I Honor Him

Hello Friends,

Wow…what a five days it has been! I just got home yesterday from Proverb’s 31 “She Speaks”. God was so faithful to give encouragement, clarity and to love on over 650 women. So powerful! One of the biggest blessings for me was the women who shared how “His Revolutionary Love” is changing their lives and the lives of their daughters. Moms investing in their daughters…that is the cry of my heart!

One of my daughters left for camp first, so yesterday was our reunion after a week. I love the afterglow of camp in a girl’s eyes. To get away from cell phones, tv, draining friends and FaceBook is just what they need! (We do too for that matter!) Yet in the afterglow, I see the pull returning. The tug-of-war in my girl between being the radical Jesus-lover that she is and the girl who doesn’t miss what is going on. The pull was more than a gentle tug last night. Like the whipping of the Tilt-A-Whirl at Six Flags, the volcity at which the world makes it play seemed stronger than my girl could take.

I’ll be honest…after many days pouring into women who feel called to speak and write at She Speaks, my mind, heart and body was not up for the battle for my girl’s heart. As she ran out of the living room crying, a huge part of me wanted to just let her go. So often it seems like these outbursts are part of the drama of the teen years, yet I know that my girl needed me.

She needs me.

She needed me to loving set the boundaries…again. She needed me to cup her face and explain that the reason for the rules was because she was my greatest treasure. I am going to do all I can to protect that treasure. She needed me to remind her that I am going to fight the enemy of her behalf every day to help her to be victorious.

It wasn’t an easy gentle talk. No…it was a crying, snotty nose, wear-me-flat-out, lasted for hours type of talk. But my girl is worth it. Though I was tired, though I would rather haved joined my hubby relaxing in the room next door; she was worth it. And you know, she actually thanked me at the end. She shared that this is the way she wants to go…she just forgets sometimes.

My girl is worth fighting for.

What started with raised voices and angry tones, ended with hugs and tender kisses.

My girl knows I love her. My girl knows that her mama is praying for her to be uncommon though she desperately wants to be both – uncommon and a part of all that is going on.

I am praying, that though the world pulls, tugs and tries to whip my girl around and around the cycle of popularity, position and power, my prayer is that my girl will honor Him.

(PS If you would like me to share with you these boundaries we were discussing – our rules for dating relationships – just shoot me an email at [email protected] and I’ll be happy to send them to you!)



  1. Thank you Lynn!!! I am gonna share that with my 14 teen year old. We need to set boundaries. She just asked me if she could walk around the state fair unchaperoned. It broke my heart to say no but I had to!

  2. Thank you, friend, for being a mom who follows her heart on what she feels is right for her girl…even if it means she doesn't like you for awhile.

    Our boundaries are not going to be received with thanksgiving and sighs of relief. They will most likely be met with angry words, tears of fear of being left out or sulking with silence. Just keep loving. Just keep pouring on the encouragement and affirmation that your desire is for your girl to be a woman who honors Him…whatever the cost!

  3. "She shared that this is the way she wants to go…she just forgets sometimes"

    I too came home to a 14-year-old who had been at camp. We too had the emotional conversations throughout much of yesterday. It is so hard to hear your precious treasure talk about how much she dislikes her looks, her shape, just to be so unhappy. Thank you Lynn for helping this mom not feel alone. And thank you for great conversation at lunch at SheSpeaks. Your words were a comfort. Take care and blessings my friend.


  4. Leigh, It was a priviledge meeting you this weekend at She Speaks! Keep investing in your girl!

  5. Going through exact same scenario this week…we had some talk about technology and set some new boundaries and it was so hard but ended in her being thankful for removing some drama from her life and loving her..i still see the struggle in her face to stand strong..her fight has just begun..

  6. Rebecca in SC says:

    According to my 17 yr.old daughter I am the meanest,most strict Mom on the face of the Earth! Many conversations like you mentioned – glad to know I am not alone in dealing with this. Her safety – physically, spiritually and emotionally – is so often what she doesn't understand. But I do love my girl and that includes boundaries. Diapers and 2 am feedings were MUCH easier.

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