I have two teen daughters…the oldest is 19 and knows the direction God wants her to take. I would have to say, God raised her, otherwise it was just too easy…minor skirmishes here and there. Then, there is my precious baby girl…16, so into boys and beauty and my brain just can't seem to keep up with all that she can get into!!! I would love to have the pkg for the two of us…great give-away! Thank you, Pamela in TX
I would love to win this because my teenage step daughter lives with us and I struggle every day for wisdom and discernment and I just need a lot of help knowing what to do. Thank you so much!
I am so glad I found your blog through the Proverbs 31 ministry. I have two beautiful daughters, ages 12 and 10. My 12 year-old and I are alike in so many ways that we continue to "butt heads" over many things. I have been praying for a closer relationship with her as we approach the teenage years. Would love to receive this package!
Just came through from Encouragement Today and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your post! How beautiful to see the supportive family you are. 😀
My teens are raised and working in the medical field. That day does come!
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! I would love to win this to share with my 10 yr old step daughter we are already experiencing things with her that you think would come until she's a teenager but I guess it starts as early as pre-teen now. This prize would be a great help in growing and nurturing my relationship with her and helping her draw closer to God.
My mom and I are going thru a valley right now. My dad left. We know we will have to be strong for each other and hold each other up in the days to come. If we win the prize, it would bring us closer together.
My youngest child is my (almost) 14 year old daughter. She has been the one I have struggled with the most. She definitely keeps me on my knees. Would love to be able to bless her.
I have been working on a BS on discerning the voice of God. Being intentional on listening. It has come to my attention that I need to put more value into helping my children develope a relationship with our Savior… Shannon [email protected]
my niece's birthday is next month and would love to give one of these to her and the rest to girls at our church. Your devotion described me to a T today. Thanks so much for the encouragement and all that the p31 gals do. Blessings, Renea H [email protected]
Hello, I have a 14, soon to be 15 year old daughter, she is everything I was not at that age. She is confident, strong willed, and a leader. We often joke about her using her "super powers" for good not evil. I mentioned to my husband, "what do you do when it is your kid that is leading the other kids?" We would be so blessed by your giveaway! [email protected]
What a great tool to be able to have to connect with my daughter (a preteen). We have a great mother/daughter relationship, but this would be great to strengthen it even more.
I would love to have the package, as I have 2 pre-teen daughters, who are struggling with who they are, what His will is for them and the loss of their older sister to cancer. We are all trying to heal, sometimes struggle with the right words to say to each other and trying to re-build our relationships with each other after suffering so much loss in the last 8 years. I have been praying for help in bringing us closer to each other. I love them both so very much, but we do butt heads and I wish so much that we didn't. I want to protect them from hurt, from the ugliness of the world lately, but I cannot be with them all the time. Would love anything that would help us show HIS LOVE to each other more on a daily basis. Blessings, Kim mom to 8 wonderful blessings
You know, my daughter is only almost 10 but I have found our relationship to be challenging and I often find myself doubted my parenting. I would love to have the resources to prepare what's still to come!
New to it, but love Prov. 31 Ministry. I have a pre-teen and would love to have these things to share with her as she reaches her teen years. Also, have 2 more daughters a few years behind her. I am a homeschool mom of 5, so I cherish a hot vanilla latte and a good book when I get a moment to myself (2 of my favorite things!!). The book about connecting with your child is something I would love!! Great give-away!
I would love to give this to my sister & my neice. They sure could use some Godly help atm. Its so tough raising teens in today's society.. and JESUS is the answer. He always will be!
I am a mom of an almost 13 year old girl who loves God with all her heart. I am also a Pastor's wife and have been able to reach to many teen girls in our ministry. I would love to receive your give-away as i am always looking for resources to encourage the teen girls in my life. Thank you for your ministry. I enjoy your devotions.
I would love to have this for my 16 yr old daughter and I to read together. We have struggled in the past and are working on drawing closer with each other and God.
