Growing Closer…Together
If you are joining me here today from Encouragement for Today from Proverbs 31 Ministries…welcome! If you enjoyed today’s devotion, please click on the envelop above to receive my encouraging posts through out your week.
Writing today’s devotion on mean girls coming from mean mamas wasn’t the funnest for me. Who wants to tell on themselves? It is so true; our children are watching every move we make. They can spot a hypocritie faster than I can spot a bargain in TJMaxx! The saying, “do as I say not as I do” just isn’t going to work with this generation.
Today I read in Jentezen Franklin’s Fasting Journal “…you should fast for your little ones, your children. God said that you can raise up a foundation for many generations by fasting. Some thing begins to happen in the home of people who fast. The house of faith is built, and it extends from generation to generation to generation.”
I have to say this is so true. Last year, I, along with thousands of other people across America, participated in a corporate 21 day fast in January which was started by Free Chapel Church. I chose a word that I was going to pray for my family in 2011; I wanted to see God bring freedom to me and my family.
In December, one of my daughters asked me if I was going to fast again this year because she wanted to join me. My other daughter than wanted to and my husband as well! I never asked one of them to join me. I believe that they saw God move in my life and want to see God do a new and fresh work in their lives as well.
What is something fresh you can do with your kids to pour into their lives God’s truth?
Here are a few of the things I do or have done in the past:
* Read devotions to them while they are eating their breakfast
* Begin a Bible study with them and a few of their closest girl friends. Right now, we’re studying “His Revolutionary Love“.
* Pick out a book. Each of you read a chapter each week and then meet over a Starbuck’s; discussing it together.
* Choose one verse a week that you can learn together. Post it all over your house; saying it several times a day.
* Attend a mother/daughter conference together. Check and see if a “Revolutionary Love” conference is coming near you!
You are the biggest influence in the life of your child! Take advantage of it!
Today I’m giving away a signed copy of “His Revolutionary Love” as well as my CD “Building a Bridge to Your Child’s Heart”. To be entered to win, just click comment below and share one way you share Christ’s love with your child and if you’re in a hurry, just say “I’m in!” Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you. I’ll share the winner on my Friday post.
I share Christ’s love with my child by praying with her and for her each day.
Love it Cindy!
I have a daughter who turns 18 on Thursday. She has a beautiful 9 month old boy whom we both are thankful to God for. She is a wonderful single mother who sometimes struggles with the difficulties and her feelings of loneliness. I battle with my words and how to encourage her to focus on her son and their relationship while he is still so young and to wait for God to fill the desire for a husband/father in His own time. She has so much responsibility on her plate, working a part-time job, finishing high school online which takes dedication and discipline and all that comes with raising a child. I love her so much and want her to learn to trust God and His promises. We have seen His mercy and love happen in our lives so many times. As a mother and sister in Christ, I’ve tried to show the love of Christ by living life with her from the day she first came to me to tell me she was pregnant to this moment in time when my baby will turn 18. Each day I try to teach her to treasure these simple moments that can never be replaced and to take her life and live it for Christ for her son’s sake. Because if we miss heaven, we’ve missed it all.
Thank you so much for your encouragement! We too have had the same conversation. Im thinking I need to address every sinful passerby to “help my children learn wisdom” HA! Meanwhile, all she got from it was that her Mom was being judgemental. I love how you explained that it is ok to help keep each other accountable with our words. Also, wanting to connect more with my 14 year old daughter in light of Gods word and feel Ive too have gotten off track of holding her fragile heart. Thank you for all you do to encourage Christian women/moms!:D
I’m in. Looking for a way to connect to my 16-year-old daughter. Feel like we’re going in different directions. I want to be the godly mother she needs, an example for her to follow. Thanks for your daily encouragement, Lynn. I really appreciate you and your honesty.
Thanks Cheryl. You might try doing “His Revolutionary Love” together. The questions in the book and in the free leadership guide (found under “freebies”) help to open up some conversations that can help to draw you closer to Him and each other!
What a powerful message this is for today!! We have opportunities each day to “rise above” and be an exambple, yet we often miss out. I, too, have been “shamed” by my daughter (and even my son on occassion) for the way I reacted or the words I have spoken. Thank you so much for this reminder at the beginning of a new year. . . something else to add to my “work on it” list. Although my daughter is past the age to study “His Revolutionary Love” together, I would love, love, love to lead a study in my church for moms and daughters. It would be really awesome if my daughter could team up with me for a couple lessons even. We had some struggles during the teenage years, but we are an example of God’s grace as we move forward. My question for today is “Are my words building or breaking?” Thanks! 🙂
Lori, I love your idea of starting “His Revolutionary Love” in your church and investing in moms and daughters. I see so many moms at my conferences who want to build into their girls, but are just not sure how. Maybe we could add a “Revolutionary Love” conference to kick it off or wrap it up! I’d love to join you!
Thank you for sharing a very powerful message. I’m in!!!
We do devotions together each evening. Right now we’re reading through a princess book that she loves!
That’s great Amy! Keep investing!
I’ m in, this is such a powerful message. it pulls on my heart.
I really enjoyed your devotional today about mean girls. It spoke to me and pointed out to me I do the same thing with my granddaughter. She lives with me and I take it very seriously that I am a great influence in her life.
