Get Unstuck
I am so excited to have a guest today, my friend Pat Layton. Today, I’m giving away a copy of Pat’s new book, Life Unstuck: Finding Peace with Your Past, Purpose in Your Present and Passion for Your Future.
Here’s Pat:
Happy, noisy chatter filled the air. Plates clanked. Wrestling kids invaded all available floor space. It was the first night of our much-anticipated family vacation. Our crew of five had joined with another family of five for a wonderful week in the cool air of the Great Smokey Mountains.
After a raucous dinner, I had graciously (if I must say so myself) agreed to clean up the dishes while the crew prepared to let the board games begin.
I dug around in the cabinets of the amazing mountain house we had rented and could not find any dishwasher detergent. I did, however, find a small bottle of JOY, dishwashing soap! I know, I can feel you cringing, but I thought—just a tiny bit will do the trick, right?!!
I was well on my way to winning the first round of SCRABBLE when my husband looked at me, horrified and hysterical, as he declared in a not-so-unfamiliar voice “Lucy, you’ve’ got some splainin’ to do”.
(Maybe you recognize this line from the old show, “I Love Lucy”. That phrase “you’ve got some splainin’ to do” had become my husbands favorite way to capture my frequent DIZZY moments throughout our marriage. Kind of like when your Mother calls you by your entire name—you know it’s serious!)
Much to the group’s chagrin, a soap mountain was rolling its way towards the family room! We were STUCK in the middle of a hot mess and the planned night of fun and games metamorphosed into a tedious, group-cleaning project.
Life can be like that, can’t it? Just when we’re sailing smoothly through life, messy moments come along and get
us STUCK! When heartbreak, shame, loss, fear, failure and hopelessness roll upon us like those soapsuds, the GOOD NEWS is that God has a clean-up plan for your Life Unstuck in the 24 timeless verses of Palms 139.
1) See yourself as God sees you! (Psalm 139:1-6)
Whether you feel it or not! The Bible clearly says that God created you, He SEES you and has a plan for your life that is GOOD! So start getting UNSTUCK by claiming the good He has created in you! Start getting UNSTUCK by examining the possibilities!
Who are you?
What do you love?
What makes your heart soar?
What makes you happy? Sad? Hurt?
2) Sometimes we have to go back to get ahead! (Psalm 139: 7-12)
I read so many pithy quotes on Instagram that tell us to leave the past behind and just move on. The ultimate need for that is very true but sometimes we get STUCK when we don’t confront what is still hurting from the past.
Do what you need to do to place the past in the past and be able to use it for your future?
3) The Purpose of life is a life of Purpose! (Psalm 139:13-18)
Embrace what God is doing in your life right now—today! Not looking at the past or even the future but what is He doing Today? So often we are so busy wanting to get out of what is going on, we miss the work God is doing in the NOW! He has a purpose for our present! Lets allow ourselves to rest in the moment God has given us.
Where can we reflect His love?
How can we act as His hands and feet?
What is His assignment for me today?
4) God wants to turn your Passion into His passionate pursuit! (Psalm 139:19-24)
God is where we get our strength. He is where we find our purpose and fuel our passion. He is where we get our direction and our provision. He is ultimately where we find our completed intimacy. No man is big enough, smart enough, strong enough or faithful enough. Only God can meet our needs through face-to-face encounters with Him, through His Word and His Spirit.
God breathes into us what he wants out of us! God gives us power when we are worn out and a clean up plan when we make messes.
Trust me, I know!
Take some time today, will you, friend? Allow God to reveal where He is working in your life today and where He might be leading for your Life Unstuck!
Today, I am giving away a copy of Pat’s new book, Life Unstuck. To enter for the chance to win, enter in the comments below which one of the 4 points resonated with you. If you are in a hurry today, just enter, “I’m in!”. I will announce the winner on Friday.
i’m in
i want to embrace God now in every part of my day i want to remember that i am his hands and feet. i pray for eyes to see where God can use me today ..
