1,000 Ways to Say Yes to God

Last night, I experienced a special treat. Lysa TerKeurst and Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts; a Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, partnered together to do a webcast titled “Yes to God”. (You don’t want to miss this! It is available starting today at noon through Thursday. Just click here for more information.)

In an odd way, I found this webcast comforting. Maybe like me, when you think of saying “yes” to God you have visions of grandeur. Not that I want these visions; in fact, they scare the quiet side of me. Make me uncomfortable with pushing past the line I feel comfortable with. I don’t mind, God, coming right up to the line, I just don’t want to feel the need or inkling to go past that line.

But something Lysa said gave me a sense that I can say “yes” to Him, every moment of every day. “Be intentional about experiencing God everyday, giving Him a little bit of my money, a little bit of my time and a little bit of my encouragement to those around me.” What a great place to start. What a great place to start with those who were sitting at my kitchen table just moments ago. From there, as I head out in my world, I’ll look for ways that God can use me to give my little bit today.

You know, I have a feeling that as I give my little bit, God will give me His “lots”.

Ann shared that as we say “yes” to God’s purpose in our life, we will find peace. Peace…one thing that can come from only our Jesus. Saying yes begins when we say “yes” to Christ and from there we say “yes” to who He says I am in His Word.

It was then that I felt like we were preaching the same message! She encouraged us to say “yes” to His “yes” in us. Friends, that is what we have been learning and teaching our daughters through “His Revolutionary Love” ; to say “yes” to the truth of how Jesus sees us and embracing the revolution that comes when we grab hold of His love.

Maybe today we can start making a list, a list of a 1,000 little ways we can say “yes” to God by giving a little bit of our time, a little bit of our money and a little bit of our encouragement. If we all do our little bit, our world will be changed a whole lot!

Speaking of encouragement, do you or a friend have a child with autism? I am guest posting today on 6 Ways to Support a Sister of a Child with Autism and giving away a copy of “His Revolutionary Love” as well! Please stop by http://goo.gl/fb/kvRJx


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