Three Keys to a Successful Summer – III
Interrupt me. That was the prayer that Lysa had encouraged us to pray in her study “More Than A Good Bible Study Girl“.
It was already 6:00 p.m. and I had not completed my list yet (and if any of you know me well, you know that I am a girl who lives for crossing things off of her list!) This taxi-style trip to drop off my daughter was suppose to be just a slight detour from the roll of accomplishment that I was on. Then I saw her. Pushing her wheelchair in front of the nursing home in the wrong direction. Go back and turn her around. My little black XB drove right past thinking, What a weird thought! Besides, you still have plenty on that list at home and Greg will be home any minute.
A several blocks buzzed past my window before the thought invaded my mind again, Go back and see if she is ok. Ok…I’ll obey.
Turning my Scion at the next possible U-turn, (yes, there are some real advantages to having a very small car), I hurried back to the nursing home, hoping the woman was not in any danger.
As I pulled into the parking lot, I discovered that the elderly lady clothed in cotton candy pink, had turned her wheelchair around and was now headed back to the nursing home. See, she’s ok. You can go now my mind was happy to instruct me. But my heart said, “no”. Park the car and go on over.
As I headed toward the door of the home, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was possibly going to say. How do you begin a conversation with a person you don’t know, standing outside of a nursing, without sounding like you are loosing your mind? Then I saw her. It wasn’t the pink clothed woman, it was another and the words came immediately.
“What is your name?” I asked this precious person looking up at me with the glowing smile. “Bella” she replied. “You know that means beautiful, don’t you?” I said. That was the beginning of a wonderful long conversation with Bella, a women who was once an attorney from Long Island that is now living in Charlotte with three children living in New Jersey, Tennessee and Colorado. Our time that day ended with Bella saying maybe she could adopt me as her grandaughter. So sweet.
And so, I wait for Sunrise Home to approve of me as Bella’s adopted friend. I hope to hear soon, so that Bella doesn’t forget.
This story is my answer to the end of 1 Peter 3:11a “He must turn from evil and do good;…” Do good. Spending twenty minutes with Bella. That was good. Sometimes the good may be walking over to spend time with a neighbor. It may involve investing in the lives of some teen girls this summer or taking care of the yard of a older person. Doing good is good for us. It is good for our kids too.
God may want to interrupt you today, friend. Keep your heart and ears open and if he speaks, obey. I’d love to hear how he works through you today.
What a huge reminder that I loved hearing. Buddy is a natural at letting God distract him. This was wonderful to read.
Thanks Linda! I hope that God will do it more and more in my life. I know that you and Buddy are great at that!
Lynn…I love this! How I pray that the Lord will interrupt me as well…and that I will hear and obey. The interruption is simply a disruption if we don't respond.
Love your heart my friend,