I share Christ with her by putting a verse I write down on an index card and put it in a hot pink mailbox that sits on her night stand. I put the flag up when I have finished placing the card. She wakes up and sees that she has mail. I write the verse on one side and a life application on the other side. She really enjoys this and when I miss a day she reminds me of it. She’s only 8 years old and loves Jesus. She was baptized in Nov 2011. I want to get it right with her.
Wow Carol! That is an incredible idea! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
We pray together at night. When they come home from school and tell me stories of a child at school who is going through a crisis a in the family, sick or has some other problem, I suggest that we pray for them. Recently, they heard of a child who was being abused by her birth family and was adopted. I see them being more compassionate and on the look for people who need prayer.
Would love to study this for myself to reach uot to girls I know need to have a loving relationship with Jesus
Thank you for your time and efforts today
Barbara, I have had a lot of women read it and said it was exactly what their heart needed to know. I hope you will get it and let me know how Jesus uses it to speak His unconditional and boundless love to you!
I’m in!
I am separated two hours from my children and visits are few, however we text often. A long distance way i share Gods love is by texting goodnight and they’re in my prayers…this evening I am going to inquire if they have a specific need I can pray for them about! Spiritual guotes with pictures are also a fantastic way of sharing!
Always looking for ways to connect and help my girls through this journey of life. Each saturday morning we make a coffee/breakfast run. In the mornings I read a devotion as the girls are getting ready for school and pray, pray, pray.
This is my first visit to this website. Thank you for all your encouraging words…I plan to spend more time on this. :)Sue
I do my best to help my girls (and myself!) see God’s hand in every situation. It’s so important to me that God is central and foundational to their lives, not just on the sidelines. (Thankful for a husband who feels the same!)
My heart is to raise my children in the ways of the Lord. I so see myself in this devotion about being judgmental of other women. I didn’t realize that was what I was doing in my effort to point out things that I think are displeasing to God. Although, I have noticed of late if my youngest daughter makes a comment that could be considered “mean” I remind her that the girl may not have a mother who has taught her and that we should pray for that girl.. We are all a work in progress…thank you for your ministry!
I’m in
“I’m in” ~Blessings~
My daughter sent me the “Encouragement for Today” that was us. Her and I have done that jointly how pitiful. It was smack in the face to realize that we were being mean. I even have Psalm 19:14 posted at my desk, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing…. Talk about being a hypocrite!!
Thank you for waking me up.
Sincerely going to change…Collette
Collette…you’re just part of the club of those of us who need Jesus to fill us and then pour Him out of us!
I’m in! We do a lot of “acting”… Our kids really get it when they see how to handle a bad situation in a Godly manner when we go over it before the situation happens. They still make mistakes, but it helps them to understand why they were corrected when they have acted out the scene before!
I share Christ’s love with my children by memorizing scripture with them.
I am always trying to lead my daughter by telling her what God expects of us. We are looking for a study for the girls in Sunday school class and this looks like it would be good for them.
Debbie, Be sure to check out the free leadership guide under “freebies”.
Thank you for sharing a very powerful message. I must admit I am guilty! I’m in!!!
I’m in. I try to live Godly before my children and we read the Bible together. I always remind my children how blessed they are and to be thankful because their are children they don’t have what they have.
Wow……what you were saying in line at the concert is exactly what I would do. I have felt so strongly in my heart about how girls should dress that I just want to tell the world, but I know my approach isnt how God wants me to do it. I am still growing and have a long way to go. Thankyou so much for sharing this!
I’m in!
I’ve borrowed the Veggie Tales saying “God made you special and he loves you very much” and say it ALL the time over my children. When my children say something mean to each other they have to then say they are sorry and follow up with saying 5 nice things about that person finishing with ” because God made you special and He loves you very much!”
One way we share Christ’s love to is to give whatever we have on hand to a peddler looking for money. It is usually in a form of food though! Great devotion!
I have guardianship of my 14 year old niece, my sister & her husband are addicts and not able to care for her. This has been a huge adjustment in our lives, full of both challenges and blessings. We discuss “mean girls” a lot and the issue of modest dress and fashion are a hot topic. Great story this morning!
I pray for & with Hailey everyday – she was baptized this past August, but I am not sure she fully understands how much Christ loves her and sometimes think she does “the church thing” just to please us. I know there are some mom and dad sized holes in Hailey’s hear that only God can fill and your book sounds like a great tool that we could use together. Thanks for your ministry.
Julie, What are blessing you are to Julie to pour His love into Hailey. You two might enjoy my videos on the issue of modesty. Check them out under “media”.
I share God’s love with my kids by praying for them daily. It is my deepest desire that they love the Lord all of their lives. Thanks for the encouragement.
I’m in! Would love this for my granddaughters.
What a wonderufl reminder today! I teach Team Kids in my youngest daughters class on wednesday night at my church and my oldest daughter (12) helps out. I would love to win this giveaway and start this book with her. She is at that age where I feel her pulling away and leaning more towards the influence of her friends than me. Thank you!