I am a 53 yr old gandmother raising an 8 yrs old, soon to be teenage grandaughter. I had 3 boys. Obviously, I'm going to need all the help I can get! I already see trouble ahead with attitude, hers and mine!This CD sounds just like what I'll need to prepare for adolescence!
It sounds like an awesome gift to share with my daughter and step-daughter. They are both 15 and I also have 7 sons/step-sons. Life of bringing up teen girls differ so much, especially when one of them is missing her biological mother. We need all the guidance we can get. Thanks 🙂 lisa Davis [email protected]
As my daughter is gowing up is seems we are also growing apart. My mom is my best friend (it hasn't alsways been that way) and I would love to stay closer to my little girl.
My almost 14 year old daughter and I were just talking about defining who you are in Christ and then being able to defend it…I would love to win this give away so that she would have some additional resources to build on that topic. I have two more daughters to come through the teen years as well so these books would definitely be well read. Also, I love White Chocolate mochas so that would be a treat for me as well. Thank you!
I am always looking for inspiring, encouraging and Scripture based literature for my 14 year old daughter. I am as well consistently trying to strengthen our love for each other and the Lord. This package sounds almost too good to be true in my search for beneficial things for us.
Thanks you for this! I have a 14- year-old daughter with a big heart for God. I appreciate any resource that will connect with her and allow her to discern God's will and plan for her life, and allow us to connect on a deep, spiritual level.
My daughter isn't quite a teen yet (closer than I'd like to acknowledge!) but we have struggled in our relationship for her entire life. She is beginning to bloom into a young lady, with all that entails, and I feel so lost and inadequate to guide her through this stage of life, especially with our relationship being the constant struggle that it is. I desperately need some direction and wisdom to help us through these coming years.
I'm a pastors wife and I would love to give this to some teens/moms in our church.
I have two teen daughters…the oldest is 19 and knows the direction God wants her to take. I would have to say, God raised her, otherwise it was just too easy…minor skirmishes here and there. Then, there is my precious baby girl…16, so into boys and beauty and my brain just can't seem to keep up with all that she can get into!!!
I would love to have the pkg for the two of us…great give-away!
Thank you,
Pamela in TX
I would love to win this because my teenage step daughter lives with us and I struggle every day for wisdom and discernment and I just need a lot of help knowing what to do. Thank you so much!
I am so glad I found your blog through the Proverbs 31 ministry. I have two beautiful daughters, ages 12 and 10. My 12 year-old and I are alike in so many ways that we continue to "butt heads" over many things. I have been praying for a closer relationship with her as we approach the teenage years. Would love to receive this package!
Just came through from Encouragement Today and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your post! How beautiful to see the supportive family you are. 😀
My teens are raised and working in the medical field. That day does come!
Best Regards, Nancy J Locke
I'd love to win your prize 🙂
God Bless!
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! I would love to win this to share with my 10 yr old step daughter we are already experiencing things with her that you think would come until she's a teenager but I guess it starts as early as pre-teen now. This prize would be a great help in growing and nurturing my relationship with her and helping her draw closer to God.
My mom and I are going thru a valley right now. My dad left. We know we will have to be strong for each other and hold each other up in the days to come. If we win the prize, it would bring us closer together.
My youngest child is my (almost) 14 year old daughter. She has been the one I have struggled with the most. She definitely keeps me on my knees. Would love to be able to bless her.
I have been working on a BS on discerning the voice of God. Being intentional on listening. It has come to my attention that I need to put more value into helping my children develope a relationship with our Savior…
[email protected]
my niece's birthday is next month and would love to give one of these to her and the rest to girls at our church. Your devotion described me to a T today. Thanks so much for the encouragement and all that the p31 gals do.
Renea H
[email protected]
Hello, I have a 14, soon to be 15 year old daughter, she is everything I was not at that age. She is confident, strong willed, and a leader. We often joke about her using her "super powers" for good not evil. I mentioned to my husband, "what do you do when it is your kid that is leading the other kids?" We would be so blessed by your giveaway!
