~Wednesday Wisdom Tip ~ Making it Natural
Wouldn’t it be so perfect if we could fast forward our children so that they have the faith we have now, only at their age? It sounds great, but if you look back on your faith, the depth you have today comes from the history you made with God yesterday.
Since we can’t literally give our children our faith, how can we best share our faith?
I believe natural conversations can be an answer; conversations started through stories, statements and scriptures.
Sharing a story can be so easy! Who can refute your testimony? I share with my kids what God is doing in my life . A prayer answered, a friend healed…each one is an opportunity to draw attention to my king.
Statements are short little comments I make here and there which point to Jesus. Today was a gorgeous day in Charlotte; a perfect spring day. I just could not help sharing with Madi on our way home from softball, “Isn’t Jesus just so good to give us a day like today?” Gratitude spoken not only gives glory to God; it can be contagious too!
Scripture sharing can either spontaneous or scheduled; I like both! When I have found a scripture in my time with Jesus that really stands out, I tell my kids or text and tweet it to them. If it encourages me, chances are it will encourage them too.
I also have scheduled times to share; every morning at breakfast and during a small group with their friends. I love these times because it allows me to know that even if stories and statements don’t happen, I have made room to share scripture with them on a regular basis.
That is one reason I wrote “His Revolutionary Love”; so moms and daughters would have a resource to learn more about Jesus’ crazy love together. Does this sound like a way you’d like to connect with your girl? Just check out the free leadership guide and first chapter under my “freebies” tab.
Today, I’m giving away a free signed copy of “His Revolutionary Love” as well as a gift card to Starbuck’s where you and your child can share stories, statements and scripture together! In order for your name to be put in today’s drawing, just share with us which one of these three you feel works best for you to share with those you love! Then, be sure to stop by on Friday when I will share the winner!
I am trying to find ways to get God back to the center of our home. Life gets busy, but we make time for other stuff, this should be something we make time for. Thank you!! =)
Lynn, thank you so much for your wise words and wonderful suggestions. My daughter is about to graduate from High School, and I really need to make the most of this precious time! I really like the idea of going out together to get a special treat…I know that my daughter would love it! This is something that I definitely need to make a top priority this summer!
Karen, maybe you would consider doing the “His Revolutionary Love” study with your girl before she goes? You can find a free leadership guide under freebies!
Your devotion was quite timely for me. This past weekend, my oldest daughter participated in the church drama team and I was convicted on the spot to pray for her. She is a wonderful person but doesn’t seem to have a deep faith in God and His plan for her life. I’ve felt like I have to make her understand before she leaves the nest in 2 years so I was glad of your words this morning to help me find ways to teach not preach. I do share stories of how God is working in our lives but I think I’m going to start texting scripture too… At least in small doses…Thank you.
I am blessed with five young boys, so as much as I want to teach via Scripture (I still try since I want them hearing, reading, writing it), they understand more if I share engaging stories. I think it’s so important to weave the Truth and Word of God into our daily lives, yet sometimes I worry that I do preach too much. I am trying to gush about the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus more than focusing on the “rules and law”. I want them to revere God, fear Him, and glorify Him but because they love Him and not because they feel it’s a formula for acceptance and salvation. Teaching and training my kids is such a big responsibility, I’m constantly praying for wisdom, discernment, and increasing faith!
I so agree with you Brandae. The Lord has been daily whispering in my ear for the past couple of weeks “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Not our Bible study, church volunteering or perfectionism. LOVE 🙂
Good morning,
Your post this morning came at the perfect time. I too have a 14 year old and wish to give them my faith. you have given me some goods ideas on sharing my faith.I personally like the idea of statements that show my faith in my everyday life. Thank you for this very timely post.
I haven’t had a plan in the past for sharing scripture with my daughters. I definitely am going to do my best to start. Usually when I share with them it’s at random~ Maybe during a conversation about how their day has been or over dinner or breakfast. I would love to start a small group with a few of the young girls in my neighborhood. After all the bible does say we should teach the younger women.
I have from time to time done breakfast devotionals with my 4 girls (7, 10, 14 & 14), but life gets busy and I lose my routine. This morning at 530am the Holy Spirit woke me and said to read your Prov 31 sevotional. So I did and now Im up early enough to do a devotional with the girls.
Isn’t God great, Paige?!
Thank you Lynn. I think weaving the Truth into everyday statements is great… Like God has blessed us today or reminding them that all their skills and abilities come from Him. We have a devotional that we do everynight with the kids before bed that is a special time.
Thank you, Lynn! Tell your girls that God speaks through others and I feel like this is an answer to my prayers. My teenage son is really giving us a fit and I have been praying for God’s wisdom in handling this situation and I feel like he is answering my prayers through your devotion today. If I just share with him through every day happenings instead of expecting him to have the faith I have now then this truly may get through to him. My daughter will be heading to college in a few short months and time with her and teachable moments are precious. Thanks again for your encouragement and truths.
I believe my way is sharing stories. Everyday happenings are the most that inspire me also.
I wish I had done this when my children were growing up. I hope to do it with my grandkids.
Praising God daily is a way of sharing my faith also and not complaining so much.
The real life stories are easy and a natural way to share Jesus with my girls. Writing verses every so often, on their bathroom mirror is one way that I’ve shared God’s word with them. 🙂 Being consistent with this is the challenge for me. . .these days with the girls at home are going so fast and I so want to make the most of the time I have with them!
Me too Joni! I just told my husband I really want to be very intentional about how I share my time…my middle girl will be a senior this fall!
I love sharing a story about my day and then my daughter tries to figure out what Fruit of the Spirit was used! I read Psalms to my daughter Grace as she is going to sleep and it is amazing how peaceful she sleeps!