I’m in
I’m stuck. I long to see me as Father God does. X
The fourth point is so good for me to hear. God gives me the power to do whatever He has directed me to do!
The third point
I’m in!
This is much needed in my life 🙂
I liked the idea of dealing with past and also living my present looking for gods blessings in every moment
Pat!! So great to see your post , here today! Two really neat gals in the same place! (Not surprised 😉 )
Bonnie Wallace
Hello Bonnie! Love you, friend!
Hi Bonnie–I am just now getting on to see what SWEET ADORABLE Lynn Cowell has done for me!
So good to see such precious comments and sweet responses!
I am blessed.
I’m in
Point number 3, not sure what I even need to let go of anymore. Seems like there are so many they just pile up on each other.
Jesus, draw Tracy to rest in you. To crawl up in Your arms and find peace in just being. You will take care of the becoming part. Woo her to rest in You. Amen
The last point really resonated with me. This is where I am right now. I have psoriatic arthritis so o have to rely on God’s strength daily to give me the energy and physical ability to do what He wants me to do. But I am also having to rely on Him in job choices. I have applied to go back to teaching art after 20 years of homeschooling. I am waiting to hear back after my interview fighting feelings of inadequacy. I know in my heart that if I don’t get the job God has something better, but I am still fighting the feelings.
I’m in!!
I am in. All of the step speak to my life but I believe the first one has a stronger meaning and hold to me. It’s still hard at time to see myself in the same way God sees and describe me in His words. But I am learning to see myself through his eyes each day. My goal is to make him proud. I have live a life in my 20’s that was not pleasing to God that I don’t want to break his heart. He is the only one who has truly love and been there for me through the ups and down of life. He makes me smile, give me joys and peace in my 30’s that I own him my life. I know there is nothing I can do to every gain his love because He already love me before the foundation of this word. At times when I see myself I ask God Why will you want to love an ordinary person who has so many scars and who has cause you so much pain. But I am reminded that He love me, Psalms 139:13 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. As a person who crochet and truly understand the attention to detail it takes to knit. I am reminded that God took his time to form every part of me and that no matter what I did in my past that He still love me. I am His child and I belong to no other, not even my past.
Elsie, I am so glad you already know He is crazy about you. Psalm 45:11 says, “The King is enthralled by your beauty.” or in the Message, “The King is wild for you.” He is so very, very glad today that you are His. That is enough!
Thanks Mrs. Lynn for those beautify and confirming words of our Lord and Savior. As I work this journey as a Christine, I know I will fall but to have a group of ladies to support and encourage each other give my heart and soul comfort and joy. I know there will be days that the devil and my flesh will try to tell me lies but I know I can always count of Jesus sweet words to fill my soul.
I’m in.
Im in! #3 is what I needed the most. I feel purpose-less in my days as a mom of young kiddos.
Sharon, hang in there, friend. I know those days you feel like all you can get done is surviving and getting your family to the next day. What you are doing counts and matters. In those every day moments with your children, you are showing love, faithfulness, joy, patience, humility. You are showing the heart of Jesus. Though they don’t see it now, they will one day, and it will make a difference in the people they become!
I’m in! I need to find my God given purpose.
I’m in!
All of the points are things that I need to work on.
Number 2 has really resonated with me this morning. It seems like every time I get a chance to read one of these posts it is just what God wants me to hear. Yesterday, an issue arose between my husband and I concerning me having lunch with an old girlfriend. I didn’t get an opportunity to speak with him on the phone per our usual routine. He was upset and showed it. I wish I could say that I was very understanding and approached him with a godly attitude. I guess one could say I did, but the god I was serving was self. This attitude took me back to the very poor relationship I had with my first husband and his unfaithfulness and his accusations of my unfaithfulness. I am also sure that this rift in routine also took my current husband back to a few bad relationships in his past.
I am all for living in the now but we do need to ask the Lord to heal and make new the hurts of our past in order to walk in His plans for our future. Jer. 29:11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Makeshia, I understand this so much.
