Remind Me Again – I’m the Mom!
If you are joining us today after reading my devotion with the Proverbs 31 “Encouragement for Today” welcome! If you would like to read the devo, you can find it at Proverbs
Last night I had the privilege of hearing two seasoned parents share about what has worked in their experience in raising godly kids. They each have kids in their mid-twenties down to kids in middle school.
A lot of the things they shared, I have heard or experienced before, but it was SO good to hear from another set of parents that it is ok to be the parents who stick out a bit; a parent whose standards don’t go with the flow of modern culture.
It was also good to be reminded that rules without relationship produce rebellion. It is so important to have those pre-set boundaries that everyone in the house know. They are not a surprise. They are not created on the spot or packed with emotion. They are in place before the “game starts” – like the chalked in line on the softball.
But sometimes in the day to day struggle of raising godly kids in an ungodly world, I get exhausted and become tempted to say to things to avoid the inevitable argument. I have to remember to “Not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not”. (I obviously had to memorize that one in the King James in middle school. How good it is that it stuck with me!) Last night, I was reminded that what goes in, does come out – eventually! So, keep on putting the Word in. He has promised us in His Word that it will not return void…it will produce fruit!
Lynn, what wonderful encouragement this post is today and your devotional was such a great reminder as well.
My son is 16 and right now he has his first “friend girl”. :o) What I’m enjoying is the open communication. He is currently sharing the messages she sends him with both my husband and I and really including us in his questions, feelings and thoughts as he navigates through this new stage in his life. They are both just really good friends, but it’s so encouraging to see him coming to us for advice on how to just develop this friendship.
I loved the verses you refered to here in this post – they hold such promises.
Continuing to seek Him in everything,
Hey girl- loved your devo!! Came to your blog so encourage you. Thanks so much for writing these two devos – for moms and for teens. They were both so good and such a great way for us to connect E4Today to Rad Rev.
Also, I had to smile when I hopped on your blog b/c your photo doesn’t look like you at all but you are so cute with short wavy hair. I have to admit though, you look like you are 20 with your straight hair. Wish I could accomplish age digression with a new hairstyle!
Hope you know how much God is using you today in the lives of mom’s with teens and in the lives of their teens as they send them to your devo and blog. Thanks for being a blessing to so many!
Lynn – My son (13) just told me about his friend, another 8th grade boy, who looks at porn on his computer when no one is home. This boy is active in the youth group and has parents that are leaders at church. My son advised his friend to talk to his Dad, that his Dad would understand and help him get something to block the sites from their computer.
This conversation with my son told me two things 1) I am fortunate that my son talks to us right now, and trusts us, but that might not always be the case. 2) Right in their own peer group, at church, the kids are real struggling. Loved your devotional, it confirmed everything I have been thinking about since this conversation.