I love that, Joy! He gives His people sweet sleep…I pray that over my girl often too!
I came over from the p31 site. Just wanted to say that I see that verse saying today” live out your faith as an example”. Really that is how we are supposed to go about daily life is weaving in the prciousness of the Word. I am guilty of not doing that now, but there was time when it was very clear to all of those around me that I was living out gods word. Thanks for the reminder, and encouragement to get back on that into my spiritual life.
You can do it, Amy!
I love sharing Jesus with my Grandchildren. I will have the opportunity this summer when they come and spend some time with us. I hope I win the book so I can share His Revolutionary Love with them. The “real world” has been so cruel for one of them this year as she deals with bullying in school. She is emotionally hurt but still says I ask Jesus to heal them. Thank you for your wonderful updates. I share them with her and her mother!
Linda, it breaks my heart when kids are cruel to each other. I am so thankful that Perfect Love can heal and fill those wounds!
Sharing stories of past experiences and what I learned from them is what is the easiest for me.
I have always found statements to work well with my daughter, as well as my boys. Although, I never pass up a chance to tell a story to reinforce & show them what God is doing in my life.
She looks for every opportunity to share Jesus with others as well. I find her using statements with her brothers as well as any one she is with now!! Praise God!! It’s so awesome to see her use the same tools I have used with her, to teach those around het! And she’s only 8! I know God has extraordinary plans for her and I am so excited to see them unfold!!
How exciting Stacey, to see your girl copying you!
I too have struggled with wanting my children to grasp how much God loves them and how He needs to be the most important thing in their lives. I like you want them to have faith like mine. I love the idea about sharing stories about what God is doing in my life and the lives of others through answered prayer. The sharing scripture idea is also great. Would love the book as I meet with a group of 11th graders for small group time.
Anne, I have an 11th grader too! “His Revolutionary Love” would be perfect for them; this is a season of wanting to be wanted. It is so important that they know that they are wanted…by the King of it all.
Real life stories allow me to share lessons that I have learned while growing up and also teach my daughters about experiences of my friends and their kids. I am a critical care RN, have four daughters, 24, 23, 17, and 15. Sometimes, depending on the situation, I make open statements about the situation and offer proof by including evidence of how God loves us and that all things are possible through him.
These are wonderful ideas. Although my girls are younger ages 8 and 4, we do our daily sharing when I pick them up from school. I love hearing their excitement and it may be over one little thing that happened that day, but it lets them know that I care and I do want to listen. Now I need to incorporate the me part, which I do not do. I love the part about adding in what He is doing in our lives and using these moments to share with our children without the pressure or constant “preaching.” Thankfully for now we are able to have our children in Christian Schools/Preschools so I am actually learning so much for them which certainly helps my faith to grow as well. Thanks for this great post and wonderful ideas. Have a blessed day.
I really enjoyed the encouragement from your blog this morning. I have a 5 year old boy and 2 new daughters(8 and 13) by re-marriage (my husband passed away) they are with us only sporadically, less than half time and it is very hard to adjust and keep my mind focused on the truly important things while they are in our home. Time is precious and I know I am already the “wicked stepmother in their eyes. I pray I can be more focused on eternal value than if their clothes are put away and rooms picked up when they leave. I find it easier to use life experiences…because they cannot refute it. It’s a way for me to be vulnerable and a way for them to get to know me deeper…I just have to make sure I do it.
I really like the story idea and have definitely done this with my kids. I have also just made statements, but would like to do this more often and will be looking for opportunities. Sharing scriptures is one I really need to work on, since I do this with my husband frequently, but din’t really think about including my kids. Thanks for the tips and I look forward to learning more.
Such great and very practical tips, Lynn. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this devotion. I am the proud mother of a almost 4 year old little boy. When he was born and up until about a year ago, I read to him every night. We said our prayers and I knew all was going to be ok. About a year ago I got lazy and stopped. After doing some repairs to my life, I am now seeking to get back to those times we shared every day. I will start today. no more, “I’ll start tomorrow”. I need ever moment God gives me to share my faith with my child. Thanks for the gentle reminder that is my number 1 job as a mommy.
I have been feeling for a long time that God wants me to tell my story….for the good of our young girls…..I think that telling your story works for all people. Even those who don’t want to hear scripture or be preached to. Your story makes it real and I think gives you a certain amount of humility…..brings you down a bit off of the authority level that you would normally have over a teen age girl…..she can relate to you if she feels that you and she have common ground…..this is probably more than you wanted….sorry…..my answer is…..Tell A Story!! :o) Lisa
Lisa…that is totally how I started getting involved with teen girls. Eleven years ago, I invited 5 girls over…neighbor girls and a couple of nieces and just shared my story. One asked me to mentor them…and it all grew from there! Yes, yes, yes…tell someone your story!
Real life stories really interest my kids and helps them to see God working on a personal level. I am considering starting a Bible study this summer for high school girls who have never done any in depth studying of scripture. I really don’t know where to start in figuring out what study to do. They have very little Bible background and I don’t want to overwhelm anyone. I’m also interested in teaching them how to pray…they know the rote prayers, but are not comfortable just talking to God. Do you know of a good study on the Lord’s prayer that would help them see how that is a guide for their personal prayer time with God? Any suggestions are welcome!!! Thanks for all you do!
Anne, in September my new book “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year; 365 Devotions of Jesus’ Radical Love” comes out. At the end of each day, there is a short prayer. I think it’s a great way to introduce girls to how easy it is to just talk to Jesus about real stuff.
