Wednesday Wisdom Tip: Did You Make the List Too?
Did you make out your list too?
You know, that list, of all of the qualities you were looking for in a guy.
Honest Stable Hard working Funny…With my list in my head and in my heart, I began the search.
When you’re 19 years old, finding a guy with all the traits of your 49 year old dad can be pretty hard to find. Can I get an Amen!
Here’s what I wish someone had told me: switch your focus. Focus on becoming the girl God wants you to be.
Put your time, effort and energy into developing who you are. Give your attention to cultivating love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
Focus on becoming the girl God wants you to become, a girl reaching her fullest potential in Christ, and let God take care of bringing a guy.
The girl who invests her time, energy, and emotions, not on a guy she doesn’t have, but on the One she does makes a move. She moves from obsessing over why she isn’t wanted to becoming the type of girl a guy would want. Not just as someone to date, but as the one he’d want to spend the rest of his life with. And that outcome is just a byproduct!
The true benefit is becoming a girl with confidence. The girl who grows more like Jesus grows to like herself more.
Today, share this graphic with your girl on her favorite social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook! Help her switch her focus.
[tweetthis]Focus on becoming the girl God wants, reaching her fullest potential. Let God take care of bringing a guy.[/tweetthis]
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Amen! Thanx so much for this post 🙂 …my friends and I were discussing the “LIST” yesterday afternoon and then later in the evening with my sister (by the way I’m a 19yr girl). We all had our list in mind bt we didn’t go further than that. I’m so thankful for this post cos it has totally opened my eyes to what God expect of me; how He wants us to trust in Him to bring the right person in our lives. Therefore being able to then focus on becoming who Christ want us to be, confident young deciples of Christ. I believe I should also share this with other sisters in Christ. God knows what we need and most of all what is best for us, so it’s truly best to place all our hope and faith in Him who is Faithful and Almighty.
Thank you so much for sharing 🙂
Lynn, thank you for this lovely post. Even as a newly divorced woman at 38…I believe this book would help me focus on becoming more like ‘Christ’ than anything else. Please include me in your book give-away. As you requested I Pinned it to Pinterest.
Thanks so much, Jodi!