
If you are joining me here today from Encouragement for Today with Proverbs 31 Ministries, welcome my friend! We’re talking about freedom. At the bottom of the post, I’ll talk more about the give away I mentioned.

David. The Bible calls him a man after God’s own heart. Oh to be called that! Yet, Jeremiah 17:9  says:

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (NIV)

God’s own heart…pure, perfect. My heart…deceitful, beyond cure. What can bring the miracle change I am desperate for?

David answers that question:

“I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts” (Psalm 119:45, NIV).

Sought out. tells us seeks means: to go in search or quest of.

Freedom is found when we go in search of or a quest to find His precepts in His Word.

The more we know the truth of who He is the more we will experience the truth of who we are.

Without that truth, buried in our hearts, there is no hope for freedom. Just more of the same. The busy, cluttered life of one who is searching for peace and purpose – but in the wrong places. Spouses, careers, children…they never fill.

This search or quest is not to be gained in a prayer on the go here or a short devotional there. Just like a man on a quest to make a woman his, we need to pursue Jesus.

Pursuing Him while dropping the false claims of purpose of this world will take us to a place of His peace.

Today, I am giving away a book that started my journey to freedom this year: Fasting: Opening the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God by Jentezen Franklin. This book helped me to understand the gateway to powerful breakthroughs and the key to finding daily freedom in Christ.

To be included in the opportunity to win today’s give away, simply click on “comments” below and share with me where you want to be free. If you can’t do that right now, just say “I’m in!”. Please be sure to leave me your email address so I can contact you if you win!

I’ll go first….

I want to be free from ambition,  so I am free to serve with a joyful heart.

I want to be free from selfishness, so I am free from irritation.

I want to be free from jealousy, so I am free to rejoice in the good of another.

I want to be  free from judgment, so I am free to pray from a pure heart.

I want to be free from expectation, so I am free to enjoy whatever comes.

I want to be freed from controlling others, so I am free to see the miraculous.

When I am truly free, I will see the Kingdom of God in my life.

If this post has been helpful to you, please go to the top, putting your email address in the subscription box to receive them weekly. Do you know a friend who needs to experience God’s freedom? Just click on one of the share button below or forward as an email.



  1. Friend, I'll be the first to say I am seeking out the Lord and His precepts to find His freedom for my life.

    Here is my list of what I want to be free from:

    I want to be free from ambition, so I am free to serve with a joyful heart.

    I want to be free from selfishness, so I am free from irritation.

    I want to be free from jealousy, so I am free to rejoice in the good of another.

    I want to be free from judgment, so I am free to pray from a pure heart.

    I want to be free from expectation, so I am free to enjoy whatever comes.

    I want to be freed from controlling others, so I am free to see the miraculous.


  2. I want to be free of trying to control my husband so that he can be who God created him to be.

    I want to be free from the "I can do it myself" attitude, so I can cast all my cares upon Him.

    I want to be free from selfishness, so I can be free from irritation.

  3. Kendra Cameron-Jarvis says:

    I want to be free from expecting my husband, children, and career to fill up the empty places in my soul…I want God to fill me up.

    I want to be free from self criticism. Those voices that constantly remind me I am not good enough nor will I ever be.I want to fill me thoughts with God's words-that I although I am not good enough, Christ is and He has made me whole.

    I want to be free from anxiety and worry. I want to remember that lay my worries on the altar and TRUST God.


  4. I really "got" this devotion as I have been struggling with very similar things…and my word for this year is also FREEDOM…

    I want freedom from past hurts that keep coming back with new faces…so that I am free to be me and all that God wants me to be.

    I want to be free from fear, and self-criticism/doubt…free from the voices that tell me I am not worthy…so that I can accept all that God has promised to those who believe

  5. I want to be free from jealousy so I am free to not judge others.

    I want to be free from my selfish attitude that I can do it on my own, so I am free to lay everything at Jesus feet and trust Him from here.

    Thank you for your devotional at Proverbs 31 ministries. It described how I normally go through a day, creating a 'To-Do' List just for the satisfaction of crossing things out and then enjoy crossing things out when the task was accomplished. I believe this is what the Lord is trying to teach me, stop creating the 'To-Do' Lists and wait upon Him.


  6. I can relate so well to all of you!

    I have been doing the "Made to Crave" study with some friends. Where it says "food" I have to cross it out and write in "controlling my kids".

