, granddaughters and neighbors so we can see them become the confident princesses you create each and every one of them to be! Holy Spirit, create a radical love revolution and use us!
If you were not a winner of today’s give away but still want to give the girl in your life the chance to hear the truth of who she is, click here to order!
Thank you for always knowing just what to say!
Thanks Danielle! Each day is a new day to pour truth into our girls!
Wow, while watching the royal wedding this morning some of these thoughts cascaded through my mind. Thank you for articulating them so fabulously and sharing this insight!