Grace, Grace, Grace

Twenty five degrees hotter! Can you believe it? It is 25 degrees hotter here in Charlotte than only a couple of hours away in Cashiers, North Carolina. My family had a wonderful time doing not much of anything last week – such a wonderful thing in this crazy, busy world we spin in today.

Each morning I got up to nothing…no cars, no cell phone reception; just quiet. I started my time each morning in the book of John and saw some incredible things I had never seen before! If you would like to join me in this study, I would love to have you come along!

Day one the word I got was grace. John 1:16 “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” NIV

I went to a conference in June called She Speaks
At the beginning of the conference,Renee Swope said that the one thing we were all going to have for each other was grace, grace, grace. What is grace? Grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Kindness when we are unkind. Mercy instead of punishment. Patience when we are annoying. It is out of His grace to us – giving us every day what we do not deserve – that we receive one blessing after another.

So, who in my life can I extend this grace, that has been shown to me, to? My husband when he comes home from work exhausted or discouraged and needs a rest? My kids when they once again leave their “stuff” strewn through the house? The lady trying to scan the groceries but just can’t seem to remember the bar code for shitake mushrooms? Maybe it is myself when I blow it once again?

Check out John 1 today and see what is your word that the Holy Spirit will speak to you today! It is so exciting to read a book that speaks to each person exactly what they need. Please click on comments below and share with us what He speaks to you!


One Comment

  1. "Grace" – such a beautiful word. I want to be a woman of grace, Growing, Rejoicing, Abiding, Committing and Encouraging!

    Already this morning, the illustration you mentioned happened to me. The lady at the check-out counter was the SLOWEST person I have ever seen. After she scanned all my groceries then she started to pack them in the bins I had brought. I wanted to help her, but didn't want to look like I thought she was incompetant either. So, I chatted pleasantly to her and told her what a great job she was doing, thanking her when each bin was filled. Not always easy when life is so often lived in the fast-lane. Thanks for this reminder to continue to extend grace to others today as I head to work.

    Glad you had such a great holiday!
    Love & prayers,

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