I’m a Meddler


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I did it again. Messed up…again. I told myself I was helping, but it wasn’t my place to speak up and as usual it backfired. Contemplating all that had happened that evening, Jesus spoke to me. Of course, not literally spoke to me, but He nudged me. “You’re a meddler Lynn and you need to be done with it. When you meddle, you are not trusting. When you meddle, you are saying I can’t handle it. You know I can. So be done with it. No more.” 


I’m a meddler.


Not a fixer. No; that is what I’d like to call it. It is what I have called it in the past, but that is just a nice way of putting it.


Not a gossiper. No; that is someone who intentionally separates and that’s not my heart. I want to help. Really I do.


I’m a meddler. Dictionary.com says the definition of meddler is: a verb (used without object) as in meddled, meddling. To involve oneself in a matter without right or invitation; interfere officiously and unwantedly.


Without right or invitation. That’s what I do. Seeing an unhappy, unhealthy, or unholy situation I listen to the whisper in my head. Since I see it, I think I’m to do something about it.


But most often, I am not. In fact, 1 Thessalonians 4:11 says“…aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you.” 


My place is to be quiet and pray. But I don’t. I fix. I manipulate. I get involved.


I meddle.


So, there you have it. Now that I seeing my actions for what they are, it is my responsibility to change. To change, I will have to slow down before I take action or open my mouth. I’ll have to ask myself: Are you meddling?


Will I be tempted? Every day. Will I mess up? I hope not, but it’s highly probable. I’m human. My heart, my desire though, is to stay out. Let Jesus do it. I will ask for prayers to pray, not words to say.


This change is going to be hard. But I know Jesus is serious about not meddling. Proverb 26:17 says, “Whoever meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears.” (ESV) In other words, not too smart. And that is not what I want to be; I want to be wise.


Any other meddlers out there? Can you think of times when you have gotten involved and you should not have? When the thing Jesus wanted you to do was pray and only pray? Let’s pray for each other and ask Jesus to open our eyes to see and leave troubles up to Him.




  1. Oh my… this is such an apt description of me – my spiritual gifting seems to be prophesy & my heart is to encourage, but too often there’s a critical spirit in calling someone out when they’re ‘living in sin’ & I wonder, should I gently point this out to them? This was a judicious comment for me – thank you so much for the reminder that I am not the Holy Spirit in the life of others but that I am called to pray for them!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Deb, I know it must be very hard to have the gift of “seeing” yet know it’s really a call to prayer. He’ll empower you!

  2. Oh Lynn! I “don’t” meddle or manipulate…… I orchestrate…… It has a much more musical sound 😉 Seriously though, great post. Have to remember, Jesus sees it all and is in control. I can only listen and pray. XO

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Love that Beth! Lord, today let’s say, “Wait; let God orchestrate!”

  3. Luhida Grossmann says:

    yes this is me …. so many time with my husband and the church God has instracted me to pray but no …i need to fix it … i need to say something ….even with my inlaws God has been so clear and say Luhida this is my bettle but now i get in there and i say my say ….

    yes i pray hard that God will help me to pray more and say less…. i will pray for you Lynn and God will help us all

    thank you for this

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      Amen! God’s got this…and He doesn’t need our help 🙂

  4. Lynn, this post was meant for me. I am always trying to fix everything. I never thought about it this way. I will have to pray about each circumstance to allow God to lead me to prayer, to trust Him to counsel me through His Spirit. I believe that there will be times when He will call me to action, but I will need to wait to hear His call. I love this prayer! Thank you! God bless!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      You are right, Mary T! It is case by case and the Holy Spirit will direct us!

      All day I have been praying, “I am not a meddler!”

  5. God spoke to me through this. Thanks for posting. It’s an area I can use work on for sure.

  6. So perfect for me to hear today! I’m reading this a day late, and yesterday was the day I got myself so involved in someone else’s business I was in tears! Today God is telling me yesterday was my life lesson and today I am given a better way. Thank you Lynn!

    1. Lynn Cowell says:

      His timing is always perfect, my friend!

  7. Thanks for being so honest and calling it meddling!!!I needed this article!!!!Perfect timing!!!!!I would say I am helping out and wonder why I had a mess on my hands!!!!Thanks again!!!!!

  8. So powerful! I think especially in today media-social “everything is out there for everyone to read and comment” world, we have an exceptionally blurred line as to what is allowed. For instance, Facebook. I LOVE keeping up with friends and family that are across the miles. However, I have “connections” on Facebook (I do not say friends because that entails relationship) however certain connections are people I care about that I see making ignorant and backwards statements. I tend to not comment on their posts anymore because it causes strife and now I realize that it is not my place. God will reach their hearts. They have shown a lack of desire for communication with me and until they are open to realtionship, it is in God’s hands. Thanks for the reminder Lynn!!!

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