“His Revolutionary Love” would be a great book to do with them this summer. In my small group of girls, I have a couple who had never read their Bible nor were they used to hearing that you could talk to Jesus on your own. It is a super way to introduce them to the filler of their hearts without overwhelming them with intense study. Filled with journaling space, it allows them to consider what was discussed and how it works in the real world. You can get a taste of it by reading chapter one and getting the free leadership guide. Just click on my website under “freebies”.
Thank you so much for your devotion. I love how you have bible study for your daughters and their friends. That is so wonderful. How I wish my life had gone in that direction. My daughters are grown and on their own now and I’m remarried and in another town. We still talk daily and get together as much as possible. I guess my way I feel is the best for me is a statement about how Jesus is working my life and how wonderful he is with all he gives us. It is easy and can’t be refuted because it is so true. He has truly seen me through so much and always been there for me. Praise the Lord!
Lynn, thank you for the ideas to connect with our children. Sharing stories is the easiest one for me, but I try to plant seeds whenever there is a door open. My two sons watched Passion of the Christ on Netflix recently and were talking to me about it, so that was a very easy conversation starter. I would love to win a copy of your book and the Starbucks card to connect with my daughter who will be graduating high school in just a few short weeks (where does the time go?/).
Hey Lynn—Thank you for this devo today. I am in a different place with my daughter. She is now grown and gone. Married almost 3 years ago. So this means my ‘job’ as her Mom has changed. But my heart for her has grown even moreso. When I see her struggling with her husband over issues, I see myself again at her age and stage. Right now, she is furious with him because she caught him smoking. This is the second time this has happened. She says she trusts him even less now than the first time. I know that poor guy is suffering through her ‘silent treatment’. Texting encouragement and practical application of the Word is one of the ways I feel led to try and help her. Also, simple statements of what I’ve learned from God along the way in my own marriage helps. Even though she may roll her eyes, I know she’s taking it in. And just assuring her that I’m here to listen if she desires to talk, is one of the best ways to show Love to her.
Thank you for your encouraging devotion. I have a 14 yr old daughter that I homeschool and some of our days can be challenging for me to be both a teacher and a mom. I know that stopping in our days and just talking is important, so I try to take her out occasionally to get away from household chores and schoolwork to connect. When we can’t do that I find making statements works better for me during the day to remind her of Christ’s love for her.
Good morning!! I was just having this conversation with my husband last night as he prepares to talk to the parents of a 16 year old who are constantly pushing their faith on her. She now wants nothing to do with the Lord. We want it so much for our kids but we can’t give meat before they get milk. For my daughter I feel most comfortable with statements. I can start a verse and then prompt her to finish it. And if she doesn’t know it then it gives me a chance to share it with her.
Great devotional! I’m so guilty of barking out orders to my kids and not slowing down to take time to share stories or incorporate scripture in our everyday interactions. I do feel that making statements to my kids has worked best for trying to teach them the Word of God and how to behave daily. I need something more though! I’m thankful for the resources that are provided through Proverbs 31. Keep up the excellent work!
thank you
I really like these ideas on connecting with our kids and sharing our faith. My daughter is 13 and very strong minded.. She loves going to church and to different youth events but I afraid of how peer pressure may get to her when she is around different groups of girls! I would love to be able to connect with her and a couple of friends studying God’s word and trying to have one on one time with her sharing what God is doing in my life. Thanks so much!
Hi Lynn,
I heard about you from Proverbs 31 and I loved today’s word of encouragement! I usually do our bible devotions at night with my kids, but I think I will start doing them during breakfast like you…what a great way to start the day! Your book looks amazing, I can’t wait to download the first chapter and check it out 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you for your encouraging devos. I am always excited for Wed…so I can read the Wednesday Wisdom Tip!! The statment where you said we can’t expect our kiddos to have the faith of a 44 year old when they are only 14 was a great reminder to me. I pray daily that our kiddos would have a strong understanding of the Lord like I do now. But I have only gotten to this point after many years of growing. I have to have faith that the Lord has a wonderful plan for them as they grow too. And it is my job to help nurture that growth…so I pray that I would do all three things and have a sensitive ear to hear when the Lord has an opportunity for me to teach them. Thanks again.
I too have a 14 year old daughter who is just starting to question the things she has been taught about the ways of the Lord. She sees hypocrisy all around her and is beginning to think that (gasp) mom and dad haven’t got a clue to what the world is like today. I struggle with knowing what to say. I remember how hard it is trying to fit in with this world ant not lose sight of the amazing love God so freely gives. We have Bible study together over breakfast but I think it’s the personal stories from my life today and from when I was her age that have the most impact…and lots of prayer. Thai you for sharing your thoughts with us fellow moms each day. You are a blessing!
Thank you for the encouragement and challenge to share our faith with our kids. I would love to know what devotional book you use to read your kids at breakfast??!! That’s a great idea. I have three kids: 11, 8,7. Do tell!!! Sharing stories works best for me. They seem to relate and know the people involved. I loved your entry today…it has inspired me to influence my kids! (and pray for them more!)
Many thanks and have a great day!!!
Hey Nikki – right now I am doing “Devotions for the God Girl” by Hayley DiMarco. In September, I’ll start using my new book “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year; 365 Days of Jesus’ Radical Love” 🙂
What a great word… I don’t have daughters(only a son) but it still applies to him. Thankful that the Lord saved him. I know early on when he was choosing the wide path I thought that I had to “save” him, that I wasn’t doing enough. God sure showed me that all I could do is be faithful to what His Word says(Deut. 6 6-7) AND PRAY for his salvation and He would be faithful to answer! God is good, even if He hadn’t
I volunteer with Freshman girls at my church and mentor several. Do you have any suggestions for a study we could do this summer with high school girls?
Jennifer, my book “His Revolutionary Love” would be a perfect fit for your high school girls. I am currently going through it with 5 freshman. You can find a sample chapter and free leadership guide; just click on “freebies”. Let me know if you need more than 6 copies; I’d be glad to sign them and get them to you for a discounted rate.
