Free to Live
Thanks to many of you, last week we sold enough copies of “His Revolutionary Love” to be able to give away over 200 copies to Children’s HopeChest! I am more than thrilled!
Have you heard about Free to Live?
Free to Live is a series of 10 FREE worship concerts featuring HopeChest, Desperation Band, and Meredith Andrews. Using music, worship, video, education, giving, and live testimony, each show is a compelling call to action on behalf of orphans. We’ll have the opportunity to reach thousands of people, and invite them to join HopeChest’s orphan ministry around the world.
We’ve invited one of the orphans who graduated from our Russia Family Center program to speak at Free to Live. Her story is an amazing inspiration to all who hear it, and she specifically wants to use her experiences to bring more support to the ministry of Children’s HopeChest.
This is a completely FREE event, so we need your help to spread the word and PACK these churches full of people. All you have to do is blog, tweet, or Facebook about the tour.
Share the links and news with your friends, and complete an entry form…(and you’ll have a chance to win one of 50 shirts we’re giving away.)
Here is the Free to Live tour schedule:
Click here for your free ticket information.
May 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
May 12, 2011
Decatur, (Atlanta) GA
May 13, 2011
Weddington, (Charlotte) NC
May 14, 2011
Madison, (Huntsville) AL
May 15, 2011
Alabaster, (Birmingham) AL
My family and I will be at Free to Live in Charlotte – hope to see you there!
Visiting you from Julie's blog.
Congratulations on your new book!
If I don't win the copy that Julie is giving away, how could I get one?
Proverbs 31?
There's a super special eleven-year-old girl in my life. I love her so much, and I pray for her.
She's lost.
Maybe reading your book would be the catalyst that changes her heart.
Sweet dreams.