Wednesday Wisdom Tip: Mean Girls Grow Up One Day
Oh my! For the first time in probably 3 years, I forgot to post a Wednesday Wisdom Tip! So engrossed in editing my new book coming out next fall, it completely slipped my mind!
Working on this new project, I’ve been mulling over this thought:
Mean girls don’t suddenly become kind when they grow up.
There wasn’t a magic potion we drank when we went to college, got married or brought home our first child. Kindness, the trait God calls us to demonstrate and live out to make Him famous, was one that was developed. (Or in my case, it has been a trait that God has been developing through a whole lot of pruning!)
The place for kindness growth to happen is with us; at home.
The kindness you practice today is the kindness you’ll play tomorrow.
Trials come. Some small. I developed an infection on my ear, took an anti-biotic I reacted to and now have a very itchy rash on my neck. So much for looking pretty this Christmas!
Some not so small…that’s for another post another day. 🙂
Whether it is our daughters or us, the heart we are showing in these trials, toward our husbands, our children, our bosses, co-workers, neighbors and the clerk at the store is the heart our daughters will emulate.
When we look the waitress in the eye, call her by name and remember that she is a daughter of the King too, our girl sees. She understands this is how we treat people; show the love of Christ.
As the holidays get closer and closer and your meal has yet to be planned and the shopping finished, kindness still is the most important; people not parties, presents and preparations. (I’m preaching at me here! I get so uptight when people are coming! My kids know to either get in and help or hide!)
Approaching the last weekend before Christmas, friends, let’s smile bigger at the cashier, say “thank you” to the UPS worker and show our family a kindness that comes straight from the Holy Spirit living within.
Teach your girl: the kindness she practices today is the kindness she’ll play in her life tomorrow. Let’s practice like we want to play!
This makes me think of how we are to live out “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. Oh my… how often is it ‘me’ that others see & not Christ living in me? My hearts desire is ‘let the words of my mouth & the meditations of our heart be pleasing & acceptable to You, O Lord, our Rock & our Redeemer’. May I lay down my desires and listen for God’s still, small voice to quiet me.
This really hits home, Lynn! I, too get very uptight when guests are coming, so I needed this today! Thanks for the reminder! Blessings to you during this lovely season!
Bobbie – glad to know someone else can relate! I have gotten shingles this Christmas, so God has taken care of my rushing around!
What an important reminder….especially the part about how we show kindness in our homes – it is always easier to take frustration out on those we love than on people we don’t know. Thank you for the reminder that how I behave will ultimately be how my daughter behaves! Merry Christmas!
Mary K – thanks! I know that there are many others influences in our girls’ lives, but our’s is a powerful one!