Peace Perspective – Week 4 of Peace Series

It seems fitting that today we are talking on peace, since on Friday we all wanted to quit parenting because it is so hard! God’s sense of humor…

Click here for week one – When Peace Isn’t a Place

here for week two – The Drama Diet

 here for week three – When Anxiety and the Heart Collide, if you missed them!


Isaiah 26:3 tells us “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” NLT

Perfect peace! That is what we want!

There’s a catch…we have to fix our thoughts on Jesus!

That is where the battle takes place. It’s not so much with our husbands, children, bosses or neighbors. It’s in our thoughts, because when our thoughts are fixed on Him it’s really hard to blow our cool! Try yelling at your kids and thinking about Jesus at the same time…it’s virtually impossible!

The woman who trusts and relies on God is a calm woman. The things in her life, some minor some monstrous, are placed in the power of the one who can actually fix them!

We have the reassurance that the One who hangs the stars and rises the sun is the same One who has our lives under control.

What perspective! The trouble in our lives, and I know we have trouble, is under His control! Look at all He controls already –

* the way your body knows how to work

* the planet and it’s systems

* the changing seasons

So much more!

In your life, He’s got this one!  Getting His perspective puts our drama in the right perspective. He takes the pressure off. He provides the wisdom, we obey and the rest is His.

Today, ask Jesus for His perspective with your situation. Pray that He will give you eyes to see the end and by faith, trust Him in the middle!

The winner of “Divine Prayers for Desperate Parents” is Erika who commented on October 28th at 5:08 p.m. Erika, just email me at [email protected] and I’ll get it right out to you!



  1. Thank you for this writing. I struggle with Lyme disease. On days when I feel bad it is hard to know that god has me. Is watching me, and is taking care of me. Trying to see it from his perspective and knowing this is all in his plan is hard to do when I’m struggling. Thank you for your blog today – it helps me to remember to have faith and trust that it will all be okay.

  2. Lynn Cowell says:

    Annalisa, I truly believe that these “constant” trials in our lives are the things that keep us clinging to Him. May you see Him and sense Him each and every day!

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