Wednesday Wisdom Tip: Stuck on the Wrong One

1 - MoreLikeHim


If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)


“Lynn, you can’t give 100% of your heart to two people at once.”


I knew my counselor was right; I was stuck on the wrong one. My life revolved around my boyfriend, not around my relationship with God. I couldn’t say I was looking for God wholeheartedly; I couldn’t even say I was searching half-heartedly!


At 19 years old, the strong words from my counselor were not words I wanted to hear. For the first time in my life, I was in a serious relationship. My boyfriend had just given me a special ring to signify our future together. Now I was being challenged to live it apart.


Being wanted was what my heart had always wanted and I had finally found it. To be the one initiating a break up didn’t make sense to my young heart. But I also wanted to change. Wanted to truly follow after God with all of me. I wanted Him more than anything else, even if that included breaking up with my boyfriend.

Ever meet a girl who is completely ok with who she is? In fact, she actually likes herself! The more I turned my attention away from a guy and my self-absorbed self, the more I began to like me! I liked me because I was becoming the me He created me to be from my very beginning.


Soaking in His gentleness toward me, I found myself becoming more gentle with others.

Learning of His love, I became loving toward others. The more I became like Him, the more I liked me.


There is something charismatic; something magnetic about a girl who is happy with herself. That was the part I didn’t see coming.


Without a guy in my life, I had more time, energy and attention to devote to Jesus. I found myself looking for ways to get away and be with Him. As I did, I saw my confidence bloom as I was becoming more and more like the woman He created me to be.


Jesus promises us that as we seek Him above all else, He will give us everything we need…including confidence.

Does a young woman come to your mind that you want to find that confidence? The confidence that comes when we become less self-absorbed and more Jesus-absorbed?


My new book Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants might be the perfect book for her! Before it releases September 16th, I’m giving away over $50 worth of FREE downloadable resources!

Click here for more details!

I’m also giving away one BIG giveaway every single week, along with a grand prize giveaway that runs the entire four weeks! Today, we have a brand new give away! Click here for the give away page to learn more!



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