These are wonderful ideas just what I needed to refocus of how to share with my children. I find it the easiest to share scripture with my children then ask them what they think God is trying to tell us! I know that it is up to my husband and I to encourage them and teach them the way to Jesus! Thank you for your encouraging words!!
Thank you so much for caring , not only for your kids, but my kids’ faith as well!! I actually do the short statements with all three of my children. It IS a wonderful way for them to know just how great our Lord really is. We have wonderful things around us everyday that are gifts from God, we just have to open our eyes and put our focus on the positive and not the negative. This escpecially work good with mu younger two children. I also have texted scripture to my 16 year old daughter. She is allowed to have her cell phone at school during lunch break. If I can do anything to brighten her day, this would be it. Just a little token that I love her and so does our Father!!!! Who knows, God moves us to do things that other need at just the right time!! Even if I don’t win a copy of your book, I know that I will buy a copy for us to share. I truly want my children to know that the only person that loves them more than my husband and me, is God!! Again, thank you for what you do!! Blessings
Thank you for the devotion. I use statements with my family. Like when there is beautiful sunrise or sunset: God sure is putting on a show for us! We look at God’s work in nature all of the time, with animals, flowers, and weather. In bible study on Wednesday’s with a group of teenage girls we are using scripture for them to have an arsenal to meet the world with against temptation.
My daughter is 20 and a trip to Starbucks with her would be a great treat. The book would be wonderful to have as I work with high school girls in our church.
I am the mother of three teenage boys. We are always doing things together. However, this summer my oldest son is going away to boot camp at the age of 17. I am very proud of him. So, to take his place in our house while he is gone, my two nieces (13, 16) are coming to stay with us. They have had a hard life. The 16 yo was molested by her father and then was raped by a family friend last year. My husband and I are praying about them staying with us longer, to try to give them a normalcy of life. They will be staying with us for two weeks in June. I talk to them each day through fb and texting. I know they enjoy cooking, so I will use that time to really share the Love of Jesus. Also making a point each night to do devotion with them. My boys and I talk each morning on the way to school and each night at the dinner table. I heard Dr. James Dodson say one time, “A family that eats together and prays together, stays together.” With all the sports and school, we make a point to sit down and eat together almost every night. Thank you for your devotion. I have no clue what I am getting myself into with my two nieces this summer. Thank you again!
I believe you are getting yourself into good, Misty! God…give her wisdom and courage to be vulnerable and loving to these girls. Use and bless her! Amen
Sharing a story has worked best for me with the four children God has given me. After all, children love stories and it really is no different when they become teenagers and even adults. When I share a story about what God is doing in my life, they see that I am a real person w/real struggles; but more importantly, they hear that God is a real God meeting real needs. After I share my story sometimes I ask them questions but often I just let the story sit and simmer, like I do with stew or soup I am making. With teens I have found that I don’t need to push the application of my story onto them. I just need to leave it and God often brings it back around in another conversation in another place at another time.
I am trusting God with my last teenager now (the others are grown & gone) but the Lord has placed me at a school where I hire teenagers to work in an aftercare program for young children. The truths you shared in your devotional today have encouraged me anew to be ready and available to listen and share stories with them as well. God bless you on your faith journey with your girls!
Great post on P31 today! My girls are 4 and 6, so ‘statements’ work best with them. Those moments of thanksgiving and prayer are contagious, and often my girls will burst forth with a comment like “Thank you God for this beautiful day You shared with us!” And if they have a concern, they’ll say “Let’s just pray for it now!” Their confidence then becomes contagious to me! I’ve been realizing our time together is so short, and I pray God will convince them, even as they are young, of His great, deep, mighty love for them. What a great way to go through life- being sure of your place in the Father’s heart, knowing He is enough! Thanks so much for your encouraging words!
My children are still babies (literally, turned 6 months last week), so I haven’t tried any of these yet. I didn’t grow up in a house where any of these were done, so I’m not really sure what will work. I guess probably statements would be the best, but I don’t really have any idea. Does your book cover getting over the embarrassing of discussing God in public? I was raised to believe that religious stuff was private, and that it was rude to discuss it with anyone, and I am finding it very hard to get past that in my adult life. Even the idea of reading a scripture to someone else makes me uncomfortable.
Cat, thanks for sharing! It doesn’t cover that specifically, but it does talk about sharing our faith. Just like learning to swim, it takes “shutting your eyes” and jumping in a bit. I know when I am on a plane, striking up a conversation can terrify me. I have to ask the Holy Spirit to give me His guts and then just open my mouth. He will help!
My two oldest daughters both attempted suicide within two weeks of each other last August. When my youngest daughter started showing signs of great stress, I quit my full-time job to spend time with my girls and help them heal. As a result we are now facing foreclosure on our home at the end of this month and we have no where to go. It’s hard for my girls to look at the future and trust God when face with such uncertainty (I’m having a hard time myself) but God has been faithful to still show himself to me in little things and I make it a point to share those moments with my girls every time they come up because I want them to know that God is still in control and He has a plan for us even though we don’t know what it is. I don’t want my girls to worry – God is faithful to provide for our every need – including shelter.
Oh Sandy! I am so sorry…I cannot imagine all that you are going through! Jesus, thank you for Sandy’s faith. Thank you for your faithfulness. Father, YOU ARE OUR PROVIDER! Show that in a way to Sandy that is truly a miracle. Blow her and her girls away with your ability to take care of them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Thnk you Lynn for your prayers! It means so very much to me. You are definitely a source of encouragement!
