Being Needy Isn’t Bad

Have you ever heard this CD playing in your head, “You don’t have what it takes”? I sure have. In fact, it was just yesterday.

Experiencing rejection on a project for the sixth time, the enemy tried to capitalize on my battle. My heart wanted to give in; it wanted to nurse that rejection. Massage it; even cry over it. So I did, for a minute. Then my spirit swelled up, pointed to the source of these feelings and encouraged me to embrace truth. That is the wonderful, powerful thing that happens when you fill your heart up each day with God’s Word; his truth.

Hebrews 13:21 tells us He will “equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (NIV)

Friend, like me, you may not have what it takes. You may not have what it takes to raise your child in this world we are living in. You may not have what it takes to lay down your life to make your marriage work. You may not have what it takes to step out in faith and do that thing that the Lord is calling you to do….but God does!

There is power in knowing that when we don’t have what it takes the Almighty God does so we are in a very good place!

On her post on Monday, Lysa TerKeurst shared “We are only as weak as our strongest link. Sometimes it’s not our weaknesses that leave us vulnerable to attack. Sweet sister, it’s our strengths. Those places where we feel especially confident, invincible, and quite able. But, as my friend Cile reminded me recently, “our strengths can become strongholds if we’re not careful.”

So we are really in a great place when we are weak, because being weak makes us dependent. Being needy is not bad, my friend. In fact, it is the very best place to be.


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