Lynn, thank you so very much for the Proverbs 31 devotion today, as well as for this follow-up blog post! I am a mommy to 2 little girls, ages 4 and 6, and I find myself being super judgemental of them and of others, thinking that I am “training” them to do the right things. In reality, I am being a “mean girl,” and that makes my heart sad. As a matter of fact, this weekend, I told my girls that other than having a relationship with Christ, my number one desire for them is to be kind girls. So! What advice would you give to this mommy of wee ones? I love your advice that you gave in the devo and blog post, but I’m thinking it is more geared toward preteen/teens. Thanks, again, for your faithfulness!!
Annie, I started pouring scripture in bite size pieces to my girls from early on. Take scripture and put it into short 4 – 5 word pieces, but make sure they still know it is God’s word and not just mommy’s advice.
When you do something that honors Jesus, talk to them about it. Help them to see when you are kind to the sick neighbor, respectful to daddy, reading your Bible before you turn on the TV, allow the lady in the store to go first, etc. Through your actions, you will train them to not only know what the Bible says, but to do what the Bible says. It will also cause you to become the woman you want to be as you become the woman you want to model to your girls.
God’s greatest to you!
thank you SO SO SO much for this wonderful advice and encouragement!!! it’s exactly what i needed today!! what a blessing you are!!
Having a husband that works very long hours (gone early, home late), it is sometimes hard for me to really do what I think needs to be done regarding my childrens spiritual life. I have three very active boys, 7, 6, and 3 and sometimes by the end of the day, I am just ready to collapse on the couch, but I have made a commitment this year to have “family” dinners each night. Everyone sits down together and shares their day. I try and get a bible study and prayer time in each night also. But, the most important thing I can do is make sure my life is living for Christ in all I do, and my children can see that.
Keep going Barbara! You are honoring Jesus and he will honor you!
My youngest daughter and I read a devotional together. It’s Veggietales and she really enjoys it. My oldest daughter, I encourage her to be open and talk with me about what is going on and then we can see what God would have her do. I also try to model Gods love for my children, this is a rededication that I have begun this year and I am really excited about how our lives have already begun to change. Gods love and grace is so powerful and it is ALL we need! Thank you for your words today, the reinforce what I have been discussing with my mother about her actions in front of my children and just all around. I think hearing it from someone else will help her to start changing some of her words.
Wow, the devotion today really hit home for me. . . it made me ask myself if in my attempts to correct and discipline my four young girls sometimes goes in the direction of “judging” instead of correcting and teaching. Much to consider! Thank you for your wise words!
We pray with our children at night and in the morning.
Boy, did I need to read this today! I have had several devastating events happen lately, and my anger and sadness from these events have spilled over onto the little issues we face daily. I have been doing a lot of “venting” with my teenage girls, but I realize now that all of this negative talk about the people who are irritating us has been destructive not constructive. This “venting” is a slippery slope which the three of us seem to be quickly sliding down. I will stop this behavior today! Thank you for the reminder!
My daughter is currently 6 and I want to begin early infusing the Word of God into her life. I pray constantly for my sweet girl, who was a premature miracle from the beginning. We review her Bible lessons from church and school and try to make practical life applications for her as a kindergartener.
I pray for my 3 girls, in addition to devotions, but one of the most important times for us each day is the prayer we say before they head down the driveway to the bus. They are still young, but I want that habit to be instilled early and to last. Most importantly, as they begin to mature, I want them to know their worth comes from who they are in Christ, not from the latest fashions, being considered cute, or popularity.
i’m in
I’m in! Just reading through this page is inspirational. I pray with my daughter every day, but lately God has been tugging at my heart to do more. I need to step up, and I keep telling myself that I am one of the biggest influences in my daughter’s life right now, and I need to use this opportunity wisely. I loved reading what other moms are doing, many great ideas!
I am a strong believer to build a strong foundation for my babygirl. She has a great relationship with the lord bt at time she lose focus. She only 8 bt she is a praying little angel to me. She speaks in tongues & keep me lifted in the Lord when I’m weak. I think this will deepen our relationship between is plus grow our bond with God.
HI Lynn,
Am an expectant Mum, am just one month gone.
Am so eager to bring up my children in God’s way. as a result of this burning desire i joined the children department in my church. am so happy to come in contact with your website as i have already began taking notes. Am a Nigerian living in Lagos am wondering how i can get your CD’s and the revolutionary love. kindly assist.
Hello friend! Are you able to order products from the US? If you are, just go to the Proverbs 31 website, look for shop and look under Lynn Cowell’s resources. Here is the link: Hope this helps!
I post Bible verses around the house in places where I know my children will see them often. As I was reading this, two of my children started arguing. I directed them to read the verse that’s stuck to the napkin holder (Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger.) I asked them if their words were harsh or gentle. They admitted to their harsh words and apologized! I can’t say this always has such an immediate effect, but it does help!
This is my first visit here and I am so glad that I came!! I have been looking for a great way to connect with my 16 year old daughter and I see some great ideas here. I also have two boys, ages 3 and 4, that I read to from their storybook bible and I encourage my 4 year old to pray with me daily. I am looking forward to reading more from you…thank you!
Welcome Rachel! I hope you will join our community of moms becoming wiser and raiser wiser daughters. You can do that by just clicking the envelop to get my posts on becoming a wiser woman and then sign up for my newsletter for Wednesday Wisdom Tips on kids. Again, welcome!
