Fresh Water
“What is that disgusting smell?” was the greeting my child gave me as he enter my box car (that’s what we call my little black XB). Yes, it’s true, my car did have an odor that was far from pleasant.
After a weekend of softball tournaments, Greg had unloaded my backseat only to discover our cooler had leaked all over the seat from a drain that had come unplugged. Over the next couple of days, the stale water dried into the fabric, leaving us with the residue.
This morning, my life was kind of like the stinky, stale water in my car seats. My house looked like a train has passed through it and I was boarding the car to head out of the station again. On my way out of the door, I eyed Mariah’s make-up bag on the counter (only one of MANY things out of place). I opened the door and yelled at her while she waited to be taken to school, “Get in her and put your bag in your room!”. Wow! Where did that come from?
It came from the stinky, stale water in my heart. Coming off a very busy weekend, I hadn’t yet re-filled my spirit with the Holy Spirit. John 7:38 reminds us “If anyone thirsts, let him come and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scriptures says.” The Message
My walk with Him this morning was refreshing. Just what I needed… to go and drink. Make sure you drink today, so hopefully when you accidentally “drain” out on someone, it will be rivers of living water to them! Now…to go and pick up Mariah for a doctor’s appointment. Maybe this time, I’ll pour something good into her!