“The Princess Within”
What an incredible weekend! My friend Melissa and I traveled to Kinston, NC to speak to a precious group of girls at The Gate Community Center.
The theme of the conference was “The Princess Within”. It was so wonderful to be able to share with these young girls just how Jesus sees and cherishes them! Around 70 girls came to spend the day learning more about the truth of who they are once they give their lives to Jesus.
Diane Hardee opened the morning by sharing her testimony of how her mother died from an abortion of her 7th child. It was very poweful.
There is no greater joy in my life than when I have an opportunity such as this to be able to share my love for my Prince and even more so, His passionate love for His love (us!).
Thank you so much, Wanda and Margaret, for inviting us to come to Kinston and share in investing in the hearts of young girls.
Truett Cathy said, “It is better to build boys rather than mend men.” I couldn’t have said it better!
so cool Lynn! I am so glad the Lord put this passion on your heart! Keep spreading the love of Jesus! You are loved!
Your sister, Janet
Lynn, so glad your weekend went so well. God answered prayer!
WOW – your hair is LONG!…and STRAIGHT! Looks great!
Hope you've had a good day.
Love & prayers,