I got a lot out of this today. I’m in!!
Since my children were a year old we started with The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes by Kenneth N. Taylor. It has the story, Scripture to read, questions, and prayer. I read it while they eat breakfast every morning. They are 10 and 8 now and we still do it, but as they’ve gotten older, I add my own questions and we discuss it more. We pray together for the four of us and our day, for their teachers, the kids in their classes and that they would be a light. They each also have their own devotionals that their dad and I do with them before bedtime each night. We are doing what we can to instill the importance of starting the day with the Lord, and ending it with Him too.
I’m in. My daughter is non verbal Autistic. I really miss those normal mother, daughter times spent together. Don’t ever take those times for granite.
Teresa, Thank you for reminding me to not take my communication with my girls for granitic. Father, I pray that Teresa’s girl will communicate with her in ways she can see and feel. Give her your strength, hope and love for her girl every day. Amen
I’m in! I wanted a fresh start in the new year by making time to invest spiritually in the lives of my
15 and 18-year-old daughters. They still want to spend time with Mom so Yippee!!!
The way I share Christ with my two daughters is through daily prayer, daily devotional time and attending church and Sunday school.
The 31 Ministry from today (Mean Girls) really hit home with me! From here on out I will ask God to guard my mouth from judging others and to help me find only positive things to say.
Thanks for all you do!
My daughter is 8. I know I’ll turn around and she’ll be 16! We pray together every morning and before bedtime. She is thrilled because she can say the Books of the Bible. She is growing- not only in size, but more importantly in her faith. I want to help her in any way I can. Thank you for your devotional.
I’m in! I’ve been feeling my 16 year old daughter and I drifting a little lately, not communicating so well as I would like perhaps and wanting a way to help us connect and draw closer to God at the same time. Thank you for all you do.
Thanks Lynn for this eye opener!
I’m in! Thank you for your encouraging words and wisdom.
My daughter is 23 years old and lives in her own apartment in our city. I still would like to do some activities together to grow in the LORD with her. A bible study with her friends would be a good idea or just meeting with her for dinner weekly to discuss a Christian book we are reading together is another. Thank you for great suggestions!!!
I’m in too! Talking about how God blesses us. Praying together or for my children and letting them know.
I share Christ love with my daughter by being honest with her when she comes to me with tough questions. This is not always easy, as we know our children can ask some pretty tough questions. I believe as long as I am honest with her she will keep coming to me for answers and not her unlearned friends.
Thanks, Lisa
I’m in and so guilty of doing the same thing for the same reasons. I’ve also noticed that my daughter (10 years old) will put her friends down and couldn’t figure out why. Now I know and not happy with myself. But, with God’s help I can change and make a positive difference in the life of my daughter. Whenever my kids have something going on that they’re worried about, we always go to God in prayer. I also try to point out how blessed we are and that it ALL comes from our wonderful, loving Heavenly Father. I also pray for them to be a good friend and for God to send them good friends and for His protection and guidance in their lives, too. Thank you for a devotion that hit home! May God continue to bless you in all you do!
I’m in!!! While my daughter Emily is three years old, we read the Bible together. She has her own Bible with pictures and stories at her own level; and then we read the same story from “mommy’s Bible”. I want her to hear God’s word everyday. I also make sure she hears me pray out loud, It is wonderful to hear a 3 year old earnestly praying to Jesus!!!! God bless you and thank you for your devotion on Proverbs 31 that sent me over to this blog 🙂
I’m in! I have a almost 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I am constantly trying to think of ways to instill good values into their lives – even mine! We say prayers every night where I have my kids each say prayers from their hearts. Last night my son prayed that my daughter would not be so negative. So, when I woke this morning, I have been trying to think of ways to help to help with this situation. Reading your story made me think hard about what is actually coming out of my own mouth. Thank you and I look forward to getting on your website and absorbing your information.
Thanks for sharing Sonja! You can get my posts directly to your email box. Just click on the envelop. If you would like to get my Wednesday Wisdom Tips, just sign up in the box. Together, we can pour truth into our kids!
I am trying influence my child by teaching him how to pray! I am very close to my best friend’s daughter and consider her my own…we often eat dinner together, just the four of us! Our goal is to move away from the “God is Great” prayer and move into prayers involving true thanks, devotion and guidance! Thank you for your website!!!
Teaching my daughter to rise above negative influence is a tough job, but I work daily to help guide her to listen to God’s calling in her life! I try to model for her a Godly life!
Lynn, I loved your post today, it went straight to my heart. I have lived through the same with my daughters, and my girls bring truth to my actions, sometimes more that I want. My special thing that I have learned through the years, is not to rush them, usually in the pauses of our choatic life, like when they get in the car after school, or drying dishes after dinner, the deep troublng questions of life come timidly forward. Almost as if they are nerveously waiting to see how the comment will be received, if their hearts will be respected by mom, or trampled on by mom’s rush through life. So, I wait, I pray, and I have learned to respond with a great deal of caution and care…….. and then pray some more. 🙂 Thank you for what you do for all the moms and girls who need you so!! Leslie
Thanks for sharing — I’m in!
