In the Know – It is God…
“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.” Psalm 18: 32 – 34 NIV
It is God…don’t you just love those first three words? It is God. It is God who arms me with the strength to raise my kids in this world. It is God who makes my way perfect when I don’t know how to make a decision. It is God…
Last week, there were some harsh feelings trying to plant themselves in the Cowell house. It was my youngest daughter’s birthday on Thursday. Madi is our sentimental one; the one who has very high ideals and expectations as well. It is very important to Madi to celebrate her birthday ON her birthday. End of story.
My middle child had an important occasion on Thursday, same day as Madi’s birthday. It couldn’t be move, couldn’t be repeated another time. Thursday was the only day.
Oh the words that were brewing; the thoughts that were swirling. I saw no way out. I feared it would be one of those horrible memories that would go down in Cowell history – Madi’s 14th birthday. I really saw no way out; no compromise where one person would not come out scarred.
On the second day of the “discussion” I was prepared to talk to Madi; to ask again if she would change the day we would celebrate. I feared she would read me wrong; feel manipulated. So before I headed out to car pool, Mariah and I prayed together. I asked Jesus to do what only He could do; make a way where I saw none.
As soon as Madi hopped in the car, she smiled, said she had a great day and then talked about her birthday. She suggested moving her celebration to the day before so Mariah could attend her event. I couldn’t hardly believe my ears! Completely shock over took me! I knew I had asked Jesus to answer the situation, but I was completely blown out of the water. I never said a word and He took care of it all.
Friend, do ever feel that with your child that you don’t have an answer? You don’t see the way that a bad situation could possibly turn good? He is God; He is more than able. Last week on a Proverbs 31 conference call, my friend Luann Prater reminded us that often our prayers are not answered because they are never actually said. So true, my friend, so true!
Oh, how I'm reminded of thise constantly! I wonder why things aren't happening and it's because I've forgotten to pray. There are times I think about it, even in my mind question or throw out a petition, but it's not with the heart that I seek for the Father's answer and guidance.
Thank you, Lynn. I am refreshed every time I come to your blog!
Love ya, sister!
Thanks for your encouraging words!
I think sometimes we have thoughts that are prayerful and maybe God is good with that. I do believe, though, it is important for us to intentional when we pray. When we pray with our kids, they can see those answers to prayers and it builds their faith as well!
Hi Lynn,
God used you to speak directly to me with your post today!
My son is turning 10 years old the day after Easter this year. Like your youngest daughter, he is sentimental about his birthday. (I'm actually that way, too!) 🙂
God has been so faithful to provide as we plan for Good Friday actvities on Friday, my son's birthday party on Saturday, Easter events on Sunday, and my son's actual birthday on Monday. Whew!
I'm excited to see what special memories He has in store for us to experience and treasure this weekend!
Thanks for your blessing and encouragement today!
Natalie :o)
But what do you do when you ask and they stiall are not answered. I would take the problem you had with your kids over what i am going through any day. i'm tired and i'm weary. please pray for me and my family. I am desparate.
It is so exciting when the Father takes the same things that can make our heart anxious and turn them into wonderful endings!
Dear MommaJAALemon,
I know all too well the heart of a praying and hurting mom of a prodigal. Each time I pray I have to remind myself that God is the story writer, I am just part of the cast. I choose to trust that He knows what my child needs be drawn to the Father. Then, I have to choose rest. Not only is it my only choice, it is the best.
This happened to our family when my daughter became a prodigal. We prayed, and we asked for prayer from everyone we knew. We knew that she would come back, but expected it may take years. One day out of the blue, she came back. It was only a few months. Those days still live as the most difficult I have ever faced, but God was faithful! He knew what it would take to bring her back and I was powerless to make it happen. I will also be praying for MammaofJAALemon. My heart goes out to you!