I experienced many days in my early marriage allowing my broken past to create lack of trust and fear in my marriage. It is truly amazing to see what God can do in a marriage when even JUST ONE of the two takes steps towards healing and freedom in Him.
You are thinking the right things and pressing towards the right goal!!
Stay the course sister!
Number 1 spoke to me. Sounds like an interesting book.
I have rested so many times in Psalm 139. I recently had my 3rd miscarriage, and I find comfort that not only does God know me, but my babies. “(He) created (their) inmost being.” “(His) eyes saw (their) unformed bodies; all the days ordained for (them) were written in (His) book before one of them came to be.” Loss always has a way getting us “stuck”, but He sees us there and has compassion on us. He holds us. No matter where we get “stuck” we cannot hide from him. (V.8-10) I am so thankful for these promises.
Oh Shelon, I wish I had the right words to comfort you. No one can understand the pain of your loss like our Father God. Please receive my heartfelt condolences.
Thank you so much Lynn.
The quote,”God breathes into us what he wants out.” I need to think about this.
Number 2 spoke to me. I always thought that the past was the past and I just needed to keep moving forward. But it wasn’t working out so great. As things would happen in my life, my reactions were based on what had happened to me in the past. Unfortunately, these were not positive reactions and they were having a negative impact on my relationship with my husband and also with myself. Finally, I sought out the help of a counselor and she helped me to fully deal with my past. It has helped tremendously. It gave me the opportunity to grieve all the things I never had and realize that now, as an adult, I have control over my life.
number 1 is hard for me to remember at times. Because I see myself with all my bad choices in life and all the mistakes I have made.
I would love to read this book! Every day I struggle with past decisions I’ve made and how to fix them. I do feel so stuck by these decisions and long for a way out of them.
I’m in!
I’m in! Number 3 resonates most with me. I am in need of a constant reminder to live in God’s perfect present!
Ditto Kami!!
Purpose in the present can be such a tough place to rest and can not be experienced for long—outside of God’s Word! Right?!!
I am so blessed that my words stirred your heart for HIS!!
Blessings TODAY 🙂
I want to live a life of purpose!
Point #1
See yourself as God sees you !
Definitely hit home for me . My biggest struggle.
Thank you for always sharing …
Going through trials at this point in my life and I think this book would be a Big Encouragement:)
#3 really stood out to me… I am going through a divorce after a 2year separation from my husband, that I really thought would end differently than this. It has been hard, but I am trusting God’s plan, and know he knows what is best for my life, and my kids’ lives. I am in such a hurry now, to get this unwanted divorce over with, and pick up the pieces of our shattered lives, but I need to take a step back and see all that God is doing right now.
I understand what you are going through and I will be praying for you. I am close to divorce and really need Gods direction. I believe that God is able to restore my marriage.
is it possible to make peace with your past? I know Jesus has forgiven my past, but is it really possible to make peace with things you had no control over that happened? I am so bent on not being like my parents were. I do though, I have an anger problem and I am working on that with God’s help. Right now I am reading Mended on the Proverbs 31 site… it’s a great book but sometimes I see the words but just don’t see it being that easy….
#1 spoke volumes to me. I’m having a hard time dealing with the youth in our church when in fact I’m their leader. It’s hard since not all of them are participative to activities but with the first point, I feel like I need to voice THAT out to them so they can start speaking up and standing up for themselves. And that God sees them in a better light.
Hi, Lynn. Number two spoke to me this morning, as I have issues from my past that I need to think of more of a teaching process that made me who I am today, rather than a ‘poor childhood’! I am also hoping to instill this in my daughter, after a very rough first year of college, I want her to be able to see that God’s work in that, although painful, was constructing something in HER at the same time! Sounds like an awesome book!
Thank you! 🙂
This resonates with me today! God is working in the now but I get so rushed I don’t see it. I am working on #2 and #3! Thanks for this post today Lynn
Wow, Point 3…
Hit me like a ton of bricks! I’ve been overwhelmed with so much to do that I’ve developed paralysis by analysis, and don’t get any of it finished. The question “What is God’s purpose for you today?” Was like a lightbulb went off. I need to turn to him, ask him, even in this seemingly trivial stuff, what plans he had for me today.
