Busy, Busy, Busy!
If you are joining me here today from the Proverbs 31 devo, welcome!
As I re-read today’s devotion, I thought of the jalapenos that are in my frig right now. I am planning on cooking up some of those tasty treats this weekend for my mother and father-in-law who are coming in today. On days like today, when busy is the key word, I am tempted to skip or drastically reduce my time with Jesus. Maybe get a quick devo read in; talk to Him in between tasks and errands. I know that there are days when that is ok – there is no other option. In my life, though, one of those days can quickly turn into two or three, and I find myself dry once more.
It reminds me of the story of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1 – 13. Ten virgins, ten lamps. They each started out with the same amount. The foolish ones, we are told, were the ones who grabbed their lamps and got a head start on the day. The wise ones slowed down long enough to get the extra oil for whatever lay ahead.
Similarly, we each get the same – 24 hours. Some days we try to get a “jump start” on the day. Skipping our time with Jesus can give us that extra time we think we need in order to get it all done. Yet in this story Jesus is telling us that to really prepare is to slow down enough to get the “extra oil” for whatever comes our way that day.
I encourage you today, to get that extra oil. I am not sure how that looks for you; He created each one of us so differently. I just know for me, before I start cleaning this house and getting my groceries, I need to “get the oil”. I need Him to fill me completely so that I will have more than enough for whatever this day will hold. I hope you will do the same!
Have an incredible weekend!
Hi Lynn,
Loved your devo today. I know I desperately need the Lord’s presence – or I can be as irritated as your jalapeno’d hands. 🙂
Thanks so much for the kind, encouraging comment you left me. I hope the Lord opens the way for me to be at She Speaks…the whole thing.
You are a blessing. Have a good weekend.
Your devotional hit home for me. I have my daily time with the Lord, but I feel as if I am going through the motions. That I am not truly in His presence. For me it boils down to being still and listening and not worrying about getting a jump start on the day.
Again! So very timely for me.
I struggle with what I call the “junk” in my schedule. Picking up medicine from the pharmacy, running to walmart, dropping the car off for repair, even stuff that is designed for me to have a few mintues to myself requires so much time and effort that I am worn out.
I will re-read this section of teaching with a heart more willing to learn.
I teach a mix. Whoever is there on Sundays gets divided in half between me and another leader. I prefer to lead groups with just girls (6-12th grades)but sometimes we mix it up and do co-ed groups. These groups are more of a Sunday School/curriculum based format.
I used to lead a HS girls only small group and I absolutely loved it. Our YP reformatted small groups and now I have a jr high-senior high mix of boys and girls. That group meets twice a month and is designed to get them deeper into what they believe.
I have not been on the P31 site for teens but I will check it out!
Just what I needed to read today! Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my site! I am sooo excited about meeting you! And I would love nothing more than to have a delightful breakfast one morning with you! I am constantly seeing how faithful the Lord is and how faithful He will continue to be, especially over the next few months. I can’t wait to share our hearts and passions with one another. I know Jesus is going to rock all of our worlds at this conference. Please keep in touch up to the conference! I’d love to chat more with you prior to it!
Much Love,
Lynn, Timely words in the midst of busy days. We can never forget to step daily into His presence. And it is there I go now before climbing into bed…
Thanks for some well needed words. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of my life. Your blog reminded me that my time with the Lord is mandatory! I need it to live the life He’s called me to live.