Day 7 of Revolutionary Prayer for our girls….She and God Protect Together
I’m so excited to start our online study tomorrow! I will put post the prayer for chapter 8 as well as a nugget for you to consider sharing with your girl as you go through the introduction and chapter 1 together this week.
Dear Jesus,
Please open my daughter’s eyes to see herself as who she is; royalty. Not in the princess mentality that has taken over our culture, but with the heart and eyes that her life should reflect the fact that she is the other half of the royal couple!
Jesus, only you can give my daughter the revelation that she is to remain pure both physically and emotionally. Enlighten her heart and mind to see that these are treasures to be saved for one man one day.
May she not “excite love” or “stir it up” until the time is ripe. (Song of Solomon 2:7) Help her to guard her heart above all else, as well as her body. May she have a heart that also is aware of the power she has when it comes to men. Father, I ask that my daughter will honor you by never misusing or abusing this power. Guard her heart against desiring this type of attention.
Help me to teach her to take care of her temple both from the way she eats, exercises and dresses. This is hard to be disciplined, Jesus. Help us to learn and live this out together.
In your Name,