Thank you!
#3 spoke to me, I don’t see a lot of purpose in my in my hum drum life but it is encouraging to know that God does!
Where can we reflect His love? How can we act as His hands and feet? What is His assignment for me today?That really resonated with me today! A good reminder to stay in the present and in His truth.
The first item spoke so loudly to my spirit! I have heard this so many times, but never understood HOW to see myself as God sees me. I love Pat’s admonition to get UNSTUCK!!!
Ahhhh – I’m In!!!
I’m in!
I’m in!
The purpose of life is for a life with purpose really resonated with me. Thank you!
Wish I could see myself as God sees me. I’ve messed up so much in the past and feel defined by my mistakes/sins. Wish I could get unstuck from bad choices I’ve made. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Pat’s book.
Oh Linda–I can relate to this–I have a very messed up past as well but can GUARANTEE that God has an UNMESSED future, an UnSTUCK future for you!!
When we trust in Him–and look to Him–for truth that will replace our self destruction. He is faithful to complete what He has begun in us, when we let Him!
My prayers and blessings!
#3 hits me & I want to embrace God’s now in every part of my day. I want to remember that I am in His hands and I pray for eyes to see where God can use me today now that I’m recovering from my Brain Injury
Im in. I am in the process of getting unstuck. this would help me on my journey.
I’m in!!
I’m in. To see yourself as God sees you spoke to me.
I am praying for my purpose in life. I am going through the empty nest and find nothing that I used to love like gardening, baking, cooking etc is doing it for me. So I am definitely stuck. But also I am stuck in the past cause when my daughter was 15, she caused many problems and blamed my husband and I for things that never happened and then she moved out -but she is still my daughter and now it is 15 yrs later. I miss her in my life but not the trouble. I have written notes and received a few kind ones back but that was maybe 5 yrs ago. I have only seen her once in all the yrs and that was my Father’s funeral. I do have 3 amazing sons God has blessed us with. I Thankyou for this amazing giveaway. Good Bless you
UNSTUCK….I’m ready 😉
Made a big mess…have been diligently cleaning it up…want to learn how to get back in the game…
Praises go up so blessings come down…thank you for all you do to assist those of us moving beyond being stuck in the muck <3
Pat, I loved the comparison with the soap suds. The point I most connected with was #3 The purpose of life is a life of purpose. So many times I get caught up on living for tomorrow that I can miss the blessing God has for me today. Thank you for the reminder!
I’m in.
I am stuck with what I did in the past. I married a man who did not love God at the time. Now he does but not with the passion I had hoped….so I felt God is punishing me for all problems I have now because of the decision to marry my husband knowing I should not.
I’m all in. Numbers 1 & 2 are the ones that spoke to me. It was by working through the old pains in Celebrate Recovery I was able to not just let go, but seek & understand forgiveness. It was also where I finally understood I needed & wanted to be God’s girl, not someone else’s version of who I was supposed to be. It was so free-ing! All four points are integrated one into another. Thank you for sharing. This book will need to be added to my reading list.
I’m in. The 1st point sticks with me the most. So many times I see myself as not good enough, and I know that God doesn’t see me that way. I do know to turn to God when life gets crazy though.
I know exactly what you mean! How often do we, especially women I think, say we aren’t worthy?! I have to remind myself that when I feel unworthy of His love & forgiveness, I am telling Him that He died for nothing. I AM WORTHY… YOU ARE WORTHY! We are both sinners and imperfect children of God and that’s what makes US MORE THAN WORTHY! (We can remind each other!!)
See yourself as God sees you! I have to often remind myself of who I am in Christ.
I’m in. #3. I’ve been praying about this for a year now. So many life changes at once. Mostly, going from a homeschool mom to a mom of grown ladies. But, finding life’s purpose again. I lost my joy when I lost my purpose. I just want to be useful for God. Thank you for sharing!!!