    We want so much for them to be blessed, but for me sometimes that crosses the line into control.

    Jesus, free us! Hear the prayers of each one of these women. Start in our minds and land in our hearts, Lord!

    We are so grateful for what you want to do and will do through the power of your son, Jesus!

  7. I want to be free of self-condemnation so I can be free to love God and others more fully.

  8. I want to be free of wishing I was important, because I am important to Him.
    I want to be free of vanity so that God receives my praises. Thanks Lynn

  9. I want to be free from other people's feelings and thoughts, especially my family.
    I think I've never been absolutely free from them, and I wish I could.

    Lord help me.

    [email protected]

  10. Anonymous says:

    I want to be from my expectations, so that I'm open to God's will.

  11. Anonymous says:

    i want to be free from the control that numbers on a scale has over me so that i can be free to truly enjoy the people and activities that God places in my life.

    I want to be free from the pain of rejection so that i am free to be confident that Christ's acceptance is all that matters.

  12. Laura J Rodriguez says:

    I want to be free from "fear"..

    Fear that my husband has left for good this time,it's the 4th time.
    Fear that I will not be able to pay my bills, since I am unable to work.
    Fear from becoming bitter towards my husband.
    Fear from being alone too much.

    I want to be free from fear so that I can truly rest in the promises of GOD. I want to be free from fear so I can know what God's will for my life is. I want to be free from fear so that I am able to show love to those around me who are hurting as well.

  13. I want to free from self doubt so that I am free to express God's work in my life.

    I want to be free from the clutter of activities so that I can enjoy my moments with my Lord.

  14. Good morning! After reading your list of the areas you want to be free in, I want to copy and paste. As I was reading the devotion I realized that I do not have any freedoms in my life. I keep myself so busy, and back that with a bag of excuses of why I do what I do, that there is no time for freedoms. I need to learn and search out God's desire for me! Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing part of your life!

  15. I want to be free from the pain of my past, so I can fully enjoy to gifts He has given me in the present.

    I want to be free from seeking the approval and acceptance of others, so I can rest fully in the knowledge that I am His daughter.

  16. Friends,

    As I sit in my car getting ready to spend time with Jesus, I read your cries for freedom…and I pray for each of you.

    The words of the worship CD I'm listening to pours God's truth into my spirit; filling me. It is one more avenue to my freedom – pouring into me so I can pour to those I will spend time with in a few shorts minute.

    May we SEEK You today, Jesus!!!

  17. Thank you so much! I want to be free from the opinions of others so I can just live to please the Lord.

  18. Love your devotion today!!! I want to be free from the urgent and focused on the important.I want to be free from my expectations to do more and find time and room in my life for "being" more – with Jesus, with myself just reflecting and relaxing, with my husband laughing, with my kids talking.

    Free to breathe, live and love as each moment comes to me today.


  19. Spot on! I've thought so much about how I'm running around and my mind is preoccupied with so many things every single day until I head to bed. And been thinking how I can change that so I have some time to unwind, spend more time with God and be the wife and the friend I'm meant to be. Instead of constantly being stressed out. I like how you said that none of these things will fulfil us: husband, career, children. Wow! So true! Thanks for the reminder today.
    [email protected]

  20. Kimberly,
    I would be honored if you printed out my list. This list I wrote in an earlier post this year. A friend of mine told me he printed it out and carries it in his wallet.

    Lord, use my weakness to draw others to you!

  21. Thank you for today's devotion.

    I want to be free from disorganization so I may be free to be from self condemnation.

    I want to be free from judging my husband so I may truly love him unconditionally and allow him to become the man God sees.

    I want to truly live what is taught in the Made to Crave study so I can be free from the control of food and live upon the promises of God.

    I could go on, but these are the beginning of a path to freedom from Satan's oppression.

    Bless you,

  22. I want to be free from insecurity so I don't act in a jealous, controlling or needy way. I want to be free of fear so I can start my life again and have the courage to be able to drive and work and do all the things I did before my illness.

  23. Wow! Can I just say "All of the above"? Seriously, I am printing out the list of comments and putting them in my prayer journal. Every single comment spoke to my heart. Thank you.

