What’s the Point?
Today I am so happy to share with you my precious partner in ministry, Bonnie Wallace. She is so gracious to work along side me, in whatever way I need. She does it with a smile; expecting nothing in return. Listen to the wise words from this beautiful mother of 5.
What’s the point when you think you’ve given all you have until your blue in the face, worn in the heart and the mouth is weary from words? So. Many. Words. What’s the purpose when the children you love take all the training you’ve poured and they reject and despise you for it? When the roll of the eyes, the slam of the door and the slander of the tongue leave your efforts feeling useless and dry?
What do you do when all of your mothering energies seem to have evaporated in the foul heat of the world? When the scale of effort slams hard to the light yield of fruit seen and those that you have labored over choose less than God’s best?
Those darling babes can leave a mother feeling let down; despondent by harvest not seeming to equal work.
I am a mama of five, and sometimes the want of children giving God glory seems out of reach. And when I am feeling worn, and like none of my efforts matter, I do the only thing a mama can do – I go to God’s Word.
This is what He gives me:
But I myself said: I have labored in vain,
I have spent my strength for nothing and futility;
yet my vindication is with the Lord,
and my reward is with my God.
Isaiah 49:4 (HCSB)
I say, “Yes.” My head nods in agreement and my soul is calmed with reassurance that my efforts do not go in vain. And just when I think I understand and believe God has given me enough for the day, He takes me a step further and He gives me more.
He always loves me beyond my expectation and my deserve.
He breathes me this:
Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, children, a reward.
Psalm 127:3 (HCSB)
In the way that only Jesus can, He takes the two, ties them tight together and He binds the heart of a mother wanting Him for hers. His intertwining Word gives me guarantee that my work will be blessed and reward is always a promise granted by Him.
The point is, children are a reward and the reward is always with God.
I do not have to rely on my efforts, my words or my works. My hope is in the promise of the Lord.
I know too many mamas whose hearts are stretched thin and tight between hope and glory; the hope that their efforts today will produce generation-glory for tomorrow. They are good mamas who love and care and pray and seek and knock. They’ve been a direct arrow of God’s grace and love and they’ve done well to hit that mark far more often than they’ve missed.
If you are one of these, do not be discouraged by what you cannot see, but rather, be refreshed that the only work done in His Name must be born out of His Name, too. He is with those children that you love; the ones who are a reward out of His generous heart and the assurance of His blessing. Your work will not go in vain and He will bring righteousness to His cause.
Jesus, I ask You to refresh my efforts for my children with the assurance of Your Word. Comfort me with the understanding that my children are a reward born of, and in, Your Name. Give me confidence that You are with them and with me, that my efforts are not in vain and that You will bring righteousness to Your cause. It is in the Name of Jesus I pray.
Bonnie’s passion is encouraging women to seek God-purpose for the next season of life, as their children move forward in their own. She is the creator of “Live Like YouKnow …where you are going”. Her desire is for women to know, “The best is always yet to be.” She does this through speaking events and her online, devotional site. You can connect with Bonnie on her blog at bonniejwallace.org, Facebook, and Twitter.
Lynn and Bonnie, needed to share this beautiful story of God’s perfect timing and divine intervention. A little while ago, I decided to have a before sleep quiet time, but got distracted by checking a few blog posts…this one included. I follow you both via my email. Thought to myself how perfect Bonnie on Lynn’s blog…as I read I smiled as I saw myself and my children and gave thanks to God! At that moment, a text message caught my eye. I opened it up and it was from a lovely, faith-filled mom of 3 boys, one of whom has special needs. ( He is on my Special Olympics team) As a Special Education teacher asst. for 32 years and advocate for children and families, I have developed, by the Grace of God, the most blessed relationships that last a lifetime. Anyway, her son’s teacher was involuntarily transferred at the very end of the school year and her concern has caused her some stress and anxiety. She is praying and hoping for the best. I comforted her with your prayer. I told her I had just read it and it seemed that God sent us the perfect prayer in His perfect timing…she read it. She loved it! She cried and told me she will say it every day! So I praise God in thanksgiving for you both! Just wanted you to know the impact you have in God’s healing plan! God bless!
Mary, Your message just brings tears to my eyes and gratefulness to a God who reaches in, and through, every moment to love us and encourage us. He then takes those sweet, divine blessings and weaves them back to bring Him more glory. Thank you for these words that carry more weight than you could ever know. I am praying for you (good to connect with you, again), prasing God for His work in you and I am lifting your friend, her son, his teacher and claiming God’s best as well. Strength to strength, Bonnie