I am so sorry! You are so right that God will provide somehow…some way! Lord, please watch over Sandy and her girls! Please show them the plans that you have for them! Lift them up in Your glory, wrap Your arms around them, and fill them with that peace that only You can provide Lord. In Jesus’ name! Amen!
Sandy praying for you and your girls!!!!
Than you Melissa!
Sharing about the every day goodness of God is really great as well as testimonies of what God is doing. I should make a point of sharing everyday with my 12 year old grandaughter that we are responsible for. This book would be great for us.
I have been struggling with my faith lately and I am worried that my children will pick up on that. I think that making a statement each day about how God is working in my life will remind me of God’s love, power and mercy not only for their benefit, but also for mine. I see that I am neglecting them when I am not in God’s Word each because I know that is what I need to be strong. I need that for not only myself, but for my family. I believe that God is using this blog to remind me of this.
I definitely have to say “sharing a story”. It was just a little over a year ago at a women’s retreat through our church, that I realized the power of my testimony. To really take every opportunity that comes my daughters way to share with her in honesty what I’ve been through; where God has brought me; and how through all that I know that I know that I know HE LOVES ME & HE LOVES HER TOO!!! My testimony allows me to walk alongside her- and for that I choose to be thankful and never again ashamed of my past! Praise God He has set me free from that burden!!! 🙂
I love the idea of scripture sharing; I’ve never thought to text her scripture before; I love that idea! Right now I call myself a post-it Mom; when I see a scripture I feel led to share with my children or family; I post it on a bathroom mirror; or in our kitchen.
I would so love to share about what God is doing in my life with my two teenagers. My 15 year old son says his prayers are never answered so he has a hard time believing God is real. My husband has the same issues. I believe God is real, faithful and part of our lives but it would be nice to see some real prayers being answered. My daughter has a little more faith than they but we have been going through some tough times and even though we believe God is with us, we just need a door opening that says wow, that is a God moment. Thanks for your devotional today Lynn!
I try to share through experiences, so I guess statements works well with us. I wish that I knew and understood His Revolutionary Love for me when I was younger, it would have saved alot of heartache. But… Gid uses all things and I am blessed today! Thank you for your ministry!
Dina…that is exactly why I wrote “His Revolutionary Love”. So early on, girls could find that Jesus is the only one who can fill the love gaps in their hearts!
My daughter turns 2 this month and I’ve been thinking and praying so hard that she will have a better understanding of faith when she’s older than I did! My Mom took me to church every week but I guess I needed more than that to truly have an understanding of God, my relationship with Him, and His plan. I love your suggestions about reading scripture in the morning during breakfast or just having a conversation over a milkshake. I know my daughter is only 2, but I need suggestions like this for when she is older so I know what to do!
Thank you so much for writing your book and sharing your ideas. It is truly a blessing.
I love and try hard to practice all three! All a form of living out loud! Stories, letting them see the story of our lives! (Even while it’s happening!)
Thank you for the timely reminders. My daughter and I only last night returned from my older daughter’s beautiful wedding in another state. My older daughter’s father (my former husband) and step-mother attended the wedding; not only that, but they provided round-trip airline tickets for my younger daughter, who is not blood-related to my former husband, the bride’s half-sister (ten years difference in their ages) and me to attend the wedding! (Think Reba here.)
Much history exists here from the past twenty five years. When my former husband divorced me all those years ago I simply thought that I would die. But God was faithful, and personal growth and forgiveness ensued over the years. Little sister who is nearly eighteen, saw first-hand that much restoration and strengthening has taken place, but when I read your blog this morning I realized that I had not filled in some of the details about my struggle with abandonment and rejection. Thank you for your reminders. As I decompress from our travels I am reminded that although I am happily remarried my best Friend is Jesus Himself.
Thank you Lynn! All your points are good ways at different times. I like to share stories, but I most often make statements. When I find a scripture that speaks to me, I write it out on a card and give it to someone to share with them.
Lynn, I love your ideas of how to share Jesus with our children! My daughters are both out of the house now, but I find they are more open and willing to listen to me, sharing my faith with them. I lead by example when they lived at home, going to church, devotions at home, and helping every year with VBS. Once they got old enough to help, they would volunteer, also.
Thank you for all your good advice!
I love to practice all 3 as well! I don’t have a daughter of my own, but mentor a teenager from church with a rough home life. We make it a point to go out once a week – she loves trying new restaurants with me, and I love talking about God! It’s amazing how much she opens up if I’ll just listen!
I am trying daily with my three children to share and lead them in the ways that they should go and really I think I use all three. Most especially the statements. I try to help them see daily all that God has made and how everything is for His purpose. I just printed out your leader’s guide and kind of questioned why, but immediately felt led to and I’m even thinking that I might lead a group at church through your book. That is so much out of my comfort zone that I know it has to be from God. Thank you for your awesome freebies and I can’t wait to see where God leads with this!
Amber, the first time I had a group of girls over I was so nervous! And do you know what…it went horrible! There were non-stop interruptions. I was so mad at God. In my mind I was saying, “What is up with this?! I am obeying you; why aren’t you helping me?” After I was done sharing my story, one of the girls stuck around to help me clean up. She asked me if I would mentor her. That was 11 years ago…I’ve been mentoring, writing and speaking to teen girls ever since!
Step out, friend! These young women DESPERATELY need us to tell them that it is more than ok to have boundaries and values in a culture where it is all but wiped out! They need us to share with them why they should take care of their hearts and bodies…we can be those women!
Lynn, I have 3 teenagers and am still new in my walk with Christ. Since 2008, I have been trying to bring Jesus to the forefront of our family. I really like the 3 ways you mention. I have tried each one of them and find that sharing how God touches me and answers my prayers is the easiest. I want to be more confident and comfortable talking about God in our house and have been a sponge reading anything and everything I can get my hands on – most importantly the Bible. I have so many books from all of you wonderful writes at Proverbs31. I would love to share “HIs Revolutionary Love” with my 18 year old daughter who is graduating this month. Thanks for reaching out and providing inspiration to so many.
