But You Can!

Tears stream down my face as I listen again to the power of God bringing healing to such a broken heart.  As I listened, I knew her story might be exactly what my loved one needed to hear.

“Would you share it again?” I asked her.

“I can’t. What would they think of me if they knew?” fear spoke through her.

My heart sank. Shame…the ultimate binder and blinder … was winning again.

Proverbs 24:11 tells us, “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” (ESV)

We could modernize this verse, “Rescue those who are being taken away by the lies of culture; hold back those who are stumbling, destroying their lives.”

You and I see it everywhere and all around us; young and old, those who are buying into lies the enemy sets as bait to pull in and pull under those the Lord desperately loves. It is not a matter of age; it is a matter of knowing truth.

Many of us have ourselves bought into these lies in our past, but we have them quietly hidden. Like my friend, we don’t want to bring out into the open the mistakes of our own past, for fear of the judgment of those who don’t know our whole story.

Yet Jesus has called us to use our stories to help and strengthen others. Listen in to His conversation with Peter, just before Peter’s fall, “but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:32 (ESV)

Where have you failed, friend? Oh, I can tell you mine … basing my value on my ministry and motherhood. It is a failure that has gotten me nowhere good and wasted years of my life. But as I share my failure with others, I believe God is using what was bad for good. I pray He is empowering others to stop building their lives on the “sinking sand” of performance and achievement and build on the rock of Himself.

Will you, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, ask Jesus today, “Who needs my story, Jesus?” And even while you are shaking, commit to making that date with another or writing that email to give Him the glory He deserves for the great work He has done in You!

Many who need our stories are those who are younger than ourselves. The pull of the world’s wisdom is strong and comes at them every. single. day. Would you consider spending some time investing in a girl or woman who needs to have someone who loves her unconditionally come alongside her as she navigates this often confusing life? 

You don’t have to do it alone! I have written resources for every age – 8 – 12 year old girls, teen girls and women, to give you the tools you need. All you have to do is be willing and show up! Click here to find the resource that best fits your situation!



  1. Amy Wallis Hood says:

    And it’s not even close to a coincidence that the Lord again has nudged me to go…go to the most despaired, hopeless place near me to give other women hope. To share my story. To even possibly start a bible study filled with HOPE to let these 400+ ladies at this local center in town, know they are seen, loved and have purpose! Right now. Even in the darkness bc the Light of the World sees them…they so need another’s story of faith where God pulls a friend?‍♀️ from the pit of hell and shares how He helped her to chose to keep pressing on. Even when! I’m pushing beyond the comfort of just doing art and crafts with these ladies! It’s time to step out and just do what the Lord wants from me for these ladies. Just share with and love them Praising the Lord and thanking you Lynn for this most timely word!!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Isnt’ God simply amazing, Amy? Go, friend! God speed and GO! #MakeYourMove #DifferenceMaker

  2. Amen! When I went to Guatemala with my husband this past fall, the LORD clearly revealed to me that it was sharing my brokenness that would break down walls to heal their brokenness. Shame is a lie. God’s grace covers all of our sin and shame. Love this, Lynn!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      You have been brave, Denise, in sharing your story in “Shame Off You”. Keep going!

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