Sherry – I’m about to enter the empty nest season in a few short days. God has much good ahead for both of us! With open hands and hearts, He will speak to us our next steps in life!
Number 2 is uncomfortable for me. This is why I need to return so that I can be set free.
God is where we get our strength. He is where we find our purpose and fuel our passion. He is where we get our direction and our provision. He is ultimately where we find our completed intimacy. No man is big enough, smart enough, strong enough or faithful enough. Only God can meet our needs through face-to-face encounters with Him, through His Word and His Spirit.
Oh how true! My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident in April and the struggles you face are unbearable! We was my best friend but I know through our faith that we will meet again…..
Oh my Liz, my heart breaks for you.
I am so very blessed to know God used my words to help keep yours strong in Him!
Some things seems too hurtful to take in—but God!!!
I am praying for your peace right now as I write!
I’m in for sure! This post came at just the right time!
Both points #1 & # 2 were meaningful to my present position in my journey. I have a hard time appreciating myself and when I truly think about it, that’s got to be disappointing to my Father. I am reminded that He created me and loves His work. He has a wonderful plan for me if only I allow Him to lead the way! My past is a HUGE reason why I have trouble in my present moments. I am not going to dramatize my life and put it all out there for others. I am not seeking pity, just prayers! We all have things in our lives that change who we are and if I look around, I can always find someone worse off than me!
God is so amazing and His grace is enough! Thank you for sharing Psalm 139 today… for following His lead so that others, like myself, can hear His message today!
The first point definitely for me. I struggle with this very much and I want my girls to know more than anything that God loves them even more than their father and I do and that they never have to settle for something the world gives or what someone says about them. Much of my life has been a struggle with low self confidence and I want to much for my girls to not have to fight such a battle.
AMEN Stacy!
Such a wonderful dream for our sons and daughters!
I have made the same commitment to reflect a GOD CONFIDENCE for my children to see.
I love the quote my mentor shared with me years ago–“you can’t give out what you do not have”.
Good challenge for us all right?!!
#1 see yourself as God sees you. I’m constantly wanting to get confirmation that God sees me and knows my name. A year ago I thought I had to have it all right and if I messed up then he loved me less. Glory to God that after some good literature and lysa book’s and devotional, I know now that I’m wonderfully created and he knows my name since he created me in my mother’s womb. I’m important and set apart for greatness cause that’s how he sees me.
I am stuck….and I am IN to see what God will do to get me unstuck!
I AM IN!!! 2) Sometimes we have to go back to get ahead! (Psalm 139: 7-12)
I am SO stuck in the past…..
Fingers crossed – hands folded..
God Bless YOU!
“The Purpose of life is a life of Purpose” resonates with me. I’ve been a Christian for almost 50 years and He’s go something new for me to do ‘coming right up’. It’s always exciting to see where God leads us and what His next ‘assignment’ for us is, whether it be a short-lived ‘divine appointment’ or a new ‘life calling’.
Thanks for this today!
Number 2 resonates with me – Sometimes we have to go back to get ahead! It amazes me how often I need to go back and process past experiences with God’s guidance – to forgive, to heal, to learn, to process emotions that I didn’t even know were hiding under the surface. But every time I do that hard, grueling, emotional work – Number 1 becomes more real to me. So, Number 1 is where I get stuck – it’s so hard to imagine a God who is crazy about little old nerdy me with a long life of mishaps and mistakes. And, my purpose today is to speak peacefully and encouragingly as we reassemble our backyard “pool of despair” in time for my daughter’s high school grad party.
I can relate to the Second point. We are in the mist of intense family issues and we need to go back to move forward.
Seeing myself as God sees me
i’m in
#4 Identifying my passion! Would love the book.
#3 is so important. Keep an eternal perspective and everything else seems to fall into place
I’m in! #4 is what stuck with me.
I have a hard time remembering point #1.