  24. I want to be free from pain so I can concentrate more on the things Jesus wants me to do. I had gastric bypass surgery about 5 weeks ago. I had complete faith that everything would go smoothly with no complications and that is exactly what happened. Three weeks later though, I hurt my back and I have missed even more work. One week after my back injury, I started dealing with vertigo. Great, now I can barely stand and I'm dizzy! I know I am a big threat to Satan with my unshakable faith in Christ but I keep thinking when is enough, enough? One reason I had surgery was to stop focusing so much on my weight. I want to be free to think more about Christ and others. I'm tired of thinking about myself and my problems.

  25. I want to be free from the effects of growing up in a very controlling, mentally & emotionally abusive household so that I can enjoy and love my children for the God given miracles they are.

    I have also been following Lysa's Made to Crave study. Like you Lynn I have replaced the word "food" with "controlling my kids". This is a true struggle of mine that I have had a hard time admitting even to myself. Thank you for your devotion today. It was just what I needed.

    Mary – [email protected]

    Thank you

  26. I want to be free of being in bondage to my expectations of myself and others so that I am free to pursue the excellence He has planned for myself and my family.

  27. I am so in! I want to be free from the fear of failure…free from the idea of having to be in control…because I know God is able to take care of my life better than I can! I would love to have some peace in my life that stays!

  28. I am so in! I want to be free from the fear of failure…free from the idea of having to be in control…because I know God is able to take care of my life better than I can! I would love to have some peace in my life that stays!

  29. I want to be free from fear.
    I want to be free from worry.
    This was a timely post.

  30. I want to be free to worship without guilt of feeling that I have not done all that I can.

    I want to be free from feeling that my children have stray from serving God,not because of their training,they were brought in the Church, but because of their choices.

  31. Lynn,
    I want to be free from the pain in my heart over my son's bad choices he has made recently. He is in so much trouble with the law and I can only pray he will turn to the Lord now and always. I have tried fasting once a week, but would like to know more about fasting.
    Thank you for this devotion!

  32. Jesuslegaleagle says:

    I'm in, Lynn!

    I want to be free from caring what others think- only Jesus matters.

    I want to be free from being overwhelmed by the drama of life. Drama is going to happen- expect it and deal with it as God leads us. Sometimes that means I need to walk away from it and simply pray.

  33. I want to be free of looking to others for my self worth and acceptance. My value comes from Christ, the one who paid the ultimate price for me!

  34. I want to be free of worry, so I can trust God in every area of my life.

  35. i want to be free of hurt, feeling as if noone cares, being not fitting in, being put down. and of course trying to let my kids find there way.

  36. Marcia Bennett says:

    I want to be free of trying to control everything in my life. I want to be free of the constant discontent with my weight and the attempts that prey on my mind, while getting me nowhere. I know that I can only accomplish my health and weightloss goals through Christ.

  37. Donjia Allred says:

    I want to be free from expectation so I may enjoy what I have been blessed with, also so I can provide the right encouragement to my husband and children.

    Email:[email protected]

  38. Evalyn Elliott says:

    I'm in. I want to be free from the pain and fear that is in my marriage right now.

  39. Thank you for this devotional!! I have been in counseling for 12 weeks now to be free of the negative emotions that come from feelings of insignificance. Your devotion struck a chord with me–seeking Christ is ultimately the way to peace and simplicity. I have learned much on my journey–thank you for sharing yours! 🙂

  40. Thanks for the devotional on p31 and the extension on your blog. Like so many of the commentators, it is timely-written at a time when I am dealing with "why am I afraid of being who I really am". That is my quest for freedom. I want to free to be me, free from the anxiety, the tension, and the lie that I am not right the way I am. It is a lie, 'cause God made me, and when He was finished, He said,"This is good." I know that in my head-I want that to be expressed in my life.

  41. I want to be freed of over working, so I can spend more time in prayer.

  42. I want freedom from the expectations I perceive others have of me so that I am free to open my heart and wholeheartedly follow the purpose God has laid out for me.

    Thank you for a great message, Lynn!

  43. Anonymous says:

    I am praying for freedom from anger and self-righteousness. Help!

