Late Bloomer
Like many of you, Greg and I had been out in our yard sprucing up after the winter, trimming, pruning, and pulling, when I saw something that made my heart leap. A blossom. A pure white ray of hope.
Five years ago, I planted two apple trees against the brick wall of our garage, attempting to do some of that fancy landscaping where you stretch the branches along wire – I think it is called esplanade. I followed the directions in the article. I bought two different trees just like they said, one Fuji and one Gala. Yet, every spring, there were no flowers. A couple of months ago, Greg said maybe it was time to cut them down, but I wasn’t ready to give up on them yet. Now…there they were. Five small, but promising blossoms. A sign that fruit is trying to grow.
Do you ever feel like a late bloomer? I do…but maybe in a good sense. Every season in our life is different; each has a purpose. This week, I got to do something I have longed to do. I am getting the opportunity to volunteer at a ministry dear to my heart: Proverbs 31. What I am doing is not earth shattering. I am entering data into a computer. What is great for me is just having the opportunity to rub shoulders with women who have a passion for teaching other women all that God has for them. I was so excited this morning to shower, get dressed and head out to “work”. For me, this is a “blossom”. Like my tree, others may see me as a late bloomer. I see it as God doing something new.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 encourages us “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” If you feel like you really haven’t blossomed yet, take heart! Like my apple trees, there is something happening in your truck, in your branches. Life is flowing out producing leaves. Keep on praying. Keep on doing good. Keep pursuing God. I know He is faithful and as you are faithful to keep looking to Him, you will see your pure, white flower in due season!
This so encouraged me today. I have been “tilling the soil and fertilizing” into someone’s life for a long time. Our relationship remains strong but so far, no visible fruit for the Lord. This reminded me that it is in the Lord’s season that the blossoms will come and bear fruit. You encouraged me to hang in there and not throw the relationship in the spiritual compost bin.