Proverbs 31 Ministries: My Life’s Been Changed!
She thought she was attending a speakers and writers conference so she could become a better writer.
But God…
“In 2007 my life was flipped upside down. All of my little girl dreams I carried close to my heart were shattered and broken in one sentence. “Julie, I don’t love you and I don’t think I ever did.”
My identity, my entire self-worth, were wrapped in the words wife and marriage. It all crashed to the ground. The pieces left were a shattered china tea set, so broken there was no room for repair.
The process of healing from that day forward was long and hard. Parts of my past and dreams of my future now had no meaning. All I knew to do was to hold on tightly to my little girl dreams.
In 2010 I knew without a doubt that God wanted me to attend the She Speaks conference put on by Proverbs 31 Ministries. I had written short stories and poems since I was a teen. I thought God might be using writing to put my tea set back together.
I went to the conference thinking that God was going to show me how to become a better writer. I thought he was going to open new doors for me that would enable me to speak, but He had a different plan.
The last night of the conference, the speaker invited the attendees to come up front, by a large cross, to pray. Sitting next to me was a woman willing to be used of God. She looked me square in the eye saying, “You need to go to the cross”.
“I don’t know … I just know that God told me to tell you “You need to go to the cross.”
I shrugged my shoulders and slowly walked up front from the back of the large conference room.
I stood there… quiet, staring at the cross. There were women all around it praying. I didn’t know how to pray or what to pray. I knelt down, looked up and began to weep.
A soft still voice spoke into my spirit. “Julie let me have it…. “
“No, God, I don’t want to do this. It is all I have left.” There at the cross I had a tug of war with God. I laid my arms down and pull them back to my chest, physically acting out, grasping at what I had. “Please God, No…I can’t.”
“Just give them to me.” he reassured me. Finally, I gave up and laid my arms out. I could feel every little girl dream rolling off my arms. First my marriage, then my home, all my dreams. Each dream, one by one, trickled off my finger tips and onto the cross. And with each dream I let go of, I was filled with hope.
I laid at that cross weeping. Letting God have every dream I had held. It was there that I told Him to take it all. I asked Him to build new dreams in my life; to create new vision and new hope. And He has!
I knew the moment that I laid my arms out He was taking it all; creating new in my life.
Since that time my life has soared! I am still writing new dreams and looking for new life. He is still showing me, piece by piece.
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~Countless people are ministered to online, on the phone and at events through prayer and encouragement. Marriages have been restored, the lost found, the weary rejuvenated and hopeless given hope through Proverbs 31 Ministries.
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