This has been my prayer . . . for God to lead me in the job that is mine. In the meantime, my prayer is to learn all I need to know for that job daily. I would appreciate the encouraging words in the book. Thank you.
I am in the same position. I need a job, but one that fits with my values and gifting.
All of them. I’ve been “stuck” for awhile.
For me it’s all of the above!
I want to see myself as God sees me!
I long to see myself as God sees me.
The Purpose of life is a life of Purpose! (Psalm 139:13-18)
Lately I’ve been so focused on the past and the future that I’m forgetting to recognize what God is doing in my life right now. I’ve been so worried getting prepared for Vacation Bible School, that I don’t even spend time daily in the word and with God. I tend to hold a lot of regret for things in my past and right now especially. It is time to take a look at my life and start realizing how he is working now in my life. Stop worrying about the future, forget about the past, and be thankful for the now.
Recently having lost my brother unexpectedly at the young age of 40, I have found it extremely difficult thinking about the future. Not only was he my best friend but he was my mentor, my boss, and my go to person when I faced difficult decisions. So when I read this #3 really hit home: “Purpose of life is a life of Purpose! (Psalm 139:13-18)
Embrace what God is doing in your life right now—today! Not looking at the past or even the future but what is He doing Today?
What is His assignment for me today?”
This helps me to realize that taking one day at a time is okay and actually what I should be doing because tomorrow is never promised. Thank you for these words.
Dear Sarah Anne, You are finding your purpose and your peace. So thankful you are running to our only source of hope!
#1 See yourself as God sees you. Oh yes, I’m in!!! 🙂
Where do I even start…..
OK… well I have been getting devotions for years from Proverbs 31 Ministries and never really ventured further than the end of each devotion.
Today though, I read Who Am I Becoming? by Lynn Ciwell and was really inspired to continue reading. And if God wasn’t amazing enough with Lynn inspiring that, I also read Pat’s article and even wrote pages long in answer to the questions:
Who are you?
What do you love?
What makes your heart soar?
What makes you happy? Sad? Hurt?
..and experienced a wonderful freedom and I am truly grateful.
God is good. I am a mother of five with my eldest being 12 and the youngest coming in at 3. Reading two articles back to back is in and of itself a miracle. But the bigger one is definitely the blessing to see that we don’t ever have to be stuck and that we don’t have to look behind or in the future, but at what God is doing right now. There is such a freedom in that word.
I cracked up too with visions of Pat’s “Joy” running over. lol. I’ve done loads of Splainin’ in my time too. lololol.
I could go on and on but let me just say thank you. Truly. Thanks for translating God’s word straight into my spirit in such a well written way. May He continue to use and bless you as He turns your Passion into His passionate pursuit. 🙂
Definitely they all hit me and my heart, but I need to embrace each day as having a pupose… Not any purpose, but to bring Glory to God…that point makes me realize that it’s easy to get caught in the monotony of each day without stopping to ask, what can I do to serve and Honor Him.
I’m stuck and i’m having a hard time leaving-there are so many reasons to go and non really to stay
Jesus, Sherri needs your wisdom, strength and courage. Whisper to her heart Your truth today. Amen
I’m in.
I’m all in! Thank you for the inspirational message. I am “SO STUCK” at this point in my life. I lost my job at the first of the year after 24 years with the same company. I have so many emotions and feelings swirling around in my head it’s hard to think.
I feel this has been a transition ordained by God, however I can’t see the beauty & self worth in myself that I know God does.
I need God to help me with all four of the points. I am seeking for God to to help me to become more Christ like
#2 To deal with things in the past I have always just put it in the back of my mind and “forgot” about. Here recently I have been visited by the past and the scar is rubbing open. It is at the breaking point but I keep putting a bandaid on it. I need to deal with it but that is a lot of pain and sorrow. I was enjoying my joy not wanting to look back.
I think I would say the second. God is having me take a look again at something’s that happened during my teenage years. I have been feeling the tug to work with teens.