  44. Hi Lynn, Thank you so much for this wonderful devotion. I can relate to everyone. The song "Free To Be Me" by Francesca Battistelli popped in my head after reading your devotion. My biggest battle seems to be freedom from perfection and with God's help I will win that battle…learning to love myself and ignore the negative messages that rear their ugly heads. 🙂

  45. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from anger, so I can experience God's peace. I want to be free from procrastination, so that I am free to be who God says I am. I want to be freed from controlling my children so that they can grow and be who God created them to be. I want to be free from irritation and impatience so I am free to experience God's grace.

    I want to be free so that I can know God and trust in His everlasting goodness, favor and promises He has for me; the very best. Lord help me to be free indeed.

    [email protected]

  46. I want freedom from trying to control others and trying to make each task "perfect."

  47. I want to be free of feeling I have to do something perfect before trying it. It has totally hindered me from using the creative talents that God has gifted me with because i want it to be perfect the first time.

    This is just one of MANY that I could list.

  48. I want to be free from thinking I can do everything on my own!


  49. I want to be free from selfishness and pride. So that I can be humble and truly love others and serve them more than myself.

    If your giveaway is open to Canadians, then please enter me, thanks!
    carolynnwald [at] hotmail [dot] com

  50. I want to be free of "super mom" and give all my cares to God.

    I want to be free from expectations, so I am free to enjoy whatever comes.

    I want to be free from past hurts so that I can be me and who God wants me to be

    I want to be free of doubt and live in the path God has before me.


  51. Lynn today's devotion really hit home with me. I also read Franklin's book "fasting" the first of this year and through that God has shown me my word for this year and it is SIMPLIFY. Being a stay home mom my life has gotten cluttered with committees and commitments. My times in prayer with the Lord have been centered on Him showing me where He wants me, not where I want myself. I am following His Spirit as I take things off my plate to focus on His purposes and plans for my life. Love, love this devo Lynn!

    Brandee, TN

  52. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from judgement…it's been very hard lately when talking politics and I find I am judging some before hearing them out. I don't want to be this way.

  53. Becky P. From Indiana says:

    I want so many of the freedoms others have posted. Free from guilt not just from past but the guilt I have on a daily basis. Free me from the guilt of: not accomplishing everything on my to do list, not getting my work out in, making a bad choice in food, unperfect parenting, making dinner late… I could go on and on. I want to be able to live free in Jesus. He wasn't sent to condemn the world but to save the world. I want to be free from the voices of guilt so I could be free to hear the sweet voices of love and encouragement. It's sad when I change words around that other people say that are actually not offensive, into words that attack me. I allow so much miscommunication to happen because of guilt.

  54. I want to be free from FEAR… the fear of being who God wants me to be despite the world around me, the fear of what others will say about me, the fear that I will lose some things/relationships in my life if I make the changes that are weighing on my heart, the fear that I will fail ~ I want freedom from FEAR so that I can step into the skin of the beautiful woman God is calling me to be.

    Needed this post… thanks for you words. And there's a certain amount of freedom in sharing your challenges with others, even if it's simply a comment on a blog!

  55. I want to be free in all the areas you mentioned. As I was reading them they all hit home to me. Thank you for your words today.

  56. Lynn – your Proverbs 31 devotional speaks volumes. I so enjoyed the prayer. I then came to your blog and your list – Wow! Thank you so very much for allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you in sharing these truths and prayers with us!

  57. I want freedom from curiosity so I ccan focus on now and what God is wanting me to do NOW. Thank you for today's devotional!

  58. I want to be free from worry. The worry of what others think. I want to be free from the control of others. I want the truth to be so deep in my heart, that I know how to handle those that seek to control me. I want my family to walk in a peace so encapsulating that the controling actions of others cannot penetrate it. I want those that seek to control me and my family, to be filled with God's love, find their own personal peace in God, and be released from those things holding them captive.

  59. I want to be free from insecurity, so that I can be who Christ created me to be!

  60. This is the first time reading your blog. I've thoroughly enjoyed it as it convicted my heart.

    I want to be free from pursuing others' expectations for me.
    I want to be free from the pain of barrenness.
    I want to be free from selfishly pursuing the gifts of God and not Him.
    I want to be free from contrariness.
    I want to be free from luke-warmth in my seeking of Him.
    I want to be free from pridefulness of thinking that its all about me.
    I want to be free from building expectations others can't live up to.
    I want to be free from barrenness of heart.
    I want to be free from….
    I'm sure there is more.