My oldest is 7 years old but it’s never too early to start right??? I need to get in the habit now though. And my husband just got a job at a church for youth ministry and I think it would be an amazing study to start out with the girls. So excited for this. Thank you for your ministry and what a blessing it is. I love the sharing stories. Then my kids can see that God really works!!!! Not just me telling them that’s how it is. Thanks and God bless
Karen, I think it would be a good study to start with too! There are some great opportunities to ask discuss questions.
Lynn, I have 2 teenage daughters and we have at least 5 of their girlfriends that come in and out of our front door on a weekly basis. All of their friends come from sad family situations and we have made it our mission to love on these girls and show them the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. I spend a lot of time with these girls and I have definitely had many opportunities to share my story with them and scripture verses that they can claim. The biggest blessing is to watch all of them grow in their walk with Christ in various ways. I would love to do this Bible Study with these girls as I am not really sure the messages that they get from home. I am encouraged by what you are doing and have signed up for the weekly mom’s encouragement. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a blessed day!
Hey Wendi! I think “His Revolutionary Love” is a great fit because it doesn’t assume you have a background in the church and presents the gospel. Yet at the same time, it challenges the girl who thinks she has done everything she is suppose to, yet still finds Jesus and church “boring”; not life altering!
I would love to hear how it goes! Keep me posted. Some moms/girls share with me their journey on FB or my blog and it allows me to pray for the group of girls as they are going along. I love to be a part!
I have 5 children that range ffrom 23 down to 8, and my favorite one is also to share stories. I love to listen to how their day went or the plans they have for their day and share God’s goodness with them!!
I find they are so much more open to receive when you are willing to listen!
I have a teenage daughter and two pre-teen boys. My daughter has this amazing, subtle yet strong faith. We discuss the ways our faith gets us through the day & share stories often. I will go into her room to tell her that she needs to turn her light off and go to sleep, only to find her there with her Apologetics Bible open, really studying God’s word. She truly inspires me.
With my boys, I find that making statements during the day – “Wow, look how what a blessing that all of the lights have been green this morning. God is getting us to school safely when we are running late!” or “I am so frustrated by these traffic delays. God must be protecting us from something up there that we may never know about!” – is a good way to convey my faith without hitting them over the head with it. On the other hand, sometimes having scripture to back up my parenting decisions helps them to understand my reasons even if they don’t like them. My 11-year-old has been unhappy about the television shows and video games that his friends get to play but I won’t allow. I told him that Jesus commands us to be “in the world but not OF the world” and that I listen to Philipians 4:8 when making decisions about such things. If something doesn’t fall into whatever is good, pure, noble, admirable, etc… then I don’t want them “thinking on” such things. It doesn’t always make them any happier at the moment, but it does somehow help them understand where I’m coming from.
I’m really looking forward to doing “His Revolutionary Love” with my daughter!
Buffi, let me know how going through HRL works with you and your girl! I love feedback!
Sharing stories and scriptue help me communicate with my daughter.
I think statements are the best way to connect with my daughter. But with our current family situation, it has helped to really share my heart with her. How God has been showing me that HE is still with me even when I don’t feel it!
I try to make statements about how good God has been to us for providing all of the blessings he has. It becomes apparent when contrasted with those less fortunate. Thank you for all of your wise advice.
I love being positive and especially praising God through my ‘cup half full’…“Isn’t Jesus just so good to give us a day like today?” I love this and my kids are smaller so I believe this one will work wonders with them!
Thanks for everything!
I am blessed to be the mother of a teenage daughter. It seems that during these teen years our relationship has become a challenge as she seeks more independence and I worry about the years of my influence slipping away. I have found that when sharing indirectly with her something that has spoke to me or how I see God working in a situation of mine, or even the beautiful mountains on the way to school she is more receptive. Thank you for your Wednesday Wisdom—it strengthens my soul!
My daughters(4 of them) are all still young, do I find making statements works best for us. My five year old just got a wonderful girls devotional book for her birthday that we sit down and do every night before bed.
If a particular verse or quote from one of my devotionals speaks to me I will put it on a notecard and read it to one of my girls. Also, they see these notecards on display throughout my house – on fridge, on bathroom mirrors, etc. For one daughter who has struggled with nighttime anxiety I have put verses about rest and peace on her bulletin board.
Love your blog!
Thanks for the encouragement, Mary Grace!
I like sharing stories, but making statements is what I do most as it happens most naturally.
I tried to reply this morning when my network crashed.
Last night before bedtime, I did my daily scripture reading. I woke up early this morning, and thought I could get in a little extra reading before work (King David is on the throne now!)
I was still groggy when little bits of verse came to mind, “…when you wake up… when you walk on the road… when you lay down…” I thought I should look up that verse to get it right and to recall where it is in the Bible. I checked my email and there was the P31 devotion with the exact scripture I had on my heart.
Isn’t it cool when that happens? I took it as encouragement to continue frequent reading and study.
I love it when God brings in the reinforcements!
My daughter loves to hear stories that come from me, and actually prefers them over a book story. Certain stories she requests over and over. I love these moments with her!!
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us! I’m really thankful that you have also taken the time to respond to the comments on your blog! VERY SPECIAL!!!
I love to share all that God is doing in my life with my family. It’s so special to hear one of my children thank God for the blessings in their life, too! God is so AMAZING!!! I love Him so much and am SO THANKFUL HE CHOSE ME!!!
