It’s A Wonderful (Imperfect) Life Blog Tour!

Today, I am hosting Joan Webb and her new book “It’s A Wonderful (Imperfect) Life! Today’s devotion is called:

Joy-filled Honesty

Joy belongs to those who are honest. -Psalm 97:11, NCV

When my daughter was about twenty years old she and I drove to my parents’ home in the Midwest. During our visit, Dad asked me to look through my things in storage. As I rummaged through the keepsakes, my eyes fell on a small green book. “Oh, my! I can’t believe it!” I exclaimed. “It’s my junior high diary!”

Inside the front cover were the words SECRET! STAY OUT PLEASE!!!!! Tiny lettering at the bottom of the page read, “I beg. Ask what it says inside. I’ll tell you.”

Scanning the messy pages, I cringed. This girl was immature and boy crazy! I thought. Upon our return home, I invited my daughter to read it. Several hours later, a surprised young woman walked into my room. “Thanks a lot, Mom, for letting me read your diary. I’ve always had the feeling you never went through what I did. Like somehow I didn’t measure up to what you were in junior high. But you were just like me. Flighty and boy crazy!”

We hugged and laughed. “Actually it’s rather embarrassing,” I admitted.

“Well, thanks for allowing me to see a glimpse of that part of your life,” she said. “It’s like you’ve validated who I am as a young woman. I feel a sense of relief. I’m grateful and my heart feels lighter.” Joy floods our relationships when we interact with openness and loving sincerity.

Lord, help me be open and honest; even before my family.

Make It Personal: In what light-hearted way can and will you share honestly with a loved one during this week?

Like what you’ve read? You can order Joan’s book at

Joan C. Webb, a recovering workaholic and perfectionist, communicates a message of freedom and renewal. As a personal life coach, lifeplan facilitator, and speaker/Bible communicator she longs to help others gain clarity and move past their obstacles. Joan, author or co-author of eleven books including The Intentional Woman, The Relief of Imperfection, and It’s a Wonderful (Imperfect) Life, wrote study notes for the Women of Faith Study Bible. Her husband, Richard, and she live in Chandler, Arizona, near their two married children and seven grandchildren.

If you would like to continue to follow the tour, Joan’s devotion will be at”> on November 30th!


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