Raising Brave Beauties podcast is here!
Today I want to introduce to the Raising Brave Beauties podcast to you!
Raising Brave Beauties, with my co-author Michelle Nietert is the space where we empower mothers and daughters listening together to find the love and confidence that comes through Christ.
In these episodes, we’re going to be covering:
- Instilling the values of being a Brave Beauty in your adolescent daughter.
- Handling hard days, friendships, and having fun together.
- Preparing for life instead of reacting to it.
- Determining our worth by the unconditional love of Christ.
Episode 1:
This week on Raising Brave Beauties, we’re talking with Lee Nienhuis and her daughter Lexi Beth.
Lee is the host of Moms in Prayer podcast and author of Counter-Cultural Parenting: Building Character in a World of Compromise.
We’re talking about:
- How to handle disappointment in your child’s life and taking mental health days.
- Cultivating each child for who they are.
- How to support your highly motivated children.
- Perseverance in your faith journey.
- Recognize when your child is growing and when is the stretch too much.
Listen here or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
And be sure to check out our book “Loved and Cherished: 100 Devotions for Girls” available for pre-order!