  61. I also want to cut and paste. I never realized all these freedoms I need until they were put in front of me and I think "hey that's me too!"

    I want to be free from controlling, jealousy, vindictiveness, unforgiving attitude and judgement!

  62. Thanks Lynn for your openness and transparency. I would like to be free from the arrows of doubt that get quickly thrown at me when there is progress made for His glory, so I can move on with what He has in store for me such as ministering to others. I have come to discover that is a stronghold that He and I are working on together.
    I want to be free of the way I feel toward my husbands lack of spiritual leadership, and wait as he grows the way God wants him too.
    I like to be free from the nagging doubt for my childrens future, so they can see the "Sandles of Peace" from their mom.
    Thanks again for a great ministry.
    Blessings to you!!

  63. I want to be free from a critical attitude, so I can appreciate others.

    I want to be free from worry so I can give Him more time.

    I want to be free from always saying "yes" when "no" is also OK.

    Thank you for this devotion/

    [email protected]

  64. I want to be free from self condimnation and bad self esteem. I obsess over my weight and I have allowed it to hold me back for the kingdom of God. My husband and I just accepted a calling that we felt a while back. However, Satan has been attacking me severely with thoughts like "How can you lead a church when you can't lead yourself. You look awful and no one is going to want to come to a church with an ugly fat worthless and angry pastor's wife." sounds so silly, doesn't it, to believe these lies. However, they have been such a stronghold over me for many years, even from childhood. I hate living this way and pray for FREEDOM. I want to one day yell as loud as I can, so the whole world hears, "God set me free."
    I also want to be free from control. I don't like to give up control. When family and friends around me do something that could harm them or put them into a deep whole, I get angry. I want to make them do things the right way and so I get irritated. It isn't my place to be their parent or judge. I need to let God work in their lives and let God work in mine.

  65. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from haunting thoughts from my past. The hurt tries to keep coming back and I must daily lay it down.

    I don't want to struggle with that anymore! And through Jesus help, I will! 🙂

    [email protected]

  66. I want to be free from needing to always be in control of everything. I am a wife of a great man who is getting closer to the Lord and a mother of two beautiful kids. I am constantly rushing them and nagging them. I don't want them to learn to recent me or grow up to have these behaviors. I also want to let go of feeling I have to control how my husband has his relationship with the Lord. Free me of control Father…

  67. I want to be free from fear, so I can be free to lead.

  68. This was a great post for me today (and devo email, which lead me here). The common theme in my readings, studies and lessons are: be still. Be still to hear the voice of God, to see what He is doing around me so that I may lead where He follows, not try to make my own direction. So I would like to be free from business so that I can be open to Him…whatever that leads to.

  69. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from worry so that I can live a happy joyful life and my children will be able to do the same!

    I want to be free from looking for something to fill me and just let God fill me up and complete me.

    Blessings! [email protected]

  70. I want to be free from pre-conceptions so I can be the Jesus Girl I was made to be.

  71. I want to be free from the sin of loneliness so I am free to know that God's love it all around me.

    I want to be free from the sin of putting my husband first so I am be free to put me God first.

    I want to be free from the sin of feeling completed so that I am free to allow God's plan for my life to unfold.


    [email protected]

  72. I want to be free from anger, so that I can truly forgive as God forgives me.

  73. Lynn,
    I want to be free to walk in newness of life, leaving my past failures behind me.
    I want to be free of jealousy of those wh have "more" than I do, but be thankful for all the Lord has given me.
    I want to be free to speak God's word with boldness to unsaved friends and family.
    I want to be free to be trust Him with the lives of my precious daughters. That I would allow the Lord to work in their lives.
    I claim Gal 5:1 as His promise for me this day and forever.
    Thnk you dear sister for your encouragment.
    [email protected]

  74. This post spoke directly to my heart as my word for 2011 is "peace" and peace is impossible in bondage. So here's my list: Freedom from "people pleasing" so I can be "God pleasing"
    Freedom from fear of failure so I can be free to try and learn from the failures should they come.
    Freedom from anger so I can live in joy despite my present circumstance.
    Freedom from perfectionism so that I can live in peace (even when the house is a complete mess) and enjoy every moment God gives me with my children and husband.

  75. I want to be free of being critical of others, so that I can be more loving.
    I want to be free of worry, and remember to trust in the Lord.

