How to Manage Emotions in Your Home
We’re so excited because today is the release day for Managing Your Emojis!
When I was growing up, I needed a guide, a little help, for the BIG emotions 😥😖😭😤😳 that tried to call the shots in how I felt, what I thought, and who I believed myself to be.
I am so excited to have written Managing Your Emojis with my friend and licensed counselor @michellenietert. Together we’re helping kids know what to do when BIG emotions seem to take over and overwhelm them.
Do you have a child whose wrestling with their feelings? Managing Your Emojis is a great summertime resource to help them gain this critical life skill.
We also want to come alongside you as you grow and learn more about our emotions and how they impact our relationships in our homes!
My co-author and licensed counselor, Michelle Nietert, has written this FREE RESOURCE to help you and your family manage the emotions in your home this summer!
Right now I have a lot of different emotions my husband is loosing his memory and I get so impatient with him because I don’t want to believe this is happening. We are both 80 and we have just moved into a place with our son . He promised me so much help but he is so busy that he is never home till 7pm and leaves at 6am . I try very hard to ask God to help me deal with all of this. Sandra Davidson Oakville Ontario Canada
Sandra, I am so very sorry to hear of this loss you are experiencing. Our parents are also in their 80’s and I am witnessing how hard it is to age.
Father, You know, You see how the difficulty Sandra is experiencing in this season. I ask You to provide for her need of strength, hope, and encouragement for all that she faces each day. Thank you that You are with her and her husband in this season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I’m struggling with MDD. It’s gotten A LOT worse since I had to be off work last summer for surgery. The day after surgery we found out mom had Stage IV cancer. To say the least I missed a lot of work last year, I felt guilty for it and came back way sooner than I think I was ready to.
I have gone deeper into the pit because of it. I have an UBER critical/micro managing boss who is NOT helping matters. I’m ALL over the place with my emotions right now. And all I want to do is sleep. I’m trying to trust God but sometimes it’s hard to hear Him 😪
Oh dearest Michelle,
So many of us have been in your shoes. The first thing that comes to my mind is you cannot take care of others until you take care of yourself.
I know I am not the only one reading this who has been thru horrible times – honestly worst than yours. I would suggest diving deeply into scriptures when you can. If necessary get on anti depressants – be honest with your physician. And the most important piece of advice I have is get outside and walk every day. Make it a priority. I think these two things might help you a lot. Many prayers go with the reply. God bless you and keep you my friend.
Thank you so much for your vulnerability. When hard after hard keeps coming, it is very hard to keep our heads above water. Our emotions stemming from our pain and heartache feel so much louder than the voice of the Lord.
I have been in that space this spring. Spending time in His word first thing in the morning has helped. I find that as those emotions spring up throughout the day, I need to go back and remind myself of His word and His faithfulness over and over. I read through my prayer journal, where I have indicated in red when He has answered my prayers. I listen to worship music when I can to fill my heart and mind with truth. These are a few of the ways I actively combat the enemy throughout the day. We are surely in a battle!