Not The Most Wonderful Time of the Year for all…

I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. A dear friend’s teen daughter is in a six hour back surgery as I write. Another dear friend has a breast biopsy next week. Still another was given news last Thursday that her husband lost his job. Other friends are alone, have children on drugs or feel rejection from family. For some, it is just not the most wonderful time of the year.

As I sat with Jesus this morning, reading His note to me, I was reminded of what I am to do when my heart feels heavy:

1. Be filled with the Spirit
2. Sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among ourselves
3. Make music to the Lord in my heart
4. Give thanks for everything in God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
(Ephesians 5:18 – 20)

This life here is so very far from perfect. This morning, I begged Him to come soon. Come and take us to be with Him. But until He does, we can turn to Him. That is what each of these four things are; turning to Him, the source of Life itself.

Jesus, Sometimes there just seems like there is not much I can do when it comes to controlling things in this life, but I can turn to You! Fill me with your Spirit, now. Before my kids wake up. Before I do my grocery shopping. Before I head to piano lessons. Before my family makes peanut butter chocolate balls :). Jesus, I will sings songs of praise to you (maybe at the top of my lungs and wake those said kids who are still sleeping). I will not only make music with my mouth, but I will make it in my heart and though I feel heavy, I will thank You. I will bless You. I will say once again, that you are my everything. Thank you that you are so good. Amen”

As I am praying through out my day today, can I pray for you? I would love to! Just click on “comments” below and let me know what you need from Him today!



  1. Anonymous says:

    I really need peace of mind right now. I need God to really move for me right now. The devil is really busy :-/

  2. Dear Lord,
    You know exactly what Mimi needs. Please come and cover her mind with Your blood. Pour over her that peace that doesn't make sense to others, but is straight from Your throne. Thank you in advance for answering.
    We love you!

  3. betweenYou&me says:

    dear lynn 🙂

    i dont know you, neither do you know me..but i thank you for the invitation to pray for me though we are a few hundreds of thousand miles apart. =)

    i need to rediscover the true joy of Christmas. of loving Him as my One True Love. to be filled with the spirit. to be more others-centred. for His direction in this cross road of my life. for an overwhelming sense of peace & security in His arms. i need HIM.

    thank you, lynn. i appreciate your prayers. 🙂 🙂 you're a blessing! 🙂

    take care 🙂 🙂

  4. Dear Lord,
    Thank you so much for Sarah Ann. Thank you that she knows what she needs! She needs You to be her everything. She needs You to help her to look and care for others; to not be me-focused. You have promised, Lord,in Jeremiah that as we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. Jesus, be as near as her next breathe today. May she know this Christmas in a way like never before, that you are everything she needs!

  5. I have not been looking forward to this Christmas season. I have just broken up from a long relationship. I have had two miscarriages in the last year. I became a Christian last September but I had to turn my back on my past life. Change is very hard. Thanks so much!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    One of my son's high school friends died in a car accident last week. He would have turned 21 on Dec. 27 and graduated from college in May. Please pray for this boys mother and father and for all the teens who are hurting over this.
    Kate S

  7. Lynn, my heart is burdened with the same requests you've mentioned here. I too wrote a post yesterday, as much for me as for them, about casting our cares onto the Lord. (1 Peter 5:7) As the day wore on, I made a discovery. I'm quick to 'cast', but even quicker at reeling back in! I struggle with leaving everything with the Lord. My mind begins to worry and anxiety consumes me to the point of becoming ill. This time of year always finds me stressed to the max. I want to just rest and know the joy of the celebration in remembering Christ's birth, but panic replaces peace and I miss His presence.

    Trust you and yours are well and may you have a blessed Christmas.

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