Changing my Position; Changing my Perspective
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“After six days, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.” Matthew 17:1, 2 (NIV)
Even today, my heart feels a little pain trigger. When she shared with me how her boyfriend had just broken up with her, a small pang pierced my heart. I’m guessing like me, as a young woman your heart was broken a time or two. I don’t still hurt; I just remember.
I remember the questioning: Why God? Why not? Why now? When He asked me to choose Him over him, my young heart obeyed, but not without struggle. Lacking history with God, I didn’t have experiences of obedience’s blessings to confidently fuel me yet. Out of a healthy fear of going against God, I obeyed and hoped God knew what He was doing.
God was moving me; repositioning me to a new place where He could reveal a side of Him I hadn’t seen yet. I had to move “out of love” with a boyfriend in order to move “in love” with Him. My heart had told me I was someone because I belonged to someone. I needed a change in my position so I would see what True Love really was.
Jesus had to change my position to change my perspective.
Out of His great love for me, Jesus wouldn’t leave me in the position where I was completely dependent on another person for love. Instead He moved me to what was a lonely place, so He could change the way I saw love.
In Matthew 17, Jesus had much more to show the disciples, Peter, John and James, so he led them up a high mountain by themselves. A place, away from others. A place, not easily gotten to, but a place where He would change their perspective. Here, before their very eyes, God spoke, “This is my Son.” When they had a change in their position, they experienced a change in their perspective on who Jesus was and I believe, in who they were because they were His.
The break up I went through as a young woman wasn’t the only time God changed my position to change my perspective. Moves, job changes, places I have held in people’s lives and people’s hearts…constantly changing. Each change brings another opportunity for me to allow my King to change my perspective. Like the disciples; I see Him in new ways I haven’t seen Him before – my provider, my healer and more and more as the True Love of my life.
Can you spot an area where your position is changing? It may be God’s hand bringing the change. Your loving Father wants to show you His perspective of who He is and what He wants to do in you and through you in this new place. Ask Him today: change my perspective to see You through this change.
Jesus, often change is painful and getting Your perspective is not exactly what I want. Soften my heart, to see past this pain and to see Your heart toward me. Give me Your perspective, Lord. Amen
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