Your thoughts are such an inspiration. I read the Proverbs 31 devotional Mean Girls today and it really socked me in the gut. I am embarrassed to say I am mean and didn’t realize it. Thank you for the timely advice I can share with my 13 year old girl while I still have influence over her choices.
I am interested in learning more about your reference to the 21 day fast. Could you fill me in? Thank you.
I loved your post. I’m mean too. Didn’t know it. But thanks for telling me. I don’t want to be mean.
My daughters are grown and married. But I know that in some ways I’m still influencing them. I think your book could be useful for old (is 48 old?) fogies like me.
Would really like to know about the fasting.
Hi Sheila,
Last year for Christmas my sister gave me a book called “Fasting” by Jenetzen Franklin. Within my brothers and sisters, we had begun fasting and praying for each other every Monday, but to be honest I really didn’t get it. This book helped me to understanding that faster brings me closer to God and brings power into my life. I dug a little deeper and learned that Free Chapel – Franklin’s church – along with many churches across America fast together for 21 days in January. Think of it kind of like tithing – you begin your year in the best short of way.
Last year I participated in the fast. Last year I also saw someone I love deeply freed from an addiction, I saw my oldest daughter go from being dull in her faith to being bold and sharing Him with any one who would listen. I saw my own ministry expand in the way I am able to pour into others. I just saw a whole year’s worth of blessing.
I decided to participate again this year. It started on Sunday and goes through January 29th. If you would like more information, click on the blue spots in my post. They’ll take you to Free Chapel’s web site.
I hope this helps!
I have five daughters. My husband and I have family worship with our girls. I pray for my girls and tech them to pray at meals. Our girls are learning of God’s Love for us. It is a great responsibility that needs constant prayer. Thanks for your article.
Thank you Lynn. I just read your post through Proverbs 31 and am now signed up for your emails too! You are a just what I was needing. A new mom of two girls ages 3 years and an 11 month old, I was seeking a current voice to listen and learn and gleen greater insight to bringing God to them and what a wave a refreshing for me too. Thank you for being a willing vessel for God!
Welcome Katie! I hope to hear from you often!
thanks for the encouragement today! my daughter is only 2 but already I see what a different relationship that is from the one i share with my 2 sons – ages 7 and 5. I want to start on a good footing now so that her teen years are fun!
Thank you so much for today’s devotion! I have boys and two of the three are teenagers now…. wanting to do their own thing and not listen to me because you know how mom doesn’t know anything. 🙂 I try to bring in verses and readings… devotion type to them as topics come up with them each day. They listen and get into it. I think a lot of it is because it’s being applied to them directly.
And btw, I’m in!
Teaching my children how to pray is important! I have a 10 year old son, and am very close to my best friend’s 12 year old daughter! Many nights we have dinner together, so we are encouraging them to go beyond the “God is Great” prayer and move into showing more gratitude, request of guidance and prayers of genuine thankfulness!!!
“I’m In” Devotion really hit home with me today!! We think we’re teaching them but maybe we’re really teaching to be judgemental. Shared message with my husband & it really struck a chord with him also. Thanks!!
Hi! I am building into my daughter by starting to do ‘mini studies’ with her. I am currently doing a Titus study with my small group and one chapter was on Gracious Speech, so my 16 year old daughter and I are doing this together, too. I could use additional resources for her, tho! 🙂
Great Deb! I hope you’ll give “His Revolutionary Love” a try!
One of the ways I try to minister to my girls (I have 2) is pray on the way to school every morning. I also read a devotion with them and pray with them each night before bed. Thanks for your encouraging ideas!! April
I’m in!
I am a new step mom to two amazing young ladies, ages 12 & 6. New to this role, newly married, and dedicated to Jesus, I am praying God will continually reveal new and fresh ways to share Him with our girls. We make sure we start our days in prayer, usually on the way to school. My husband and I tuck each girl into bed every night, snuggle & share laughs, share prayer requests, and pray with & for each girl. Daily quiet times are being made a priority with both girls. I am constantly looking for ways to take my new relationship with the girls to a new level. I am thankful I have found your blog and resources. Thank you!
Jennifer, I hope you’ll be a regular with us as we seek to become wiser women raiser wiser daughters! Welcome!
This reminded me of a Rob Bell sermon I read. In it he says, “It’s easy to form a circle and pick up stones, taking turns quoting bible verses the whole time, ready to unleash those stones on the one who’s guilty. It’s another thing to be the person standing in the middle of that circle, desperate for one person, just one, to say “is any of you without sin?”
Love it!
My daughters soak up Mom time when we get the chance to sit together for mommy and me devotions- I too often let busy schedules and late nights push those times to “not happening”–but am so blessed when we do. I am encouraged by all the great mom comments posted here- generations will be blessed by the love shared.
I’m in! Thanks for all the encouragement.
I have always showed my daughter to have compassion for people and to forgive so you can keep a clean heart for Jesus to be and work with you. We have only just started a bible study today so we can both get closer to each other and also to Jesus.This will be my quality time with her. My daughter is now turning 13 and I need to have this close relationship with her. Thanks for your encouragement and I look forward to your help in this venture for 2012
I’m a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom who teaches a youth class at church. I’m always looking for lessons and illustrations for teens. Thanks for your pouring demonstration–I will definitely use this with my daughters and our youth group. I would love to have your book!