For my son, it’s the stories he most enjoys hearing about when his dad (my husband) and I had growing up, or happenings from our day. Not only is he interested in our stories, but those of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. He is our “question kid” who loves knowing “the rest of the story”! 🙂
Lynn this sounds like a great book and was a great devotional. So many days I have failed my children in showing them and sharing God’s love. Especially recently since I am struggling myself after the stillbirth of our twin daughters. So often I find that it is all I can do to complete the day to day necessary tasks and have nothing left to give after that. However, I know how important sharing God’s love with my other two children is especially in the face of tragedy when no of us understand. Thank you for your encouraging words and your service to our community.
Miranda, it sure is understandable that getting through the day would be all you can do with the pain you have experienced. I am so glad that today encouraged you to love on your other two children while you walk through that healing. Bless you!
Loved these ideas! I like the idea of texting or tweeting scriptures for encouraging words during the day! I will definitely use that today.
Lynn, I loved today’s blog. What blessings are coming your way! My daughter is grown and has two sons of her own now. She gets so excited when God moves and proves his love for her and hers. She calls me and says, “Mom, wait ’til you hear this…!” She sounds just like the four-yer-old little girl who used wiggle and giggle each night as I tucked her in and told her, “Jesus loves you. And, he has special plan for your life….”
“What do you think it is, Momma?”
And, now we know.
Thank you so much for this. It really spoke to my heart as I have been looking for simple easy ways to share gods love with my daughter. As another said life is so busy it’s hard to make the little moments count. Just by simple statements of praise or thankfulness can help to make my 12 year old girl appreciate gods love for us!
I have found using statements and sharing stories to be the best way to share Christ. Growing up a Christian but straying as a teenager and college student, I never want to come off as self righteous, since that was a big turn off for me at those times in my life. thanks for sharing these suggestions…as a mother of a brand new daughter I look forward to sharing my relationship with Christ with her and hope to help her avoid the mistakes and heartaches I endured straying from God…
Daily statements are what our family seems to connect over most often. As we’re driving to/from school, as we sit around after school during snack, after I pick up our teenager from work…we’re always talking about the ways God is working in our lives. I always make sure they know that I’m praying for them, too.
I love sharing statements with my kids 4 and 2. In everyday life it is so easy to get distracted and not be intentional of sharing the beautiful creations God has given us and telling our kids about how God made everything. But taking the time is so worth it and it is good for us mommies to slow down and appreciate the blessings both our kids and what God has given us. Thank you for our devotion – I would love to read your book!
God bless,
I love all three of the ideas you shared. They are timely and relevant.
What I think makes the most impact is when we are “naturally” sharing God’s love and truths with someone. When I try to preach to the kids, they have a tendency to tune me out.
I’m not a great story teller; but I’m going to try, with God’s help, to be intentional and take opportunities to share stories with my 3 kids. God’s silver thread has definitely been woven through my life and now it’s time to help weave it into my children’s lives and hearts!
I ususlly share theses 3 things with my 15 years old daughter,,, though i wish it would work same or similar with my 13 years old boy…my daughter and i talk a lot about these things on almost regular bases
By far, statements work the best for me. My 6 year old picks up on what I am teaching her through my statements. The other day she said, “Wow mommy, look at that sunset Jesus painted for us!!”
My children are still very young, but I try to make a point of using both statements and short Scriptures throughout our everyday activities. It thrills my heart to hear my 3 or 4 year old boys spontaneously remarking on God’s greatness or truth. It is my prayer that the habit of looking for God in life will imbed itself deep in their hearts. My daughter is only 8 months old, but I have tried to daily whisper God’s promises and love to her as well.
I brought your book to the attention of our Children’s Ministry Director. She is thrilled with it…now it’s just trying to figure out when to fit it in for a class. About how many sessions and how long (obviously the more people talk the longer it will take) should each one be in general to get through the book?
I’m currently reading A Thousand Gifts (wow, deep!…I feel like I’m back in school trying to comprehend everything)…and trying to recognize every day all the gifts around us and many by His grace. Your post today made me think to take it that step further when the kids are around to say it out loud to them too.
Thanks for all you do.
I share stories with my girls about how God is always with us, even in the little things. I relate the stories to the moments we share together when God’s glory is written all over the circumstances. Foe example when a beautiful sunset is presenting itself or when we see acts of kindness. Especially with my oldest daughter who seems to pulling away from the church, she no longer wants to attend awanas, she says it is boring. I try to bring the bible to life for her and show her how our everyday life is lived out by the people in the bible. I look for ward to reading your book His Revolutionary Love!
Thank you Lynn for these great ideas. I love to share the Word with my 3 teenagers in many ways, but sharing stories of answered prayers seems to really increase their faith. To hear that something you knew only God could manifest has come to pass is so encouraging! They know that any situation in their lives can be approached with prayer and not fear because no matter the outcome, God cares for them.
Thanks for all your amazing parenting tips. I like to shre my personal stories with my children. And our children seemed to be amazed that I was once a kid. (lol)
-Colleen G.
My daughter is 3 and I have been wondering am I doing a good enough job sharing the word of Christ and helping to lead her to Him. I was not raised in a Christian home, so I don’t have an example. This book would be a blessing to our family and I would love to do this as a group study at our church.
My daughters are 4 and 2. I have been amazed to see their God-given capacity for memorizing Bible verses. I would encourage you to write a simple Bible verse on a piece of paper, and hang it somewhere where you will see it numerous times throughout the day with her…maybe by the kitchen table or in the bathroom. Then, say it together every time you pass it. Make it a game. Sing it as a song. Look for ways throughout the day that the situation illustrates your chosen verse. Draw a picture on the Bible verse paper that shows the key idea. Even it feels a little “forced” to you at first, it will soon become a natural part of your day. Doing this with my girls has put more Scripture into my heart, too, which has really helped me as a mom. My prayer is that these Bible verses will soak into their hearts and accomplish God’s purposes in their lives, long past the time when my day-to-day involvement in their lives is past. The best gift we can give them is the Bible in their hearts!
