Be Still and Know
“Guess who’s a mountaineer?” Excitement poured through my cell phone as my son let me know he was accepted to his number one choice for a college, Appalachian State.
Our love affair with the mountains and App began many, many years ago. Our family started following this small college in the mountains of North Carolina, tucked away in a cozy town called Boone.
In the beginning, we would just visit the downtown: stop by the Old Mast General Store, load up a bag of candy out of the large barrels on display and then eat lunch in an old diner. Then we tried our first football game. App won three national titles,so it didn’t take long for us to get hooked! We quickly added picking up new t-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants…you name it, to our list of things we did each time we went. (I’m sitting in my favorite sweatshirt right now!) We would joke around about our kids going to school there. That was a long way away, right? They were only small homeschooled kids and college was no where in sight.
a flood of emotion come over me yesterday when I received Zach’s call. Happiness that he was one step closer to his dream. Fear…Was this where the Lord wanted him? For a moment, I was a jumbled up mess.
When the alarm clock went off this morning, I had already been up for awhile, conversing with my Love. “Is App the best place for Zach? What if he gets really messed up there? Will it be a good thing or a bad?” That is when the peace came and I remembered…I’m not in charge! What a relief! God is in control; I am not and that is a very good thing.
As the coffee brewed, I openned the cupboard to get out a cup for Greg.”Be still and know that I am God”. Psalm 46:10 The words on the mug were exactly what I needed to see; a reminder again that my job is to be still – praying and trusting. His job is to be God. Who ever said that God can’t speak through a coffee cup?