She knew the rules, followed the rules and then still got in trouble … with me. Her senior year my husband and I had lifted our youngest daughter’s curfew. In a few short months when she left for college, we would have no idea where she was going or what she was doing. It…

Let it Be So Now

Let it Be So Now

Changing diapers, making suppers, filing through carpool. Stuffing letters, answering email, packing boxes. At different times in my life, a battle has waged within me. In my mind, the clashing goes something like this: “Why am I doing this? There are so many important things I could be, should be, doing now. But instead I…

It Didn't Go as Planned

It Didn't Go as Planned

  Stacking up the pretty, but unused plates, I decided to go ahead and leave the Be Thankful right on top where I had put them earlier that morning. Maybe I’ll get to use them next year. I might as well just leave them so they are ready. I tried to think of something positive to push…