Hi Lynn,
I have six children and my youngest are twin girls age 9. I did not find the love of our Father until I had my 3rd child and made some silly parenting mistakes by that time. Since my walk, I can see an incredible difference in my children that I raised before knowing Christ and now. Every Wednesday I take my older Son to youth group and my little gals have AWANA at church. All week we study and memorize scriptures for the upcoming week and let me tell you all, it is a joy to see what the Lord is doing in their young lives. When we reach out to the young and invite them to know Gods word they have a firm grasp of who God is and what he can do in our lives and they grow to have a firm foundation of faith the rest of their lives. We take the time each day to see beauty in everything God gives us. Many blessings to you Lynn.
I would love to share your book with my family.
I try to find time to share in the car with my girls on the drive to school in the mornings. Either the daily scripture verse or what I learned during my morning studies. It is one time they are together and captive 😉
I need to try to be more intentional about doing this thankyou.
Love this! We try to do it often with our kids – I post verses all over my house and statements to remind them of our blessings from God.
I am planning to buy your book for my 8th grade Confirmation girls as part of their Confirmation Gift at the end of the month! Winning one to keep for myself to hold onto for my younger daughter would be an incredible blessing!
Have an amazing day!
I have 2 daughters, 1 is a teenager, 1 is 9 years old(wanting to be a teenager like her big sissy)! I feel the best way for me to share with my girls is Statements! As we are so busy going through everyday life, running here running there, usually I talk with my girls while we are driving, which gives me a perfect opportunity to share statements with them. I try to ask them everyday about their day and I try to tell them about my day(good or bad), but as we are talking about our days, I will take something from the stories and make a statement, either funny or serious. I have learned if I make something funny, my girls will listen to me better. I am not saying making the serious stuff funny, but trying to make a funny statement about the serious stuff and get their attention, and not try to bog them down with any more pressure than they are already faced with. Also, I have made a habit of putting my girls to bed every night. We all gather in my oldest daughters room, and say prayers. While we are getting ready to say prayers, I will start to tickle them, or just do crazy stuff, to make them laugh, because I can usually tell when they have had a stressful day, and I think laughter is good for all of us! Also, during this time, I continue to make statements, and I also try to share stories about things I have been faced with during that day, or share an experince that relates to something that has happned in their day. I just love spending time with my girls, we are all in Girl Scouts together and I treasure every minute that I get to spend with them, and I am so greatful and Thankful to God that He has given me the opportunity to be a mother!
Hi Lynn:
I too love to share stories with my two daughters. It seems they are extremely receptive to hearing the lessons and events that I’ve experienced in my past. If I can add scripture that is relevant, I do that as well. Sometimes I hesitate just “throwing” bible verses out because when they are hurting or angry it can make them resentful. Showing them God’s Word through my words and actions first has been more effective than merely quoting His Word. Thank you for your encouragement! I look forward opening my e-mails that I receive from you. Bless you!
I started reading devotions at breakfast on Saturdays and plan to continue to read over breakfast in the summer.
Also I am going to be intentional about teaching my children throughout the day uses resources. Your book is one of the resources that I would love to use!!!!
Great ideas, Lynn. We tend to share stories in my family, so I’d say that would be my top way to share. However, whenever we’re in the car for an hour or more, I pull out my little devos that I use each day. We do a family devo together (I’d like to say we do this every morning, but we don’t. More often at dinnertime with whoever happens to be there now that my girls are mostly grown.). This is a time we share scripture, then ask a question that everyone takes turns answering that’s based on the devo, then go around the car and pray for each other. Very rich time that I love so much!
My last daughter has one more year home before flying the coop and going to college. I am very aware that we have precious little time left (definitely tearing up as I say this). Sharing your book might be just the thing!
I love the idea behind this book–though we’re a little ways from the teenage years yet (my daughters are 6 and 1) I’m already feeling the need to prepare myself for those years. The easiest way I share my faith right now is through statements: praising God for the beautiful day, for helping us find a great parking spot in rainy weather, acknowledging His blessings to us, etc.
Thank you for the Wisdom tip todya. I have three daughters and the elses is 10 turning 11 this year. It has been on my heart to share more of the bible with my girls. Instead of always giving them my words I need to share God’s word with them more so I love the idea of sharing scripture more naturally.
Great ideas, Lynn. Thanks for your encouraging words. I am a blessed mom of two incredible boys. Both have invited Jesus into their hearts…THE greatest blessing in my life. I made it a point many years ago to talk about my precious Savior in front of my boys…thanking the Lord when I found a close parking spot…talking about God’s awesome power in a beautiful day…praying out loud when an ambulance passed by with its siren blaring. My boys learner that God was my Savior, my best friend, and someone I couldn’t make it through a day without. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
what great ideas! my kids are still little, but these are great ways to implement sharing my heart with them and influencing them toward Christ. Thanks for the helps!
Definately the stories are my favorite way to connect with my kids. I loved your ideas today of ways to share the scripture more easily with my kids. Thanks for the tips.
Although I don’t have any children (I’m 17) I have found ways to share the love of Jesus with my siblings, parents, and even relatives and friends. What I try to do is find an encouraging scripture to write in their birthday or thank you card. I love looking for verses that are just right for them and encourages them through the hard times they may be going through. Also, our family has a set time, Sunday night, when we get together and have a devotional. We take turns doing a lesson which gives us each a chance to share what is on our hearts to those in our family.