  76. Anonymous says:

    Great post Lynnn! I want to be free from negative thoughts about myself….so I can be free to love myself in a healthy way-so I'm free to love others.

    I struggle with this issue and have for some time…..God is helping me see my true value in Him.

    Amy V. in WI

  77. I want to be free from being everything to everyone. I want to be used by GOD! The rest will fall into place. Thank you for your message Lynn!! THIS is just what I needed to hear!

  78. Great post! Really hits home with me today as I deal with trying to fit in work, family, my husband, myself, and my growing faith.

    I want to be free from pursuing others' expectations for me and from my own "worldly" expectations so that I can be exactly who God created me to be. To be free from the "I want it all" attitude that so many of us struggle to overcome today while being Christian role models in our current society.

  79. Victoria Hage says:

    Free to be still.

    Right now I should be at Powette, which is an Assemblies of God Girls Ministries camp-out, with my daughter. We have been looking forward to this for months, however, she became very sick yesterday with a high fever that just wouldn't go away. The doctor said absolutely no camping for her. The tears trickled down her face as she said, "Mommy, why isn't Jesus answering my prayers?"

    The theme for Powette this year is…of all things: FREEDOM! Each tent had a sign marked "Free to be ___." Ours was 'Free to Sing.' I talked to my daughter about God knowing better than we do and that an unanswered prayer is sometimes the best answer.

    Tonight we put up a tent in the living room and turned on some Kari Jobe…when her favorite song, 'Be Still', came on, she asked if she could make a new sign…it says "Free To Be Still." In her disappointment she found a new kind of freedom…
    what a lesson my 8 year old has taught me.

    My e-mail is [email protected]

    God never ceases to amaze me by His sincerity…He knew I needed to read your blog…thank you!

  80. Anonymous says:

    I am so nervous writing this out loud so to speak. Since becoming a stay at home mom 12 years ago, I have been living my life like this. Thinking that it's my secret…..filling my days with my kids, volunteering, making lists basically out of anything yet nothing.
    I want to be FREE from the lists that make me feel important. FREE from being afraid that now that all of my kids are in school….now what.
    I want the FREEDOM that only GOD has for me so that I can truly draw closer to HIM.


  81. I want to be free from my eating disorder and the fear of trusting God with all of my life. I want to be free of feeling negative about myself and just know that who I am is enough for God.

  82. There are so many things that I long to be free of…I would love to be free from selfishness, insecurity, needing approval from others, envy…oh the list goes on. 🙂 I have heard good things about that book and would love to read UT!

  83. I want to be free to worship God in a way that I never have before.

  84. I want to be free from guilt, so I am free to open my heart to growth and to free to see the path that HE has set for me.

  85. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from food controlling me. Its keeping me from being 100% sold out to my Lord. I'm desperately in need of this freedom.

  86. Oh my lord, I want to be free from this food compulsion and I dont know where to start, I want a closer relationship with God, My prayers are so so I say good morning or good night God thank you for another day, or help me God with this or that. If only I could lve God like I love the food I would be so thankful. love, Alma

  87. I want to be free from my insecurities and selfishness so I can see others the way Jesus sees them.

    I want to be free of my self doubt so I can be the person God intended me to be.

    I want to be free of satan's lies and embrace the pure love God has for me, His daughter.

  88. Dear Friends,

    As I have read your comments, I have prayed for you. Each one is a prayer to the the Lord that I know He wants to answer.

    I am going to keep this post up through the weekend and will announce the winner on my Monday post.

    Have a super weekend!

  89. I want to be free of pride so I don't worry what others think of me when I share my heart.

    I very much identified with your need to be busy to feel important…and the to do list for the joy of checking them off. (the first thing on my list every day is "get up". I get to start the day checking something off!)

    I just started exploring the discipline of fasting and I am intrigued and curious. I'd like to hear about your experiences…maybe a topic for encouragement for today?

  90. I so relate to all you said Lynn. I want to be FREE from need to control others, so that I can exercise SELF-control.

    I want to be FREE from complaining, so that I see God's good gifts & walk in GRATITUDE.

    I want to be FREE from lusting for the idolatry of food & wasting time overindulging so that I can have time & passion for God's Word which nourishes my soul.

    I want to be FREE of judgment so that I can see others as God sees them.

