I Hate Purity Conferences
I bet that title got your attention! It sure did mine the first time I saw the web site for the incredible couple I had the priviledge to partner with this weekend at “Breaking the Mold: Saying No in a Yes Only World” teen conference at Calvary Chapel Oceanside.
I love the truth and premise of Dan and Nicole Leitz’s ministry:
“When most people are asked, “Do you want to go to a purity conference?” The above average response is, “No way, purity conferences are lame!” And we agree, because most purity conferences are taught from either a legalistic perspective or they talk mostly about “feelings” and lame things like that.
Our goal is to have Jesus conferences that focus on purity! The truth is, purity is simply the by-product of a right relationship with Jesus Christ! That’s it! We don’t need to be lectured about how far too far is, that you are like a “flower” and mushy stuff like that, or that you are going to get STD’s and die if you don’t remain pure. No, we need to be taught who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for us, and how Jesus washes us with His blood and sees us as pure in His sight!
So, do we really hate purity conferences…not totally, but we recognize that they need to change, not be lame, and rock your face off for Jesus! And that is what we are here for!”
A relationship with Jesus is exactly what this conference is about. The Lord did what only he can do this weekend; 38 girls come to know Christ! Not only did the girls hear about the foundation of purity, Jesus, but they also had the opportunity to see the Modest is Hottest Fashion Show and hear about what guy’s are thinking from a guy.
We need to invest in our teens; giving them a reason to say no. We have the reason; his name is Jesus.
Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.