Exact Design
Driving school? Who has time for driving school? Driving thirty minutes to get downtown, I felt nothing but irritation. Yes, I had received two tickets in the past three years, but I got it now. No more checking out when I was driving through a school zone!
Computer Brain Rolling
As I sat through the class, my mind opened several “windows”, allowing me to multi-task even while sitting in the tiny classroom. Three windows were open: my to-do list for the day, my to-do list for the upcoming holiday and my to-do list for our home project. Class just could not get out fast enough; I needed to get going!
Flying out of the building, I checked my watch to see how much time I had before the school bus came. One hour. One hour to run to the carpet store, pick out the right color and get to the bus stop. Now mind you, this particular store was almost a thirty minutues drive. I knew I could do it! I donned my Wonder Women cape and zipped down the interstate.
Of course, every one else decided to pick out carpet on their lunch hour, making this item on my list not the fastest one to check off. As soon as I was done, I slipped into my car, threw it into reverse….BOOM!!!!
I backed right into the 25 foot tall sign!
Something’s Gotta Give
How could I have done that! I just got out of driving school! I laid my head on my steering wheel and cried. “Lord, something has got to change and I know it needs to be me!”
I was reminded of this time in my life this morning as I read Numbers 8:4 “…It was build according to the exact design the Lord had shown Moses.” Two words: exact design.
That has been my prayer each morning over the past three weeks: may each day, each hour, each minute be built according to Jesus’ exact design. Tired of cramming, procrastinating, and plotting, I want to live in a place where each day is a surrender to the Lord’s design.
Are you caught in a spin cycle of trying to get it all done? Do you lay awake at night wondering if the things not accomplished today will be accomplished tomorrow?
A New Way To Start
Try this. Tomorrow morning, before your feet ever hit the ground, tell the Lord: “This is Your day, not mine. Whatever You want me to do, I will do. Whatever you don’t, I won’t.” Then through out the day, as stress tries to slip in or frustration makes a move on your freedom, repeat your prayer, “This is Your day, not mine, Jesus. Whatever You want me to do, I will do. Whatever you don’t, I won’t.”
On my Saturday morning, I’ll be speaking to the beautiful women in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina; hopefully speaking what He has designed me to. I’m speaking in many venues this spring; I’d love to meet you at one of them! Please check out my schedule and make plans to attend one of these events. Check out the schedule of our entire Proverbs 31 Speaking team. I’m sure one of us will be in your part of the country too!
I just attended the conference in Roanoke Rapids where you spoke. I was delighted, as I imagined I would be! You were a delight to hear and the feeling of wanted to be wanted are so real to so many women. I am one of those women! I just want you to know that you spoke to my heart through God's word. I look forward to following your ministry and I will be looking for other oppotunities to hear you and to read your posts! I preordered your new book and I will pray for it to speak to many! I also will be praying that God will use you in a mighty way to speak to the hearts of women and girls who need to know that JESUS is the only one who can complete us! Thank you for sharing your gift and the talent God has given you!