Is Being Truthful Really Best?
I hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend. My family and I spent Saturday biking the Virginia Creeper Trail with my sister, Colleen and her daughter Kari. It was really fun…until the wipe out! Fortunately, every one is ok. It sure make for a dirty ride home with the mud covered clothes!
How did all of you do in bossing your heart around this weekend? One of you is going to get some additional help doing that with Renee Swope‘s new book, A Confident Heart. Heidi J. is our winner! Heidi, please email me your full name and address at [email protected] and I’ll get it right out to you!
Well…I was in and out of winning the struggle with my heart. One of my biggest battles is in being completely honest. As a people-pleaser, I don’t like to get people upset. Ephesians 4:25 tells us, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” NIV
For me, that verse might as well say, “speak truthfully to your husband” because that’s where I fight with my heart the most. My husband is the type that will do what I want him to do, if I will just speak my mind. The problem is, my heart and mind are not always holy. I often feel that I am selfish, so I don’t want to speak what is on mind and in my thoughts! So instead of just admitting that I am having wrong thoughts that are not inspired by the Holy Spirit, I am tempted to not tell the truth.
On Saturday Greg asked me, “Do you want to finish the bike ride up to the top of this 17 mile trail?” and “Do you want to stop and get something at the rest stop?” I failed to answer truthfully. Trying to figure out what he would want, what my kids would want…I fail.
Greg calls this “me wanting him to read my mind” which drives him crazy (who wouldn’t be driven crazy by that!)
Do you ever struggle with speaking the truth? Not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings? Trying to keep everyone happy?
You know what I think is the worst part? Our children are watching. They watch the way we communicate with our spouses and family members and they catch our patterns.
Friends, TODAY let’s make a choice to be truthful. Let’s be wise women raising wiser daughters by being truthful about the way we feel. Truthful about the circumstances in our lives.
My daughter Mariah has this poster in her room, “There is nothing to fear where there is nothing to hide.” Sounds like wisdom to me!
Truth in love is always right when it comes to our husbands. They don't want to read our minds, because they can't. We're complicated. After 52 yrs. I have learned to blurt the truth especially when asked. They ask because they want to know. I don't need to protect what they want. They are big people. Whatever might cause me bitterness later isn't worth holding back on. The truth has to win out with husbands.
i love your blog, i have it in my rss reader and always like new things coming up from it.
That’s great my friend! Please feel free to share it with your friends!