Besides having family devotions- I try to take my 3 teens with me to deliver food to the sick or visit a widow or send gifts/cards to children in the hospital. I hope that these small acts of service will help them realize how important it is to show love, especially to those who are lonely and hurting. Thanks for your encouragement!
I’m in! Thank you so much for letting God use you in such a powerful way! I am looking forward to applying your insight to our famiy. We pray with our daughter every night and every morning. Before, she steps out the door for school, I remind her that she is the head and not the tail and that she is blessed and shall be a blessing to others.
I’m in. My daughter just turned 12 and I plan on making 2012 the best year for us to connect. I don’t want to lose her just because she’s getting older!
I’m in!
What an encouraging word for today. My daughter is six and I enjoy sharing Jesus with her more than anything. I love watching her grow in the Lord. It is truly amazing! We are blessed to have your resources to help us along the way. Thanks for all you share!
I’m in! Thank you so much for your “Mean Girls” devotional that I read today through Proverbs 31 Ministries. I’ve been looking for ways to connect with my daughter and develop a closer relationship with her. She’s 14 is a freshman at a public school for the first time since preschool. She had been attending a private Christian school until last school year. I worry about her and I pray for her, asking the Lord to watch over her. She is very strong in her faith and has high standards and she can be very vocal about that but I still worry about influence from her non-Christian friends. When I checked out your website and saw all the encouraging mother-daughter devotionals, I knew I had found the help and support we need to continue to strengthen our bond. Thank you again for your words of wisdom!
I share Christ’s love with my three daughters by opening up my Bible and reading Proverbs 31 with them and we discuss what that means for a woman and her life. I like to also print the Proverbs 31 daily devotionals and often times at lunch I will read it to them as they eat. I pray for them daily and we always say a prayer together at bedtime. I like the idea of actually doing a Bible study with them, however, so now I have “His Revolutionary Love: Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You” on my wish list.
Thank you for your ideas and encouragement!
I almost didn’t take the time to read Mean Girls this morning. But in reading it, I realized, like you, that I am the mean girl! I’m constantly pointing out behavior for my girls not to do, but I’m showing my girls how to be judgmental at the same time. I’m definitely going to take a good look at my comments and I will model compassion instead. Thanks for the wake up call, Lynn! I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in! That was a wonderful video of how girl’s think at times and how girl’s should think all the time. Knowing the source of your joy is everything!.
In your daily comment, I also loved that you admitted to being wrong and that your girl was strong enough to tell how she thought, and you were open enough to hear her. All fantastic things!
Thank you for the reminder.
My daughter is still young and not even close to the teenage years, but I share Jesus’ love with her by praying with her, admitting to being wrong when I am wrong, lots of hugs, and encouraging words for her to hear.
Thank you, Lynn
WOW… thanks Annette. I am a single mom of 2 small children and I am doing the same things with my kids. They have responded so well and have asked their dad and step-mom to start the same. We pray every day that they will 🙂
I have been really amazed and in awe by my seven year old daughter. On her own merit, she was excited to start reading the bible at night for our reading time together. I have now started trying to not just read but talk about what God said in the verses she chose and pray them into both our lives right there with her. I already sense a different sort of bond as she learns the importance at a very young age of devotions.
Your “mean girl” post on P31 described me to a tee! I have two daughters, one ten years older than the other, and I am struggling with the youngest being less than kind. She is 12 years old and really starting to be influenced by people outside our church and family I never realized I was teaching her to be mean, in part, by criticizing people I don’t even know. Thanks for opening my eyes to where some of her “meanness” is coming from.
Me and my 2 wonderful children pray together every morning to start the day out, we share scriptures that i get on my phone by taking turns reading them, & Occasionally we work on devotionals together. I try to remind them when they are going through things about scriptures that apply to that situation and to pray about it!! I think the idea of doing a bible study with them and their friends is a great idea 🙂 Thank you and God bless!
That’s great Meloni! I would love to see you use “His Revolutionary Love” to invest in the lives of young girls within your influence!
I’m in!
Last year I read (for the first time) the Bible in its entirety. This year, my NINE year old daughter wanted to join me on a daily reading plan (we chose the Day by Day Children’s Bible). This is our time together, our time with our heavenly father, and I can’t think of a better way to show our love for each other and Him then spending our time together this way.
Love it Kerry! This is so cool!
I’m in!!! Looking for a way to help get my 9 year old daughter started on the right path in her faith…a way that she and I can both build in our faith together and grow! Things are a lot tougher on little girls these days then when I was younger and I sure can use all the guidance I can get!!!
I share Christ’s love with my children by reading the bible with them and praying with them before bed and naps!
Wow, this is so true! God has been dealing with me on judging others, so it really hit home. I bought my 16-year-old daughter His Revolutionary Love for Christmas and she loves it. Thank you so much, Lynn, for the life-changing work you do!!
I’m so glad that she loves it. Could you ask her to email me and share with me what she liked the most? [email protected] Thanks!
