7 Questions Your Girl Should Ask Before She Dates
I saw this post on Proverbs 31 Ministries Facebook this weekend written by my friend Lysa TerKeurst. I just had to share it with you!
“As a mom of teen girls, there’s a big part of me that wants to say, “stay away from boys until you’re 30!” But maybe a more realistic approach is to teach them the right questions to ask before spending time with a friend boy. (And yes, that wording is intentional.)
Worship — Who or what does he worship in the shrine of his heart?
Words — Do his words (spoken and written) build others up or tear them down?
Character — Who is he when no one else is looking?
Personality — Who is he around other people?
Interests — What kinds of things does he do to recharge?
Feelings — Do you feel better about yourself when he’s around?
Attraction — Is your attraction to him centered around something that will stay over time?
What other questions would you add?” – Lysa TerKeurst
Love these questions! Yes, passing them on to my daughters.
Great questions! On his personality, I specifically encourage girls to watch how he treats the other women in his life (mom, sisters, grandma,etc.). This will show you where his heart is concerning women and whether he is in training to treasure a future wife as Christ treasures His church.
Wish I would have had these questions growing up! It’s so important, especially these days, that girls, young ladies, women understand the true meaning of love when partnering up with someone.