Love: 5 Verses We All Need to Know
One of the most powerful truths I learned as a young woman fresh out of school was the power my mind had when it came to my thoughts.
Before God brought some amazing friends in my life who taught me how to soak my mind in God’s truth, I would allow my heart to be saturated in thoughts that naturally flowed out of rejection:
I am not wanted.
What’s wrong with me?
No wonder they don’t like.
These thoughts had the power to beat me down and hold me back from reaching my fullest potential.
Thankfully, when God brought some women into my life who lovingly showed me I was allowing my mind to go to the wrong place, I listened. I wrote out the verses they shared with me on index cards and I carried them with me everywhere. For years, I read these verses between classes, on my desk at work, on my mirror in my room.
Any place where my mind had the opportunity to wander,
I placed God’s word in it’s way.
When we work God’s word into the inner places of our hearts and minds, His love transforms us. Knowing we are wanted weaves into our very being His confidence and the power to move from rejection to transformation. The self-conscious woman who was suspicious and defensive began to fade as the woman He created me to be began to grow.
So here they are. My favorite five verses on how, through His love, Jesus sees us:
His Revolutionary Love
“The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)
“My lover is mine and I am his …” Song of Solomon 2:15a (NIV)
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, and there is no blemish in you.” Song of Solomon 4:7 (NASB)
“The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.” Psalm 45:11 (NIV)
“God decided in advance to adopt us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure!” Ephesians 1:5 (NLT)
It is so nice to see your writings, I look onward to reading more and following your works. I am compelled to follow my faith and try to share and support who comes into my path to the best of my ability. I try to have tolerance and compassion for all and ask for guidance when I’m tested. Your family is beautiful and it is obviously the work of faith at its best. We are so blessed and I am finding the happiness in my faith that makes me strong and allows me to overcome and accept anything and all I need to do is let go and let God do his job and me/ us do ours. How much easier does it get than that. May God Bless us and I will keep you in my prayers as I know I will be in yours. I have fealt a calling my entire life I use to fight it because I did not understand it. Now I want to persue it and will use your readings and assistance as my guide. I know I will find Good Words and I look forward to the day when our families can reunite under his guidance. May he guide us and give us the wisdom to change lives and this wonderful world that is still to be found through his works by people like us. Your favorite cousin Glenn Martin
Glenn – Wow! How amazing is God! I love hearing the work He is doing in you! I, too, hope we will see each other again!