I am the mom of 4 awesome boys: 12, 15,17,18. I have done devotions at breakfast with them since early elementary school. As toddlers it was before bed. Sometimes they get it sometimes you can tell they are not there but hopefully some of it will be absorbed. My eldest spent his grade 12 year living away from home playing hockey. I texted him a verse each morning to start his day….if I forgot or was late he always reminded me!!Pretty soon his brothers wanted to know where their “special”verse for the day was. It was great for me as I really got into my Bible looking for the right verse for each boy!!!!This year we have been taking turns picking a verse for the week as I found I wanted them to absorb the verse rather then just quickly read it and shove it in their pocket!!!!
I am looking for ways to share God’s love with my daughter who is 24 years old and believes she is a lesbian. I read small amounts of scripture to her once in a while, but it seems that she does not even hear or respond to what she is hearing. She and I live in the same 1 Bedroom apartment and we share everything except Jesus Christ. It saddens my heart to see her not submit to the calling of the Spirit of God on her life.
Cheryl, how this must break your heart! May the Lord give you wisdom and strength!
Great post Lynn! While I don’t have any daughters yet (or any children for that matter!) I think being a great example through praying is a great way to connect to my (future) children. Showing the power of prayer on a daily basis is a great way to build a stronger relationship. I lead the teen girls Bible study at my church and we are going to being studying your book soon. Can’t wait!
Yeah Amanda! Please let me know how your study goes!
Im in,…I share God’s love by reading devotionals every night with my children (4 & 6) and on our way to school we pray in the car and I pray a blessing over them each day and night. We pray at all meals too, in public and just whenever we can, in addition to acting and showing them thru my wife how I honor God with my own behaviour and actions. 🙂
thanks !
The way I share God’s love with my kids is by spontaneously giving them a hug or a kiss or both and telling them that I love them…. even my 15 year old son who always grimaces 🙂
Im in!!! thanks for the encouraging words of wisdom.
We are reading “A Lady in Waiting”.
I share Christ’s love with my daughter by praying for her and her son. And letting her know that although she is a teenager with a child God still wants all of her and she must maintain her integrity as never before.This time in her life is the perfect opportunity for God if she will surrender entirely to him
and I really enjoyed this article and praying that God continues to strengthen the bond between my daughter and I. Thank you for being obedient.
His servant,
Denise Fletcher
I’m in! Appreciate your candidness!
The best way I know to show my children L-O-V-E is a four letter word called T-I-M-E. For my teenage daughter, it is about being there when she needs someone to listen not when it is a convenient time to have quality time. I hope we win because I would love to share your book with her. Pick me! Pick Me!
I have a daughter that is 15. She had a boyfriend that last year (at the age of 14) really broke her heart. As she and I were in the kitchen and she was sharing her heart, I was praying “Father, PLEASE give me direction here! My little girl’s heart is breaking from this “first love” breaking up with her”. When she was done and stopped to catch her breath, I heard God tell me, “Pray for HIM right now, take your daughter’s hand and pray for him.” I of course thought God was nuts had no idea why we were to do this but I gently took her hands in mine and told her we needed to pray for him. MY heart was blessed as she nodded her head yes and we both bowed to pray. I found out later that this young man was going through some things, and we still pray for him. She and I continued to pray for her future and whomever God has prepared for her. The blessing that came from this too was watching my daughter grow. She has a new boyfriend now and it took her over a year to be ready to have one (of which I am also thankful for), and he is amazing. He has been raised by parents who went to church until recently, but he has always wanted a girl who’s parents are involved in her life, involved with them (he didn’tknow my daughter at the time) as a couple, and who wanted to spend time with HIS parents. The two of them together have been talking about a study type book to do together and are looking at The Five Love Languages since they come from such different backgrounds. He even emails my husband and I when he has spiritual questions and so forth. He wants to honor God and honor my daughter. He encourages her to talk things out with us when she’s frustrated with us or we’re frustrated with her. And I know SOME folks may find this hard to believe, but with his influence (through his submission to God), she’s even come and apologized to us when she’s been wrong! (Yes, my teenage, hormone driven daughter!) lol. So though her heart was broken, and we don’t always see why at the time, God always has a plan and is always in control. This has been a wonderful lesson for her to learn and for me to be reminded of!
I am a youth group leader at my church,young adults for Christ and I pray with and for my children every day. I just ordered this book today! but I would love to have another so I can use it at my church in a group. Thank you , I am new here but what I have read so far I love, thank you.
Thanks so much Mary! I’d love to help you invest in any way I can!
Lynn, Planning to start a “His Revolutionary Love” group this Thursday evening. Please keep us in prayer.
Father, I ask that you will send your Holy Spirit in a tangle way to Beth. Give Your revelation of the love that Jesus has for these girls and may it soak deep in their spirit. May your boundless love instill in them Holy Spirited inspired confidence that will lead to wise decisions. Do YOUR work Jesus! Amen
Thank you for your article, I have a saying to my girls(14 and 13) that I try very hard to practice, “If the person you are talking about (negative/gossip) is NOT there to defend themselves, don’t say anything about them!!
Thanks for focusing so much on the mother-daughter relationship. One of mine is 14 now, so I really need it! One thing I’ve done from time to time is to secretly write a note to my kids somewhere in one of their notebooks, reminding them how much I love them. I really should do it more!