[email protected]
I would love to connect with my special "almost teen" girl! thanks! [email protected]
What a great tool to be able to have to connect with my daughter (a preteen). We have a great mother/daughter relationship, but this would be great to strengthen it even more.
I would love to have the package, as I have 2 pre-teen daughters, who are struggling with who they are, what His will is for them and the loss of their older sister to cancer. We are all trying to heal, sometimes struggle with the right words to say to each other and trying to re-build our relationships with each other after suffering so much loss in the last 8 years. I have been praying for help in bringing us closer to each other. I love them both so very much, but we do butt heads and I wish so much that we didn't. I want to protect them from hurt, from the ugliness of the world lately, but I cannot be with them all the time. Would love anything that would help us show HIS LOVE to each other more on a daily basis.
Blessings, Kim mom to 8 wonderful blessings
I would love to win this to share within our family. My daughter is only 5, but I have teen and tween nieces that would surely benefit.
You know, my daughter is only almost 10 but I have found our relationship to be challenging and I often find myself doubted my parenting. I would love to have the resources to prepare what's still to come!
Melissa R.
Thanks so much for your encouraging words today. I needed to read your devotion today. Would love to win this because raising teens is a tough job.
New to it, but love Prov. 31 Ministry. I have a pre-teen and would love to have these things to share with her as she reaches her teen years. Also, have 2 more daughters a few years behind her. I am a homeschool mom of 5, so I cherish a hot vanilla latte and a good book when I get a moment to myself (2 of my favorite things!!). The book about connecting with your child is something I would love!! Great give-away!
I would love to give this to my sister & my neice. They sure could use some Godly help atm. Its so tough raising teens in today's society.. and JESUS is the answer. He always will be!
I am a mom of an almost 13 year old girl who loves God with all her heart. I am also a Pastor's wife and have been able to reach to many teen girls in our ministry. I would love to receive your give-away as i am always looking for resources to encourage the teen girls in my life. Thank you for your ministry. I enjoy your devotions.
I would love to have this for my 16 yr old daughter and I to read together. We have struggled in the past and are working on drawing closer with each other and God.
I am a 53 yr old gandmother raising an 8 yrs old, soon to be teenage grandaughter. I had 3 boys. Obviously, I'm going to need all the help I can get! I already see trouble ahead with attitude, hers and mine!This CD sounds just like what I'll need to prepare for adolescence!
It sounds like an awesome gift to share with my daughter and step-daughter. They are both 15 and I also have 7 sons/step-sons. Life of bringing up teen girls differ so much, especially when one of them is missing her biological mother. We need all the guidance we can get. Thanks 🙂 lisa Davis [email protected]
As my daughter is gowing up is seems we are also growing apart. My mom is my best friend (it hasn't alsways been that way) and I would love to stay closer to my little girl.
I would love to win this.
My almost 14 year old daughter and I were just talking about defining who you are in Christ and then being able to defend it…I would love to win this give away so that she would have some additional resources to build on that topic. I have two more daughters to come through the teen years as well so these books would definitely be well read. Also, I love White Chocolate mochas so that would be a treat for me as well. Thank you!
in TX
I am always looking for inspiring, encouraging and Scripture based literature for my 14 year old daughter. I am as well consistently trying to strengthen our love for each other and the Lord. This package sounds almost too good to be true in my search for beneficial things for us.
Hi Lynn~
Thanks you for this! I have a 14- year-old daughter with a big heart for God. I appreciate any resource that will connect with her and allow her to discern God's will and plan for her life, and allow us to connect on a deep, spiritual level.
Blessings to you,
Lisa Pittman
[email protected]
My daughter isn't quite a teen yet (closer than I'd like to acknowledge!) but we have struggled in our relationship for her entire life. She is beginning to bloom into a young lady, with all that entails, and I feel so lost and inadequate to guide her through this stage of life, especially with our relationship being the constant struggle that it is. I desperately need some direction and wisdom to help us through these coming years.