    I want to be FREE from apathy so that I can be PASSIONATE for the things & ways of God.

  91. Anonymous says:

    My desire is to be free from the clutter in my life

  92. I want to be free from carelessness, so I am free to serve with a prudent attitude.

    I want to be free from self righteousness, so I can speak with gentleness and humility

  93. I want to be free from being defensive so that I can speak with gentleness and humility

    I want to be free from anger so that I can serve with a joyful heart

    I want to be free from chaos so that I can live a life in God's order

    I want to be free from carelessness
    so that I am serving otthers with a prudent attitude

  94. i need to be free from bad influences in my school life.

  95. I want to be free from people-pleasing so that I can focus on pleasing my Savior!
    I want to be free from controling my husband and children so that I can witness the work of God in their lives.
    I want to be free from self-condemnation so that I can feel God's love for me.
    I want to be free from whatever stronghold is affecting my weight so that I can serve God with a healthy body.

  96. Anonymous says:

    I'm in total agreement with the following that both you and your readers submitted, thank you for sharing your heart, so I could further explore mine.

    I want to be free from selfishness, so I am free from irritation.

    I want to be free from judgment, so I am free to pray from a pure heart.

    I want to be free from expectation, so I am free to enjoy whatever comes.

    I want to be freed from controlling others, so I am free to see the miraculous.

    I want to be free of trying to control my husband so that he can be who God created him to be.

    I want to be free from self criticism. Those voices that constantly remind me I am not good enough nor will I ever be.I want to fill me thoughts with God's words-that I although I am not good enough, Christ is and He has made me whole.

    i want to be free from the control that numbers on a scale has over me so that i can be free to truly enjoy the people and activities that God places in my life.

    I want to be free from the pain of rejection so that i am free to be confident that Christ's acceptance is all that matters.

    And adding at least one of my own…I want to be freed from addictions to mindless chatter (aka facebook) so that I may spend more time with the Lord.

    Thank you, [email protected]

  97. I wan to be free from perfectionism, so I can be excellent for Jesus.

  98. Anonymous says:

    I want to be free from perfectionism, so that I am free to be what God created me to be, not what I think I need to be.

  99. I want to be free from trying to control others. Also, for having so much on my plate that it is causing me stress and frustration. Even when He told me to eliminate items off of my "to do" list. I want to be compltely free to continue to do His agenda and not my own.
    Thanks Lynn for this devo! It is amazing! Also, for the give away. God Bless You!

  100. I received this one last week and felt the need to revisit it again this morning. It reminded me of words from my therapist a couple weeks ago, “You seem to be inordinately busy…” It struck me when she said it. Am I busier than others or do I just make it sound like I am? Does it sound worse than it is because I have a hard time handling it all when you factor my anxiety and depression issues? Anyone who doesn’t suffer from the latter doesn’t realize how hard it is to function when you’re fighting something not entirely under your control (i.e. my husband).

    Like this devotion says, sometimes I think I’ve added work related and personal things to my plate to compensate for feeling unimportant or unappreciated…invisible. Being busy puts me out there in front of people; they can’t help but SEE me. It also elicits sympathy from others who “Don’t know how I do it!” which is something I think I’ve come to feed on for personal (and instant) gratification to keep me going. I’m realizing this is not healthy, even prideful, and probably not very Christian. Another devotional weeks ago talked about “keeping goals silent” and not boasting about what you’re going to do or did do, indulging in the empathy of others, but knowing that God sees all and will reward me in His time.

    I feel like I am being called to listen to these devotionals. In my experience, when God is asking me to do something I don’t want to do or am afraid of, I feel uneasy and out of my comfort zone. This statement makes me REALLY uncomfortable. Wow, this would be a tough habit to break, you know?

    1. jerin Smith says:

      I want to learn how to forgive my husband for an affair so I can live free from hate and bitterness that is distorting my entire essence. Comments were from 10 years ago. Ten years. Ten years. And praise Jesus you wrote them. Praise God you wrote these comments

  101. jerin Smith says:

    I want to learn how to forgive my husband for an affair so I can live free from hate and bitterness that is distorting my entire essence.

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      How amazing is our God, Jerin! For Him to use a post this old … He is so good!

      I am currently going through the Bible study “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget”. I HIGHLY recommend this resource by Lysa TerKeurst. She has experienced the same pain as you.

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