I have two precious teenage daughters, ages 14 and 17. They have made parenting easy so far by the great choices they make and who they are on the inside. I take every opportunity to speak positively about them to them directly as well as in their earshot when I’m speaking with others.
Hi there! I share Christ’s love with my child by giving them my time. I’m a stay-at-home mom that could easily tend to household task alone all day. But it’s my children’s hearts that I want to tend too first and for most.
I’m in. I hope it isn’t too late for me to develope a better relationship with my daughters. I have a particularly difficult situation. My ex-husband is telling my eldest daughter that I don’t want her and has falsely accused me of abusing both of them. I can only pray that what I taught them when they were little, and lived with me, they will remember one day.
Father, please bring the hidden truth to the light in Natasha’s family. Give her favor with her kids so she can continue to pour your truth into their hearts. Amen
Thank you for being honest and real…I can hardly see the speck….for the plank in my own eye! OUCH.
I pray with my daughter before she goes to sleep and that’s usually when she shares her concerns and prayer request. She believes in the power of prayer!
I share Christ’s love with my daughter by doing Just Dance 3 with her. I could be doing other things at that time, but I choose to spend time with her by doing something she loves to do!
I show Christ’s love to my children by giving and asking for forgiveness
I’m in!! Unlike many of the other commenters here, my daughter is only 6 but I have a deep heart desire to see her make wise choices in her dating life when she gets older. This sounds like a fabulous resource and I am always trying to read and research these areas so that when the time comes, I will be ready for any questions and have advice and counsel to give her!
I love gleaning new ideas and this day/blog topic has so many great ones. Seems many of us have 14 year olds and we both (moms and daughters alike) need much help navigating the rough teen waters – I try to convey messages to her using the “wisdom of others” so it’s not always coming from MOM. I recently read Confident Heart and was quoting Renee often to my daughter. (she even wrote down the last one I told her!) All we can do is keep feeding them “the good stuff” and PRAY!
14 is a pivotal age…I have one too!
I’m in! We have specifically chosen school programs that include bible study. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
I’m a busy mom of 5. We spend more time than I like in the car, but we try to put it to good use. We practice our memory verses while we are driving…writing His Word on our hearts with each mile.
I’m in!
I’m in!
Lynn, Thank you for your message today!
Just spending time with my daughters serving the Lord at our church and taking them to dinner and talking with them about life.We also post verses around our home and talk about them.
Your book would be a great blessing in our home! 🙂
I’m in!!!
I’m in! I love the info on this website! For years, I have posted spiritual verses in my girls’ rooms on pieces of paper, and the verses still are there covering their closet doors,
Gail…thanks so much for your kind words! It blesses me to know this place is a place of blessing in your life! Lynn
In lots of ways, I hope! But we do read the Bible together each morning (our 2 daughters and I and their Daddy, too, on the weekends), and we discuss in depth what the Bible says and how to live out a relationship with Jesus. We also have lots of Bible discussions throughout the week (we homeschool). Just praying He works through it all! 🙂
My daughter is now almost 26 years old, out on her own with a lovely job, teaching Special Education Students. So prayer for her daily is lifted for God’s grace and strength.
Would love the give away! Please pray for me and my daughter! Trying times, but I claim victory through Jesus’s name!
Since Christ is always there for me, I try to be there for my children as much as possible, and when I can’t, I remind them that God will work it out 🙂
Love your blog!
As a family, we do devotions & Bible reading together every night. Right now, we’re focusing on gratitude.
Awesome writing style!
Love your blog!
I’m In and thank you for sharing!
Thank you for this timely message.
My three daughters are grown with daughters of their own.
“Mean Girls” hit me right where I am at the moment. I have been praying and repenting for my judgemental spirit.
I am an “older” “natural” woman. Nothing fake about my body. (but oh, how I daydream at times of how I could make it just a bit better here or there- nip, tuck, etc = )
I am also a nurse who works at a local community hospital built in an area of Florida that caters to the rich and beautiful. Plastic surgery and cosmetic aesthetics are promoted and provided by our doctors. We have well-known sought after plastic surgeons who specialize in body sculpting. They give discounts to the nursing staff because we take such good care of their patients.
I work with many younger nurses who have taken advantage of this. No wrinkles, larger bustlines, tiny waists, wearing tight low neckline shirts, etc.
I feel “mean” when thoughts pop into my head like: “really???? “your chest was huge, now it is even bigger and ridiculously top heavy” “you have such a fake body and a fake smile” “you are literally a fake person” etc, etc……
But I know these girls. They are insecure. They are not happy. Many are divorced some 2 or three times.
They really are just like me deep down. I enjoy 1 on 1 conversation when one of them might pour out her heart to me in her dispair. I have to choose my words wisely. I try to use open-ended questions or statements to encourage them to dig deeper for what will really satisfy.
When I can put my own insecurity aside and help others I feel God’s discernment, wisdom and compassion flow through me to them. It’s a beautiful thing.
I need to be more committed to daily staying in communion with my Creator and Savior and allowing Him to use this vessel to fulfil His purpose for my life.
Thank you for your inspirational “real” message. I really appreciate that you shared this.