Going back to get ahead…that is one thing I pray about daily. As the survivor of abuse inflicted by a parent, I struggle with revisiting that time in my life. Forgiveness was a gift only His word and love provided. “Forget about it”, is the advice I’ve been given that I can’t accept. I don’t want to forget. I’d like to learn how to better use this time in my life & my experiences to help someone.
Thank you!
This looks amazing. Stuck is a good way to describe my life right now. So I know that seeing myself as God sees me is what I need to do. To think on what is true instead of thinking on the lies that enemy wants me to believe.
Points 1, 2 and 4. Confirmation for me from a conversation I had this week.
I’m in!
And…I’m stuck.
Apparently, I’m so stuck I was late coming to this party to enter! :} But even if I don’t win I’m grateful that I read this post today. It is a God-send for a girl stuck in the mud.
I’m in!
#2. I need to get beyond how I see my past and not let it stay rooted…weeding and pruning hurts that need to finally be uprooted. I desire to become what He purposes for me, to be available to others in growing up rooted in Him.
I have taught the Fruit of the Spirit to my girls and while I see growth in some virtues others have not matured in them yet. And as I think of the areas where they can grow I too see in myself where I am still a work in progress. I’m so thankful that GOD is patient, kind, gentle, loving, faithful, joyful, peaceful, good, humble, and has self-control.
I’m in
First point, I need to see myself as God sees me. Not as critically as I see myself.
Both points 1 and 2 speak especially to me. I am deeply struggling with some past family hurts, and have been in prayer diligently for God’s mercy and grace, and for Him to bring me through it. I am part of ” The Mended Heart” online study, and it is wonderful and helpful, but I am REALLY stuck trying to forgive some rejection and abandonment issues from my past. Although, as Suzie says, ” It’s a process.” I would love to win this, but just found out about it today. Thank you for doing this; it is such a blessing and an encouragement to us all!
I haven’t chosen a winner yet, so you’re in, Michele 🙂
Thanks, Lynn!
I’m in!! I’m stuck on feeling I have to be perfect!!
I’m in – thanks!
Moving from a emotional and verbally abusive childhood to marrying two men who have and are “triggering” my sensitive soul, I get stuck on trust and feelings of being unworthy. I am fifty four years old and through trials in my life, I am beginning to crawl out of the mud and muck within my life. I am using these trials to learn more about myself and discover God’s presence within my life. Your four points are a gentle reminder of how God’s goodness can wash away what feels “dirty” in our lives. Thank you for your inspirational thoughts today.
I am in. Right now I feel so broken physically, mentally and spiritually. At times I feel like Humpy Dumpy who has taken a great fall and shattered all to piece with no one to put me together again. Right now, I need God to mend this broken vessel, me.
Jesus, you know the mending Debbie needs. You died not only to forgive us for our sins, but to make us whole. Finish the good work you have started, Lord. Amen
The first point really struck me because I have been too busy to think about how God sees me or how he wants to use me. I recently started working full time, and I am married with children, so trying to balance it all day after day puts me in survival mode. We are also in the middle of moving so I have not had time to think deeply about anything but we are on vacation for a few days which has given me time to reflect. I thank God for that. Psalm 139 from the first point is one of my favorite verses too, something I pray when I don’t know what else to say.
The fourth point struck me. Only God can make us whole and he is the only one who is perfect and enough. Through Christ I can be made whole. Thank you for sharing.
I want to see myselfasGod sees me. Much as I try ,I always seem to fall short when extending grace to myself!
I can relate to all four points. I’ve felt stuck in my life for a long time. I’ve lived with severe chronic pain for many years and have struggled physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My life has been in a holding pattern for so long and I really want to trust God in the midst of this and surrender to His will. Yet, I’m curious and uncertain of whether there are any ways or areas of my life that could be less stuck or unstuck, considering my chronic pain and circumstances limit me so much. Thank you so much for doing this great giveaway!
Seeing myself as God sees me and having to go back to get ahead.
My grandaughter and I our in!