Coupon Clipping Craze
So my favorite verse in Proverbs 31 is verse 16 – “She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she’s set aside, plants a garden.” This woman knew how to find a great bargain; a woman after my own heart!
Earlier this week, I woke up with a lit in my heart! It was triple coupon week at the grocery store my son works at, Harris Teeter. About a month ago I had read an article on a woman who saved her way to a Disney vacation for her family and I was SO ready to jump on this wagon. Like my mentor, I got some baseball card sleeves, put them in a binder and started filling up the pages.
Years ago, I quit clipping coupons in favor of going to Aldi. In spite of the terrific deals at Aldi, I still find I have double stop duty. Inevitability, I end up swiping my card for more than I want on stop number two, so when I saw this article in the Charlotte Observer, I began clipping.
Here are the results: Trip 1: I spent $80+ dollars on groceries and ended up with a bottom line total of $32! Trip 2: I spent $75 dollars on groceries and ended with a bottom line of $25! I couldn’t have been happier (it helped to pay for the $70!!!! trip to the salon for Mariah! She asked to go to a hairdresser of her best friend and I forgot to call and ask the price! The hairdresser took off half of her face (that would be her eyebrows and now she looks like she is ready to be a senior at Providence!)
So…here is the scoop. Clip those coupons. Store them in a way that you can actually make sense of them. The baseball card binder works great for me. I have them in there according to where they are at in my store. Then…use the coupons only when the item is on sale or your store has triple coupon week. I also use competitor’s coupons at the same time (i.e. Bi-lo or Lowe’s coupons at Harris Teeter).
This stuff works, ladies! When Zach came home from work last night, he said one cashier actually had to PAY a lady money when she was done with her coupons. Now there is a great goal!
Have an incredible weekend and don’t forget…there is a reason the Lord created Sunday as a day of rest. So fill up that bathtub with some bubbles, grab a great book and treat yourself to a wonderful 7th day!
HEE HEE Being I live with a Martin, that is spoken sooo true of a Martin – You go Lynn!!
you inspired me to start the clipping again. I gave it up for quite awhile.
Well written article.